Research Directions
Central theme: Quantitative molecular imaging instrumentation and physics research
Descriptions of selected current and past projects supported by major funding agencies: ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 )
Recent Key References (PRL PubMed search)
U. M. Shrestha, H. D. Chae, Q. Fang, R. J. Lee, J. Packiasamy, L. Huynh, J. Blecha, T. L. Huynh, H. F. VanBrocklin, J. Levi, and Y. Seo, A feasibility study of [18]F-AraG positron emission tomography (PET) for cardiac imaging – myocardial viability in ischemia-reperfusion injury model, Molecular Imaging and Biology 26, 869-878, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 26, 2024) [Abstract]
R. Peter, A. P. Bidkar, K. N. Bobba, L. Zerefa, C. Dasari, N. Meher, A. Wadhwa, A. Oskowitz, B. Liu, B. W. Miller, K. Vetter, R. R. Flavell, and Y. Seo, 3D small-scale dosimetry and tumor control of 225Ac radiopharmaceuticals for prostate cancer, Scientific Reports 14, 19938, 2024. [Abstract]
J. Caravaca, K. N. Bobba, S. Du, R. Peter, G. T. Gullberg, A. P. Bidkar, R. R. Flavell, and Y. Seo, A technique to quantify very low activities in regions of interest with a collimatorless detector, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 43, 2745-2757, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 18, 2024) [Abstract]
N. Meher, G. W. Ashley, K. N. Bobba, A. Wadhwa, A. P. Bidkar, C. Dasari, C. Mu, R. A. Sankaranarayanan, J. A. Camara Serrano, A.Raveendran, D. P. Bulkley, R. Aggarwal, N. Y. Greenland, A. Oskowitz, D. M. Wilson, Y. Seo, D. V. Santi, H. F. VanBrocklin, and R. R. Flavell, Prostate-specific membrane antigen targeted starPEG nanocarrier for imaging and therapy of prostate cancer. Advanced Healthcare Materials 13, e2304618, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 3, 2024) [Abstract]
D. Diwanji, E. Carrodeguas, Y. Seo, H. Kang, M. H. Soe, J. Chiang, L. Zhang, C. Liu, S. Behr, and R. R. Flavell, Comparative uptake patterns of radioactive iodine and [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) in metastatic differentiated thyroid cancers, Journal of Clinical Medicine 13, 3693, 2024.[Abstract]
M. J. Peluso, D. M. Ryder, R. R. Flavell, Y. Wang, J. Levi, B. H. LaFranchi, T. M. Deveau, A. M. Buck, S., E. Munter, K. A. Asare, M. Aslam, W. Koch, G. Szabo, R. Hoh, M. Deswal, A. E. Rodriguez, M. Buitrago, V. Tai, U. Shrestha, S. Lu, S. A. Goldberg, T. Dalhuisen, J. J. Vasquez, M. S. Durstenfeld, P. Y. Hsue, J. D. Kelly, N. Kumar, J. N. Martin, A. Gambir, M. Somsouk, Y. Seo, S. G. Deeks, Z. G. Laszik, H. F. VanBrocklin, and T. J. Henrich, Tissue-based T cell activation and viral RNA persist for up to 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection, Science Translational Medicine 16, eadk3295, 2024. [Abstract]
J. Levi, C. Guglielmetti, T. J. Henrich, J. C. Yoon, P. C. Gokhale, D. A. Reardon, J. Packiasamy, L. Huynh, H. Cabrera, M. Ruzevich, J. Blecha, M. J. Peluso, T. L. Huynh, S. M. An, M. Dornan, A. P. Belanger, Q. D. Nguyen, Y. Seo, H. Song, M. M. Chaumeil, H. F. VanBrocklin, and H. D. Chae, [18F]F-AraG imaging reveals association between neuroinflammation and brown- and bone marrow adipose tissue, Communications Biology 7, 793, 2024. [Abstract]
Kumar P, et al. EJNMMI Res 2024.
P. Kumar, J. Koach, E. Nekritz, S. Mukherjee, B. S. Braun, S. G. DuBois, N. Nasholm, D. Haas-Kogan, K. K. Matthay, W. A. Weiss, C. Gustafson, and Y. Seo, Aurora kinase A inhibition enhances DNA damage and tumor cell death with 131I-MIBG therapy in high-risk neuroblastoma, EJNMMI Res 14, 54, 2024. [Abstract]
B. Kline, S. Yadav, Y. Seo, R. C. Ippisch, J. Castillo, R. R. Aggarwal, R. K. Kelley, S. C. Behr, R. R. Flavell, C. Lawhn-Heath, M. Melisko, H. S. Rugo, V. Wang, S. S. Yom, P. Ha, F. Jiang, and T. A. Hope, 68Ga-FAP-2286 PET of solid tumors: Biodistribution, dosimetry, and comparison with 18F-FDG, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 65, 938-943, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 2, 2024) [Abstract]
D. Diwanji, N. Y. Onish, D. K. Hathi, C. Lawhn-Heath, J. Kornak, W. Li, D. C. Newitt, R. Guo, J. Molina-Vega, Y. Seo, R. R. Flavell, D. Heditisian, S. Brain, L. J. Esserman, B. N. Joe, N. M. Hylton, E. F. Jones, and K. M. Ray, 18F-FDG dedicated breast PET is complementary to breast MRI in evaluating early response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Radiology Imaging Cancer 6, e230082, 2024. [Abstract]
K. N. Bobba, A. P. Bidkar, A. Wadhwa, N. Meher, S. Drona, A. M. Sorlin, S. Bidlingmaier, L. Zhang, D. M. Wilson, E. Chan, N. Y. Greenland, R. Aggarwal, H. F. VanBrocklin, J. He, J. Chou, Y. Seo, B. Liu, and R. R. Flavell, Development of CD46 targeted alpha theranostics in prostate cancer using 134Ce/225Ac-Macropa-PEG4-YS5, Theranostics 14, 1344-1360, 2024. [Abstract]
P. Ramesh, D. Ruan, S. J. Liu, Y. Seo, S. Braunstein, and K. Sheng, Hypoxia informed RBE-weighted beam orientation optimization for intensity modulated proton therapy, Medical Physics 51, 2320-2333, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 12, 2024) [Abstract]
K. Lee, R. Lall, S. Chopra, M. J. Evans, M. M. Maharbiz, Y. Seo, and M. Anwar, SENTRI: Single-particle energy transducer for radionuclide injections for personalized targeted radionuclide cancer radiotherapy, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 118, 1575-1584, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 18, 2023) [Abstract]
A. Wadhwa, S. Wang, B. Patino-Escobar, A. P. Bidkar, K. N. Bobba, E. Chan, N. Meher, S. Bidlingmaier, Y. Su, S. Drona, H. Geng, V. Sarin, H. F. VanBrocklin, D. M. Wilson, J. He, L. Zhang, V. Steri, S. W. Wong, T. G. Martin, Y. Seo, B. Liu, A. P. Wiita, and R. R. Flavell, CD46-targeted theranostics for positron emission tomography and 225Ac-radiopharmaceutical therapy of multiple myeloma, Clinical Cancer Research 30, 1009-1021, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 18, 2023) [Abstract]
R. K. Lall, K. Lee, S. Chopra, A. Kandala, M. J. Evans, Y. Seo, A. M. Niknejad, and M. Anwar, Low cost, high temporal resolution optical fiber-based gamma-photon sensor for real-time pre-clinical evaluation of cancer-targeting radiopharmaceuticals, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 247, 115956, 2024. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 20, 2023) [Abstract]
S. H. Lee, J. M. Kim, M. Lopez-Alvarez, C. Wang, A. M. Sorlin, K. N. Bobba, P. A. Pichardo Gonzalez, J. Blecha, Y. Seo, R. R. Flavell, J. Engel, M. A. Ohliger, and D. M. Wilson, Imaging the bacterial cell wall using N-acetyl muramic acid-derived positron emission tomography radiotracers. ACS Sensors 8, 4554-4565, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 22, 2023) [Abstract]
Y. Zheng, E. A. Frame, J. Caravaca, G. T. Gullberg, K. Vetter, and Y. Seo, A generalization of the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) method: Masked-MLEM. Physics in Medicine and Biology 68, 245014, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 2, 2023) [Abstract]
J. J. Mayfield, J. Bogomolovas, M. R. Abraham, K. Sullivan, Y. Seo, F. Sheikh, and M. Scheinman, Recurrent myocarditis in patients with desmosomal pathogenic variants: Is self antigen presentation the link? JACC Clin Electrophysiol 9, 2024-2033, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 19, 2023) [Abstract]
P. C. Klauser, S. Chopra, L. Cao, K. N. Bobba, B. Yu, Y. Seo, E. Chan, R. R. Flavell, M. J. Evans, and L. Wang, Covalent proteins as targeted radionuclide therapies enhance antitumor effects, ACS Central Science 9, 1241-2151, 2023. [Abstract]
K. N. Bobba, A. P. Bidkar, N. Meher, C. Fong, A. Wadwa, S. Dhrona, A. Sorlin, S. Bidlingmaier, B. Shuere, J. He, D. M. Wilson, B. Liu, Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, and R. R. Flavell, Evaluation of 134Ce/134La as a PET imaging theranostic pair for 225Ac alpha-radiotherapeutics, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 64, 1076-1082, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 18, 2023) [Abstract]
J. H. Sohn, S. C. Behr, M. Hernandez Pampaloni, and Y. Seo, Quantitative assessment of myocardial ischemia with PET, Journal of Thoracic Imaging 38, 247-259, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on January 22, 2021) [Abstract]
Y. Huh, J. Caravaca Rodriguez, J. Kim, Y. Cui, Q. Huang, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo Y, Simulation studies of a full-ring, CZT SPECT system for whole-body imaging of 99mTc and 177Lu, Medical Physics 50, 3726-3737, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 14, 2023) [Abstract]
A. P. Bidkar, S. Wang, K. N. Bobba, E. Chan, S. Bidlingmaier, E. Egusa, R. Peter, U. Ali, N. Meher, A. Wadhwa, S. Dhrona, C. Dasari, D. Beckford-Vera, Y. Su, R. Tang, L. Zhang, J. He, D. M. Wilson, R. Aggarwal, H. F. VanBrocklin, Y. Seo, J. Chou, B. Liu, and R. R. Flavell, Treatment of prostate cancer with CD46 targeted 225Ac alpha particle radioimmunotherapy, Clinical Cancer Research 29, 1916-1928, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 14, 2023) [Abstract]
Kim SJW, et al. Front Med 2023.
S. J. W. Kim, J. M. Lupo, Y. Chen, M. H. Pampaloni, H. F. VanBrocklin, J. Narvid, H. Kim, and Y. Seo, Quantitative assessment of cerebrovascular malformations using flutriciclamide ([18F]GE-180) PET/MRI, Frontiers in Medicine 10, 1091463, 2023. [Abstract]
J. Li, T. Huang, J. Hua, Q. Wang, Y. Su, P. Chen, S. Bidlingmaier, A. Li, Z. Xie, A. Bidkar, S. Shen, W. Shi, Y. Seo, R. R. Flavell, D. Gioeli, R. Dreicer, H. Li, B. Liu, and J. He, CD46 targeted 212Pb alpha particle radioimmunotherapy for prostate cancer treatment, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 42, 61, 2023. [Abstract]
Midha AD, et al. Cell Metab 2023.
A. D. Midha, Y. Zhou, B. B. Queliconi, A. M. Barrios, H. F. VanBrocklin, Y. Seo, and I. H. Jain, Organ-specific fuel rewiring in acute and chronic hypoxia redistributes glucose and fatty acid metabolism, Cell Metabolism 35, 504-516,2023. [Abstract]
Y. Zheng, K. Vetter, Y. Huh, and Y. Seo, Simultaneous imaging of 68Ga-DOTA-TATE and 177Lu-DOTAT-TATE in murine models of neuroblastoma, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 7, 75-82, 2023. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 26, 2022) [Abstract]
Caravaca J, et al. IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci 2022.
J. Caravaca Rodriguez, Y. Huh, Y. Zheng, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Compton and proximity imaging of 225Ac in vivo with a CZT gamma camera: A proof of principle with simulations, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 6, 904-915, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 11, 2022) [Abstract]
J. Caravaca, R. Peter, J. Yang, C. Gunther J. A. Camara Serrano, C. Nostrand, V. Steri, and Y. Seo, Comparison and calibration of dose delivered by 137Cs and x-ray irradiators in mice. Phys Med Biol 67, 225017, 2022. [Abstract]
N. Meher, G. W. Ashley, A. P. Bidkar, S. Dhrona, C. Fong, S. D. Fontaine, D. R. Beckford Vera, D. M. Wilson, Y. Seo, D. V. Santi, H. F. VanBrocklin, and R. R. Flavell RR, Prostate-specific membrane antigen targeted deep-tumor penetration of polymer nanodrugs, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14, 50569-50582, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 1, 2022) [Abstract]
W. Tao, D. Rohmer, G. T. Gullberg, Y. Seo, and Q. Huang, An analytical algorithm for tensor tomography from projections acquired about three axes, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41, 3154-3472, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 1, 2022) [Abstract]
Peter R, et al. Sci Rep 2022.
R. Peter, B. M. Sandmaier, M. P. Dion, S. H. L. Frost, E. B. Santos, A. Kenoyer, D. K. Hamlin, D. S. Wilbur, R. D. Stewart, D. R. Fisher, K. Vetter, Y. Seo, and B. W. Miller, Small-scale (sub-organ and cellular level) alpha-particle dosimetry methods using an iQID digital autoradiography imaging system, Scientific Reports 12, 17934, 2022. [Abstract]
I. Polvoy, Y. Seo, M. Parker, M. Stewart, K. Siddiqua, M. S. Manacsa, V. Ravanfar, J. Blecha, T. Hope, H. VanBrocklin, R. R. Flavell, J. Barry, E. Hansen, J. Engel, O. S. Rosenberg, D. M. Wilson, and M. A. Ohliger, D-[methyl-11C]methione PET/MRI in humans – An innovative approach for imaging bacterial infection, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 49, 3761-3771, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on June 23, 2022) [Abstract]
J. Levi, H. Duan, S. Yaghoubi, J. Packiasamy, L. Huynh, T. Lam, F. Shaikh, D. Behera, H. Song, J. Blecha, S. Jivan, Y. Seo, and H. F. VanBrocklin, Biodistribution of a radiolabeled nucleoside analog, [18F]F-AraG, in humans, Molecular Imaging 2022, 3667417, 2022. [Abstract]
M. Torkaman, J. Yang, L. Shi, R. Wang, E. J. Miller, A. J. Sinusas, C. Liu, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Data management and network architecture effect on performance variability in direct attenuation correction via deep learning for cardiac SPECT: A feasibility study, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 6, 755-765, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 24, 2021) [Abstract]
N. Zhao, S. Chopra, K. Trepka, Y. H. Wang, S. Sakhamuri, N. Hooshdaran, H. Kim, J. Zhuo, K .K. Leung, E. A. Egusa, J. Zhu, L. Zhang, A. Foye, R. Sriram, E. Chan, Y. Seo, F. Y. Feng, E. J. Small, J. Chou, J. A. Wells, R. Aggarwal, and M. J. Evans. CUB domain containing protein 1 (CDCP1) is a target for radioligand therapy in castration resistant prostate cancer including PSMA null disease, Clinical Cancer Research 28, 3066-3075, 2022. [Abstract]
G. R. Chaudhari, T. Liu, T. L. Chen, G. B. Joseph, M. Vella, Y. J. Lee, T. H. Vu, Y. Seo, A. Rauschecker, C. E. McCulloch, and J. H. Sohn, Application of a domain-specific BERT for detection of speech recognition errors in radiology reports. Radiology Artificial Intelligence 4, 3210185, 2022. [Abstract]
Seo Y, et al. Mol Imaging 2022.
Y. Seo, M. Craig, S. T. Murphy, J. Feng, X. Chen, and M. Yuneva, [18F]-(2S,4R)4-fluoroglutamine PET imaging of glutamine metabolism in murine models of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), Molecular Imaging 2022, 5185951, 2022. [Abstract]
Y. Huh, U. M. Shrestha, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Monte Carlo simulation and reconstruction: Assessment of myocardial perfusion imaging of tracer dynamics with cardiac motion due to deformation and respiration using gamma camera with continuous acquisition, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9, 871967, 2022. [Abstract]
A. Gandhi, R. Tang, Y. Seo, and A. Bhargava, Organ-specific glucose uptake: Does sex matter? Cells 11, 2217, 2022. [Abstract]
S. Srirangapatanam, M. Kang, Y. Ellenkiotis, N. Foreman, A. Jheon, S. Kapila, H. S. Swana, Y. Seo, M. L. Stoller, and S. P. Ho, Standardization of mineral density maps of physiologic and pathologic biominerals in humans using cone-beam CT and microCT, Dental Materials 38, 989-1003, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 13, 2022) [Abstract]
J. H. Sohn, Y. Chen, D. Lituiev, J. Yang, K. Ordovas, D. Hadley, TH Vu, BL Franc, and Y. Seo, Prediction of future healthcare expenses of patients from chest radiographs using deep learning: A pilot study, Scientific Reports 12, 8344, 2022. [Abstract]
G. Liu, D. Mitra, M. Poon, M. A. Zapala, W. C. Temple, K. T. Vo, K. K. Matthay, and Y. Seo, Incorporating radiomics into machine learning models to predict outcomes of neuroblastoma, Journal of Digital Imaging 35, 605-612, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 2, 2022) [Abstract]
V. Shah, Y. R. Chillakuru, A. Rybkin, Y. Seo, T. Vu, and J. H. Sohn, Algorithmic prediction of delayed radiology turn-around-time during non-business hours. Academic Radiology 29, e82-e90, 2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on June 27, 2021) [Abstract]
D. R. Beckford-Vera, R. R. Flavell, Y. Seo, E. Martinez-Ortiz, M. Aslam, C. Thanh, E. Ferhman, M. Pardons, S. Kumar, A. N. Deitchman, V. Ravanfar, B. Schulte, I. W. K. Wu, T. Pan, J. D. Reeves, C. C. Nixon, N. S. Iyer, L. Torres, S. E. Munter, T. Hyunh, C. J. Petropoulos, R. Hoh, B. L. Franc, L. Gama, R. A. Koup, J. R. Mascola, N. Chomont, S. G. Deeks, H. F. VanBrocklin, and T. J. Henrich, First-in-human immunoPET imaging of HIV-1 infection using 89Zr-labeled VRC01 broadly neutralizing antibody, Nature Communications 13, 1219, 2022. [Abstract]
G. R. Chaudhari, Y. R. Chhillakuru, T. L. Chen, V. Pedoia, T. H. Vu, C. P. Hess, Y. Seo, and JH. Sohn, Clinical language search algorithm from free-text: Facilitating appropriate imaging, BMC Medical Imaging 22, 18, 2022. [Abstract]
C. Lawhn-Heath, T. A. Hope, J. Martinez, E. K. Fung, J. Shin, Y. Seo, and R. R. Flavell, Dosimetry in radionuclide therapy: The clinical role of measuring radiation dose, Lancet Oncology 23, e75-e87, 2022. [Abstract]
B. Wang, P. Ustriyana, C. S. Tam, J. D. Lin, S. Srirangapatanam, Y. Kapila, M. I. Ryder, S. Webb, Y. Seo, and S. P. Ho, Functional adaptation of LPS-affected dentoalveolar fibrous joints in rats, Journal of Periodontal Research 57, 131-141,2022. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 28, 2021) [Abstract]
G. T. Gullberg, U. Shrestha, S. J. W. Kim, Y. Seo, and M. Fuller, X-ray bi-prism interferometry – A design study with proposed novel hardware, Medical Physics 48, 6508-6523, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on September 23, 2021) [Abstract]
W. Tao, Y. Sung, S. J. W. Kim, Q. Huang, G. T. Gullberg, Y. Seo, and M. Fuller, Tomography of dark-field scatter including single-exposure Moire fringe analysis of X-ray biprism interferometry – A simulation study, Medical Physics 48, 6293-6311, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 18, 2021) [Abstract]
Yang J, et al. J Nucl Med 2021.
J. Yang, L. Shi, R. Wang, E. J. Miller, A. J. Sinusas, C. Liu, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Direct attenuation correction using deep learning for cardiac SPECT: A feasibility study, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 62, 1645-1652, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 26, 2021) [Abstract]
E. Paulo, Y. Zhang, R. Masand, T. L. Huynh, Y. Seo, D. L. Swaney, M. Soucherary, E. Stevenson, D. Jimenez-Morales, N. J. Krogan, and B. Wang, Brown adipocyte ATF4 activation improves thermoregulation and systemic metabolism, Cell Reports 36, 109742, 2021. [Abstract]
T. S. Pearson, N. Gupta, W. San Sebastian, J. Imamura-Ching, A. Viehoever, A. Grijalvo-Perez, A. J. Fay, N. Seth, S. M. Lundy, Y. Seo, M. Pampaloni, K. Hyland, E. Smith, G. de Oliveira Barbosa, A. Minnema, R. Lonser, J. B. Elder, J. Leonard, P. Larson, and K. S. Bankiewicz, Gene therapy for aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency by MR-guided direct delivery of AAV2-AADC to midbrain dopaminergic neurons, Nature Communications 12, 4251, 2021. [Abstract]
N. Zhao, Y. Huang, Y. H. Wang, R. K. Muir, Y. C. Chen, J. Wei, P. Viswanath, Y. Seo, D. Ruggero. A. R. Renslo, and M. J. Evans, Ferronostics: Measuring tumoral ferrous iron with PET to predict sensitivity to iron-targeted cancer therapies, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 62, 949-955, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 27, 2020) [Abstract]
Y. R. Chillakuru, J. H. Sohn, S. M. Munjal, B. Laguna, T. Chen, G. R. Chaudhari, T. H. Vu, Y. Seo, and J. Narvid, Development and web deployment of au automated neuroradiology MRI protocoling tool with natural language processing, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 21, 213, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 12, 2021) [Abstract]
G. Liu, D. Mitra, E. F. Jones, B. L. Franc, S. C. Behr, A. Nguyen, M. S. Bolouri, D. J. Wisner, B. N. Joe, L. J. Esserman, N. M. Hylton, and Y. Seo, Mask-guided convolutional neural network for breast tumor prognostic outcome prediction on 3D DCE-MR images, Journal of Digital Imaging 34, 630-636, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 22, 2021) [Abstract]
Y. R. Chilakuru, K. Kranen, V. Doppalapudi, Z. Xiong, L. Fu, A. Heydari, A. Sheth, Y. Seo, T. Vu, and J. H. Sohn, High precision localization of pulmonary nodules on chest CT utilizing axial slice number labels, BMC Medical Imaging 21, 66, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 9, 2021) [Abstract]
M. Torkaman, J. Yang, L. Shi, R. Wang, E. J. Miller, A. J. Sinusas, C. Liu, G. T. Gullberg, Y. Seo, Direct image-based attenuation correction using conditional generative adversarial network for SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging, Proceedings of SPIE 11600, 116000U, 2021. [Abstract]
Huh Y, et al. Med Phys 2021.
Y. Huh, J. Yang, D. Odera, Y. Cui, Q. Huang, W. Tao, G. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Evaluation of a variable-aperture full-ring SPECT using large-area pixelated CZT modules: A simulation study for brain SPECT applications. Medical Physics 48, 2301-2314, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 11, 2021) [Abstract]
G. T. Gullberg, U. M. Shrestha, A. I. Veress, W. P. Segars, J. Liu, K. Ordovas, and Seo Y, Novel methodology for measuring regional myocardial efficiency, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40, 1711-1725, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 10, 2021) [Abstract]
Y. Huang, N. Zhao, Y. H. Wang, C. Truillet, J. Wei, M. F. L. Parker, J. E. Blecha, C. R. Drake, H. F. VanBrocklin, D. G. Ruiz, M. P. Jacobson, R. Aggarwal, S. C. Behr, R. R. Flavell, D. M. Wilson, Y. Seo, and M. J. Evans, The synthesis and structural requirements for measuring glucocorticoid receptor expression in vivo with (+/-)-11C-YJH08 PET, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 62, 723-731, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on September 4, 2020) [Abstract]
U. M. Shrestha, M. Sciammarella, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, E. H. Botvinick, T. DeMarco, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo Y, Assessment of late-term progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in patients with orthotopic heart transplantation using quantitative cardiac 82Rb PET, International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 37, 1461-1472, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on October 29, 2020) [Abstract]
K. Gong, J. Yang, P. E. Z. Larson, S. C. Behr, T. A. Hope, Y. Seo, and Q. Li, MR-based attenuation correction for brain PET using 3D cycle-consistent adversarial network, IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 5, 185-192, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 3, 2020) [Abstract]
C. Divgi, J. A. Carrasquillo, R. Meredith, Y. Seo, E. C. Frey, W. E. Bolch, B. E. Zimmerman, G. Akabani, D. A. Jacobson, B. Brown, S. M. Davern, R. F. Hobbs, J. Humm, E. G. Moros, D. Morse, R. Papineni, P. Zanzonico, S. H. Benedict, G. Sgouros, Overcoming barriers to radiopharmaceutical therapy: An overview from the NRG-NCI working group on dosimetry of radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT), International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 109, 905-912, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 10, 2020) [Abstract]
S. Wang, J. Li, J. Hua, Y. Su, D. Beckford Vera, W. Zhao, M. Jayaraman, T. Huynh, N. Zhao, Y. H. Wang, Y. Huang, F. Qin, S. Shen, D. Gioeli, R. Dreicer, R. Sriram, E. Egusa, J. Chou, F. Feng, R. Aggarwal, M. Evans, Y. Seo, B. Liu, R. Flavell, and J. He, Molecular imaging of prostate cancer targeting CD46 using immunoPET, Clinical Cancer Research 27, 1305-1315, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 8, 2020) [Abstract]
M. S. Aboian, R. Barajas, J. Shatalov, V. Ravanfar, E. Bahroos, E. Tong, J. W. Taylor, N. Oberheim Bush, P. Sneed, Y. Seo, S. Cha, and M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, Maximizing the use of batch production of 18F-FDOPA for imaging of brain tumors to increase availability of hybrid PET/MR imaging in clinical setting, Neuro-Oncology Practice 8, 91-97, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on October 14, 2020) [Abstract]
T. L. Chen, M. Emerling, G. R. Chaudhari, Y. R. Chillakuru, T. K. Vu, Y. Seo, and J. H. Sohn, Domain specific word embeddings for natural language processing in radiology, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 113, 103665, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 14, 2020) [Abstract]
M. S. Aboian, S. Y. Huang, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, R. A. Hawkins, H. F. VanBrocklin, Y. Huh, K. T. Vo, W. C. Gustafson, K. K. Matthay, and Y. Seo, 124I-MIBG PET-CT to monitor metastatic disease in children with relapsed neuroblastoma, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 62, 43-47, 2021. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 15, 2020) [Abstract]
D. K. Hathi, W. Li, Y. Seo, R. R. Flavell, J. Kornak, B. L. Franc, B. N. Joe, L. J. Esserman, N. M. Hylton, and E. F. Jones, Evaluation of primary breast cancers using dedicated breast PET and whole-body PET, Scientific Reports 10, 21930, 2020. [Abstract]
J. Wei, Y. H. Wang, C. Y. Lee, C. Truilet, D. Y. Oh, Y. Xu, D. Ruggero, R. R. Flavell, H. F. VanBrocklin, Y. Seo, C. S. Craik, L. Fong, C. I. Wang, and M. J. Evans, An analysis of isoclonal antibody formats suggests a role for measuring PD-L1 with low molecular weight PET radiotracers, Molecular Imaging and Biology 22, 1553-1561, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 19, 2020) [Abstract]
Zheng Y, et al. MICCAI 2020.
Y. Zheng, Y. Huh, Q. Su, J. Wang, Y. Lin, K. Vetter, and Y. Seo, Collimatorless scintigraphy for imaging extremely low activity targeted alpha therapy (TAT) with weighted robust least squares (WRLS). In Martel AL, et al. (eds): Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12262: Springer;2020:803-811. [Abstract]
G. T. Gullberg, U. M. Shrestha, and Y. Seo, PET imaging of glucose and fatty acid metabolism for NAFLD patients, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 27, 1689-1697, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 13, 2018) [Abstract]
J. H. Sohn, Y. R. Chillakuru, B. N. Joe, Y. Seo, and T. K. Vu, An open-source, vendor agnostic hardware and software pipeline for integration of artificial intelligence in radiology workflow, Journal of Digital Imaging 33, 1041-1046, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 28, 2020) [Abstract]
J. He, J. Feng, S. Yang, Y. Seo, and B. Liu, Quantitative 99mTc labeling kit for HYNIC-conjugated single chain antibody fragments targeting malignant mesothelioma, Bioconjugate Chemistry 15, 1750-1755, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 6, 2020) [Abstract]
A. Moroz, Y. H. Wang, J. M. Sharib, J. Wei, N. Zhao, Y. Huang, Z. Chen, A. J. Martinko, J. Zhou, S. A. Lim, L. H. Zhang, Y. Seo, S. Carlin, K. K. Leung, E. A. Collisson, K. S. Kirkwood, J. A. Wells, and M. J. Evans, Theranostic targeting of CUB domain containing protein 1 in pancreatic cancer, Clinical Cancer Research 26, 3608-3615, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 27, 2020) [Abstract]
Y. Huang, N. Zhao, Y. H. Wang, C. Truillet, J. Wei, J. Blecha, H. VanBrocklin, Y. Seo, M. Sayeed, B. Feldman, R. Aggarwal, S. Behr, H. Shao, D. Wilson, J. Villanueva-Meyer, J. Gestwicki, and M. Evans, A novel radioligand reveals tissue specific pharmacological modulation of glucocorticoid receptor expression with positron emission tomography, ACS Chemical Biology 15, 1381-1391, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 15, 2020) [Abstract]
L. Nardo, R. Rezzani, L. Facchetti, G. Favero, C. Franco, Y. G. Abdelhafez, R. D. Badawi, M. Guindani, Y. Seo, and M. Pampaloni, Morphological and 18F-FDG PET/CT assessment of melatonin effects on atherosclerotic plaques of apolipoprotein-E knockout mice: Two different evaluations but the same conclusions, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21, E2920, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 22, 2020) [Abstract]
B. L. Franc, Y. Seo, R. Flavell, and C. Mari Aparici, Preclinical SPECT and SPECT-CT in Oncology, In Schober O, Riemann B (eds): “Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 216 – Molecular Imaging in Oncology”, Springer, 359-404, 2020. [Abstract]
M. A. Zapala, K. Livingston, D. Bokhari, A. S. Phelps, J. L. Courtier, C. Ma, Y. Seo, and J. D. MacKenzie, Improved diagnostic confidence and accuracy of pediatric elbow fractures with digital tomosynthesis, Pediatr Radiol 50, 363-370, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 19, 2019) [Abstract]
Y. Seo, M. M. Khalighi, K. A. Wangerin, T. W. Deller, Y. H. Wang, S. Jivan, M. P. Kohi, R. Aggarwal, R. R. Flavell, S. C. Behr, and M. J. Evans, Quantitative and qualitative improvement of low-count [68Ga]citrate and [90Y]microspheres PET imaging reconstructions using block sequential regularized expectation maximization algorithm, Molecular Imaging and Biology 22, 208-216, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on April 15, 2019) [Abstract]
D. R. Beckford-Vera, A. Gonzalez-Junca, T. L. Huynh, J. E. Blecha, Y. Seo, X. Li, H. F. VanBrocklin, and B. L. Franc, PET/CT imaging of human TNFα using 89Zr-certoluzimab pegol in a transgenic preclinical model of rheumatoid arthritis, Molecular Imaging and Biology 22, 105-114, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 7, 2019) [Abstract]
K. G. Ordovas, Y. Seo, Artificial intelligence pipeline for risk prediction in cardiovascular imaging, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 13, e010427, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 18, 2020) [Abstract]
M. N. Stewart, N. F. L. Parker, S. Jivan, J. Luu, T. Huynh, B. Schulte, Y. Seo, J. E. Blecha, J. Villanueva-Meyer, R. R. Flavell, H. F. VanBrocklin, M. Ohliger, O. Rosenberg, and D. M. Wilson, High enantiomeric excess D-[methyl-11C]methionine for use as a diagnostic PET radiotracer in bacterial infection, ACS Infect Dis 6, 43-49, 2020. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 7, 2019) [Abstract]
O. Cil, M. O. Anderson, R. Yen, B. Kelleher, T. L. Huynh, Y. Seo, S. O. Nilsen, J. R. Turner, and A. S. Verkman, Slowed gastric emptying and improved oral glucose tolerance produced by a nanomolar-potency inhibitor of calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A, FASEB Journal 33, 11247-11257, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 12, 2019) [Abstract]
G. T. Gullberg, U. M. Shrestha, and Y. Seo, Dynamic cardiac PET imaging: Technological improvements advancing future cardiac health, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 26, 1292-1297, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on January 31, 2018) [Abstract]
N. W. Jenkins, C. Iriondo, V. Shah, E. Bahroos, M. Regan, Y. Seo, W. P. Dillon, S. Majumdar, and J. F. Talbott, Quantitative [18F]-NaF-PET-MRI analysis for evaluation of dynamic bone turnover in a patient with facetogenic low back pain, Journal of Visualized Experiments 150, 358491, 2019. [Abstract]
S. C. Behr, R. Aggarwal, H. F. VanBrocklin, R. R. Flavell, K. Gao, E. J. Small, J. Blecha, S. Jivan, T. A. Hope, J. P. Simko, J. Kurhanewicz, S. M. Noworolski, N. J. Korn, R. De Los Santos, M. R. Cooperberg, P. R. Carroll, H. G. Nguyen, K. L. Greene, B. Langton-Webster, C. E. Berkman, and Y. Seo, Phase I study of CTT1057, an 18F-labeled imaging agent with phosphoramidate core targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen in prostate cancer, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60, 910-916, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 21, 2018) [Abstract]
Y. Seo, Quantitative imaging of alpha-emitting therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 53, 182-188, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 18, 2019) [Abstract]
M. Sciammarella, U. M. Shrestha, Y. Seo, G. T. Gullberg, and E. H. Botvinick, A combined static-dynamic single-dose imaging protocol to compare quantitative dynamic SPECT with static conventional SPECT, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 26, 763-771, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 3, 2017) [Abstract]
Y. Seo, Y. Huh, S. Y. Huang, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, R. A. Hawkins, W. C. Gustafson, K. Vo, and K. K. Matthay, Simplified and practical pretherapy tumor dosimetry – A feasibility study for 131I-MIBG therapy of neuroblastoma using 124I-MIBG PET/CT, Medical Physics 46, 2477-2486, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 13, 2019) [Abstract]
E. F. Jones, K. M. Ray, W. Li, A. j. Chien, R. A. Mukhtar, L. J. Esserman, B. L. Franc, Y. Seo, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, B. N. Joe, and N. M. Hylton, Initial experience of dedicated breast PET imaging of ER+ breast cancers using [F-18]fluoroestradiol, Nature Partner Journal Breast Cancer 5, 12, 2019. [Abstract]
J. Yang, D. Park, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Joint correction of attenuation and scatter in image space using deep convolutional neural networks for dedicated brain 18F-FDG PET, Physics in Medicine and Biology 64, 075019, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 11, 2019) [Abstract]
D. S. Lituiev, H. Trivedi, M. Panahiazar, B. Norgeot, Y. Seo, B. Franc, R. Harnish, M. Kawczynski,and D. Hadley, Automatic labeling for special diagnostic mammography views based on DICOM headers and images, Journal of Digital Imaging 32, 228-233, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 21, 2018) [Abstract]
K. Gong, J. Guan, K. Kim, X. Zhang, J. Yang, Y. Seo, G. El Fakhri, J. Qi, and Q. Li, Iterative PET image reconstruction using convolutional neural network representation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38, 675-685, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on September 12, 2018) [Abstract]
K. Kim, D. Kim, J. Yang, G. El Fakhri, Y. Seo, J. A. Fessler, and Q. Li, Time of flight PET reconstruction using non-uniform update for regional recovery uniformity, Medical Physics 46, 649-664, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 3, 2018) [Abstract]
Ding Y, et al. Radiology 2019.
Y. Ding, J. H. Sohn, M. G. Kawczynski, H. Trivedi, R. Harnish, N. Jenkins, D. Lituieve, T. Copeland, M. Aboian, C. Mari Aparici, S. Behr, R. Flavell, S. Y. Huang, K. Zalocusky, L. Nardo, Y. Seo, R. A. Hawkins, M. Pampaloni, D. Hadley, and B. L. Franc, A Deep Learning Model to Predict a Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease by Using 18F-FDG PET of the Brain, Radiology 290, 456-464, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 6, 2018) [Abstract]
S. K. Woo, S. J. Jang, M. J. Seo, J. H. Park, B. S. Kim, E. J. King, Y. J. Lee, T. S. Lee, G. I. An, I. H. Song, Y. Seo, K. I. Kim, and J. H. Kang, Development of 64Cu-NOTA-trastuzumab for HER2 targeting: Radiopharmaceutical with improved pharmacokinetics for human study, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60, 26-33, 2019. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 18, 2018) [Abstract]
C. D. Jordan, M. Han, S. Kondapavulur, D. Beckford Vera, K. D. Neumann, C. Stillson, T. Moore, R. Krug, S. Behr, Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, P. E. Z. Larson, M. Wilson, A. J. Martin, and S. W. Hetts, Quantification of 89Zr-iron oxide nanoparticle biodistribution using PET-MR and ultrashort TE, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 48, 1717-1720, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 14, 2018) [Abstract]
S. C. Behr, J. E. Villanueva-Meyer, Y. Li, Y. H. Wang, J. Wei, A. Moroz, J. Lee, J. C. Hsiao, K. T. Gao, W. Ma, S. Cha, D. M. Wilson, Y. Seo, S. J. Nelson, S. M. Chang, and M. J. Evans, Targeting iron metabolism in high-grade glioma with 68Ga-citrate PET/MR, JCI Insight 3, e93999, 2018. [Abstract]
D. Mitra, M. Abdalah, R. Boutchko, U. Shrestha, E. Botvinick, Y. Seo, G. Gullberg, Comparison of sparse domain approaches for 4D SPECT dynamic image reconstruction, Medical Physics 45, 4493-4509, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on July 20, 2018) [Abstract]
J. Yang, J. Liu, F. Wiesinger, A. Menini, X. Zhu, T. A. Hope, Y. Seo, and P. E. Z. Larson, Developing an efficient phase-matched attenuation correction method for quiescent period PET in abdominal PET/MRI, Physics in Medicine and Biology 29, 2526-2530. 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 14, 2018) [Abstract]
Y. Su, Y. Liu, C. R. Behrens, S. Bidlingmaier, N. Lee, R. Aggarwal, D. W. Sherbenou, A. L. Burlingame, B. C. Hann, J. P. Simko, G. Premasekharan, P. L. Paris, M. A. Shuman, Y. Seo, E. J. Small, B. Liu, CD46 is a novel antibody target for both adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine types of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer, JCI Insight 3, e121497, 2018. [Abstract]
Huang SY, et al. npj Breast Cancer 2018.
S. Y. Huang, B. L. Franc, R. Harnish, G. Liu, D. Mitra, T. P. Copeland, V. A. Arasu, J. Kornak, E. F. Jones, S. C. Behr, N. M. Hylton, and Y. Seo, Exploration of multi-modal PET and MRI radiomic features for decoding breast cancer phenotypes and prognosis, npj Breast Cancer 4, 24, 2018. [Abstract]
L. Aanei, T. Huynh, Y. Seo, and M. B. Francis, Vascular cell adhesion molecule-targeted MS2 viral capsids for the detection of early-stage atherosclerotic plaques, Bioconjugate Chemistry 29, 2526-2530, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 2, 2018) [Abstract]
K. Gong, J. Yang, K. Kim, G. El Fakhri, Y. Seo, and Q. Li, Attenuation correction for brain PET imaging using deep neural network based on Dixon and ZTE MR images, Physics in Medicine and Biology 63, 125011, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 23, 2018) [Abstract]
S. K. Woo, B. S. Moon, B. S. Kim, M. H. Kim, Y. J. Lee, J. H. Jung, K. C. Lee, Y. Seo, W. Kim, S. M. Lim, B. C. Lee, and S. E Lim, Feasibility of myocardial PET imaging using a benzylguanidine analog: meta-(3-[18F]fluoropropyl)benzylguanidine ([18F]mFPBG), Nuclear Medicine and Biology 61, 63-70, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 3, 2018) [Abstract]
S. C. Behr, E. Bahroos, R. A. Hawkins, L. Nardo, V. Ravanfar, E. V. Capbarat, and Y. Seo, Quantitative and visual assessments toward potential sub-mSv or ultrafast FDG-PET using high-sensitivity TOF PET in PET/MRI, Molecular Imaging and Biology 20. 492-500, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 30, 2017) [Abstract]
A. P. Leynes, J. Yang, F. Wiesinger, S. S. Kaushik, D. D. Shanbhag, Y. Seo, T. A. Hope, and P. E. Z. Larson, Zero echo-time and Dixon deep pseudoCT (ZeDD-CT): Direct generation of pseudoCT images for pelvic PET/MRI attenuation correction using deep convolutional neural networks with multiparametric MRI, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 59, 852-858, 2018. (Epub ahead of print, published online on October 30, 2017) [Abstract]
H. Pan, H. Chang, D. Mitra, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Sparse-domain approaches in dynamic SPECT imaging with high-performance computing, American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 7, 283-294, 2017. [Abstract]
Yang J, et al. J Nucl Med 2017.
J. Yang, F. Wiesinger, S. Kaushik, D. Shanbhag, T. A. Hope, P. E. Z. Larson, and Y. Seo, Evaluation of sinus/edge corrected ZTE-based attenuation correction in brain PET/MRI, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 58, 1873-1879, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 4, 2017) [Abstract]
S. C. Behr, B. J. Mollard, J. Yang, R. R. Flavell, R. A. Hawkins, and Y. Seo, Effect of time-of-flight and regularized reconstructions and dual-time point imaging on quantitative measurements and qualitative assessments in newly diagnosed prostate cancer with 18F-fluorocholine PET/MRI, Molecular Imaging 16, 1536012117736703, 2017. [Abstract]
N. W. Jenkins, J. F. Talbott, V. Shah, P. Pandit, Y. Seo, W. P. Dillon, and S. Majumdar, [18F]-Sodium fluoride PET MR -based localization and quantification of bone turnover as a biomarker for facet-joint induced disability, American Journal of Neuroradiology 38, 2028-2031, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 31, 2017) [Abstract]
C. Mari Aparici, S. C. Behr, Y. Seo, R. K. Kelley, C. Corvera, K. T. Gao, R. Aggarwal, and M. J. Evans, Imaging hepatocellular carcinoma with 68Ga-citrate PET: First clinical experience, Molecular Imaging 16, 1536012117723256, 2017. [Abstract]
J. S. Huber, A. M. Hernandez, M. Janabi, J. P. O’Neil, K. M. Brennan, S. T. Murphy, Y. Seo, and G. T. Gullberg, Longitudinal evaluation of myocardial fatty acid and glucose metabolism in fasted and non-fasted spontaneously hypertensive rats using microPET/CT, Molecular Imaging 16, 1536012117724558, 2017. [Abstract]
X. Lu, N. Peled, J. Greer, W. Wu, P. Choi, A. H. Berger, S. Wong, K. K. Y. Jen, Y. Seo, B. Hann, A. Brooks, M. Meyerson, and E. A. Collisson, MET exon 14 mutation encodes an actionable therapeutic target in lung adenocarcinoma, Cancer Research 77, 4498-4505, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 18, 2017)[Abstract]
J. Yang, Y. Jian, N. Jenkins, S. Behr, T. Hope, P. Larson, D. Vigneron, and Y. Seo, Quantitative evaluation of atlas-based attenuation correction for brain PET imaging using an integrated time-of-flight PET/MRI system, Radiology 284, 169-179, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on February 23, 2017) [Abstract]
M. Hernandez Pampaloni, U. M. Shrestha, M. Sciammarella, Y. Seo, G. T. Gullberg, and E. H. Botvinick, Noninvasive PET quantitative myocardial blood flow with regadenoson for assessing cardiac allograft vasculopathy in orthotopic heart transplantation patients, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 24, 1134-1144, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on January 30, 2017) [Abstract]
A. P. Leynes, J. Yang, D. D. Shanbhag, S. S. Kaushik, Y. Seo, T. A. Hope, F. Wiesinger, and P. E. Z. Larson, Hybrid ZTE/Dixon MR-based attenuation correction for quantitative uptake estimation of pelvic lesions in PET/MRI, Medical Physics 44, 902-913, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on January 23, 2017) [Abstract]
J. Yang, M. Khalighi, T. A. Hope, K. Ordovas, and Y. Seo, Fast respiratory motion estimation using sorted singles without unlist processing: A feasibility study, Medical Physics 44,1632-1637, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on January 18, 2017) [Abstract]
E. F. Jones, K. M. Ray, W. Li, Y. Seo, B. L. Franc, A. J. Chien, L. J. Esserman, M. H. Pampaloni, B. N. Joe, N. M. Hylton, Dedicated breast positron emission tomography for the evaluation of early response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer, Clinical Breast Cancer 17, e155-e159, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on December 29, 2016) [Abstract]
E. J. Arentson-Lantz, I. Saeed, L. Frassetto, U. Masharani, R. Harnish, Y. Seo, H. VanBrocklin, R. Hawkins, C. Mari Aparici, M. Hernandez Pampaloni, J. Slater, D. Paddon-Jones, and T. F. Lang, 11C-L-methyl methionine dynamic PET/CT of skeletal muscle: Response to protein supplementation compared to L-[ring 13C6] phenylalanine infusion with serial muscle biopsy, Annals of Nuclear Medicine 31, 295-303, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 4, 2017) [Abstract]
J. Y. Choi, J. Yang, S. Noworolski, S. Behr, J. Kurhanewicz, A. J. Chang, J. P. Simko, H. Nguyen, P. R. Carroll, and Y. Seo, 18F-fluorocholine dynamic time-of-flight PET/MRI in unfavorable intermediate to high risk prostate cancer: Clinicopatholigical comparisons, Radiology 282, 429-436, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 11, 2016) [Abstract]
Shrestha U, et al. J Nucl Cardiol 2017.
U. Shrestha, M. Sciammarella, F. Alhassen, Y. Yeghiazarians, J. Ellin, E. Verdin, A. Boyle, Y. Seo, E. H. Botvinick, and G. T. Gullberg, Measurement of absolute myocardial blood flow in humans using dynamic cardiac SPECT and 99mTc-tetrofosmin, Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 24, 268-277, 2017. (Epub ahead of print, published on December 29, 2015) [Abstract]
U. Shrestha, and Y. Seo, Myocardial blood flow as a biomarker, in V. B. Patel and V. R. Preedy (eds): “Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Disease”, Springer Science+Business Media, 1057-1076, 2016.
N. Tran, A. Giannakidis, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Quantitative analysis of hypertrophic myocardium using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging, Journal of Medical Imaging 3, 046001, 2016. [Abstract]
S. Behr, R. Aggarwal, Y. Seo, C. M. Aparici, E. Chang, E. J. Small, and M. J. Evans, A feasibility study showing 68Ga-citrate PET detects prostate cancer, Molecular Imaging and Biology 18, 946-951, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published on May 16, 2016) [Abstract]
I. L. Aanei, A. M. ElSohly, M. E. Farkas, C. Netirojjanakul, M. Regan, S. T. Murphy, J. P. O’Neil, Y. Seo, and M. B. Francis, Biodistribution of antibody-MS2 viral capsid conjugates in breast cancer models, Molecular Pharmaceutics 13, 3764-3772, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published on September 9, 2016) [Abstract]
U. Shrestha, and Y. Seo, Myocardial blood flow as a biomarker, in V. B. Patel and V. R. Preedy (eds): “Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Disease”, Springer Science+Business Media, 1-21, 2016.
Aanei IL, ElSohly AM, Farkas ME, Netirojjanakul C, Regan M, Murphy ST, O’Neil JP, Y. Seo, and M. B. Francis, Biodistribution of antibody-MS2 viral capsid conjugates in breast cancer models, Molecular Pharmaceutics 13, 3764-3772, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published on September 9, 2016) [Abstract]
Li L, et al. Mol Imaging Biol 2016.
L. Li, L. Che, C. Wang, J. E. Blecha, X. Li, H. F. VanBrocklin, D. F. Calvisi, M. Puchowicz, X. Chen, and Y. Seo, [11C]acetate PET imaging is not always associated with increased lipogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma in mice, Molecular Imaging and Biology 18, 360-367, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published online on November 13, 2015) [Abstract]
C. J. Schankin, F. H. Maniyar, Y. Seo, S. Kori, M. Eller, D. E. Chou, J. Blecha, S. T. Murphy, J. Slater, R. A. Hawkins, T. Sprenger, H. F. VanBrocklin, and P. J. Goadsby, Ictal lack of binding to brain paranchyma suggests integrity of the blood-brain barrier for 11C-dihydroergotamine during glyceryl trinitrate-induced migraine, Brain 139, 1994-2001, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published online on May 27, 2016) [Abstract]
Y. Chen, Y. Cui, P. O’Connor, Y. Seo, G. S. Camarda, A. Hossain, U. Roy, G. Yang, and R. B. James, Stability of the baseline holder in readout circuits for radiation detectors, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63, 316-324, 2016. [Abstract]
C. P. Chen, J. Johnson, Y. Seo, V. K. Weinberg, K. Shinohara, I. C. Hsu, M. Roach III, Sentinel lymph node imaging guided IMRT for prostate cancer: Individualized pelvic radiotherapy vs RTOG guidelines, Advances in Radiation Oncology 1, 51-58, 2016. (Epub ahead of print, published on December 16, 2015) [Abstract]
F. Weng, S. Bagchi, Y. Zan, Q. Huang, and Y. Seo, An energy-optimized collimator design for a CZT-based SPECT camera, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 806, 330-337, 2015.[Abstract]
Shrestha U, et al. Phys Med Biol 2015.
U. Shrestha, Y. Seo, E. H. Botvinick, and G. T. Gullberg, Image reconstruction in higher dimension: Myocardial perfusion imaging of tracer dynamics with cardiac motion due to deformation and respiration, Physics in Medicine and Biology 60, 8275-8301, 2015.[Abstract]
C. Mari Aparici, R. A. Hawkins, and Y. Seo, Sentinel node SPECT/CT imaging for tumor staging: Protocols, normal findings, artifacts, pitfalls and clinical applications, in G. von Schulthess (ed): “Clinical Molecular Anatomic Imaging: PET/CT, SPECT/CT and PET/MR”, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 333-340, 2015. [Abstract]
M. L. Truitt, C. S. Conn, Z. Shi, X. Pang, T. Tokuyasu, A. Coady, Y. Seo, M. Barna, and D. Ruggero, Differential requirements for eIF4E dose in normal development and cancer, Cell 162, 59-71, 2015. [Abstract]
Huang SY, et al. Mol Imaging Biol 2015.
S. Y. Huang, W. E. Bolch, C. Lee, M. Pampaloni, R. A. Hawkins, H. F. VanBrocklin, A. Sznewajs, S. G. DuBois, K. K. Matthay, and Y. Seo, Patient-specific dosimetry using pretherapy [124I]m-iodobenzylguanidine ([124I]mIBG) dynamic PET/CT before [131I]mIBG targeted radionuclide therapy for neuroblastoma, Molecular Imaging and Biology 17, 284-294, 2015. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 22, 2014) [Abstract]
R. F. Barajas, M. H. Pampaloni, J. L. Clarke, Y. Seo, D. Savic, R. A. Hawkins, S. C. Behr, S. M. Chang, M. Berger, W. P. Dillon, and S. Cha, Assessing biological response to bevacizumab using 18F-fluoromisonidazole PET/MR imaging in a patient with recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma, Case Reports in Radiology 2015, 731361, 2015. [Abstract]
M. D. Bucknor, A. E. Horvai, V. Rieke, Y. Seo, R. A. Hawkins, S. Majumdar, T. M. Link, and M. Saeed, Bone remodeling after MR imaging-guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation: Evaluation with MR imaging, CT, Na18F, and histopathologic evaluation in a swine model, Radiology, 387-394, 2015. (Epub ahead of print, published online on October 8, 2014) [Abstract]
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T. C. Lee, J. D. Bowen, J. R. Ellin, Q. Huang, U. Shrestha, G. T. Gullberg, Y. Seo, Multipinhole collimator with 20 apertures for a brain SPECT application, Medical Physics 41, 112501, 2014. [Abstract]
T. C. Lee, A. J. Burghardt, W. Yao, N. E. Lane, S. Majumdar, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Improved trabecular bone structure of 20-month-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats, Calcified Tissue International 95, 282-291, 2014. (Epub ahead of print, published online on August 9, 2014) [Abstract]
A. T. Jang, J. D. Lin, Y. Seo, S. Etchin, A. Merkle, K. Fahey, and S. P. Ho, In situ compressive loading and correlative imaging of the bone-periodontal ligament-tooth fibrous joint, Journal of Visualized Experiments 85, e51147, 2014. [Abstract]
Y. Seo and C. Mari Aparici, Dual-modality preclinical SPECT/CT instrumentation, In H Zaidi (ed): “Molecular Imaging of Small-Animals: Instrumentation and Applications”, Springer, 351-365, 2014.
F. Alhassen, N. Nguyen, S. Bains, R. G. Gould,Y. Seo, S. L. Bacharach, X. Song, L. Shao, G. T. Gullberg, and C. Mari Aparici, Myocardial blood flow measurement with a conventional dual-head SPECT/CT with spatiotemporal iterative reconstructions – A clinical feasibility study, American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 4, 53-59, 2014. [Abstract]
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A. M. Hernandez, S. T. Murphy, G. L. Zeng, M. Janabi, K. M. Brennan, Y. Seo, and G. T. Gullberg, Longitudinal evaluation of left ventricular substrate metabolism, perfusion, and dysfunction in the SHR model of hypertrophy using microPET imaging, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 54, 1938-1945, 2013. (Epub ahead of print, published online on October 3, 2013) [Abstract]
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J. D. Bowen, Q. Huang, J. R. Ellin, T. –C. Lee, U. Shrestha, G. T. Gullberg, and Y. Seo, Design and performance evaluation of a 20-aperture multipinhole collimator for myocardial perfusion imaging applications, Physics in Medicine and Biology 58, 7209-7226, 2013. [Abstract]
A. J. Chang, Y. Seo, S. Behr, and M. Roach III, The utility of C-11 choline PET/CT for prostate cancer: Improving detection of locoregional and metastatic disease, Expert Editorial for 2014 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium: A Transformative Multidisciplinary Approach. 2013.
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T. Thuering, W. C. Barber, Y. Seo, F. Alhassen, and M. Stampanoni, Energy resolved x-ray grating interferometry, Applied Physics Letters 102,191113, 2013. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, J. He, and B. L. Franc, PreClinical SPECT and SPECT-CT in Oncology, In Schober O, Riemann B (eds): “Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 187 – Molecular Imaging in Oncology”, Springer Science+Business Media, 193-220, 2013. [Abstract]
J. C. Durack, T. A. Hope, Y. Seo, M. Saeed, J. He, M. W. Wilson, R. K Kerlan, Jr., and E. J. Ring, Intravenous vasopressin for the prevention of nontarget gastrointestinal embolization during liver-directed cancer treatment: Experimental study in a porcine model, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 23, 1505-1512, 2012. [Abstract]
C. Mari Aparici and Y. Seo, Functional imaging for prostate cancer: Therapeutic implications, Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 42, 328-342, 2012. [Abstract]
L. Carbone, E. T. Carbone, E. M. Yi, D. B. Bauer, K. A. Lindstrom, J. M. Parker, J. A. Austin, Y. Seo, A. D. Gandhi, and J. D. Wilkerson, Assessing cervical dislocation as a humane euthanasia method in mice, Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science 51, 352-356, 2012. [Abstract]
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Y. Seo, W. C. Gustafson, S. Dannoon, C. L. Lee, S. Taylor, H. F. VanBrocklin, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, D. A. Haas-Kogan, W. A. Weiss, and K. K. Matthay, Tumor dosimetry of 131I-MIBG using 124I-MIBG microPET/CT in animal xenograft model of neuroblastoma, Molecular Imaging and Biology 14, 734-742, 2012. (Epub ahead of print, published online on March 2, 2012). [Abstract]
R. Harnish, T. Streeper, I. Saeed, C. Schreck, S. Dannoon, J. Blecha, H. VanBrocklin, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, R. Hawkins,Y. Seo, G. Sayre, J. Slater, and T. Lang, Quantification of changes in skeletal muscle amino acid kinetics in adult humans in response to exercise via positron-emission tomography with L-[methyl-11C] methionine, Journal of Molecular Imaging and Dynamics 2, 1000103, 2012. [Abstract]
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M. O. Yuneva, T. W. M. Fan, T. D. Allen, R. M. Higashi, D. V. Ferraris, T. Tsukamoto, J. M. Mates, F. J. Alonso, C. Wang, Y. Seo, X. Chen, and J. M. Bishop, The metabolic profile of tumors depends on both the responsible genetic lesion and tissue type. Cell Metabolism 15, 157-170, 2012. [Abstract]
J. Yang, T. Yamamoto, B. C. Cho, Y. Seo, and P. J. Keall, Audiovisual biofeedback reduces motion blurring artifacts in 4D PET images, Medical Physics 39, 1046-1057, 2012. [Abstract]
C. Mari Aparici, D. Carlson, N. Nguyen, R. A. Hawkins, and Y. Seo, Potential of SPECT combined with multidetector CT for prostate cancer evaluations, American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2, 48-54, 2012. [Abstract]
G. Sayre, S. L. Bacharach, M. W. Dae, and Y. Seo, Combining dynamic and ECG-gated 82Rb-PET for practical implementation in the clinic, Nuclear Medicine Communications 33, 4-13, 2012. [Abstract]
S. Kim, M. McClish, F. Alhassen,Y. Seo, K. S. Shah, and R. G. Gould, Temperature dependent operation of PSAPD-based compact gamma camera for SPECT imaging, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58, 2169-2174, 2011. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, C. Mari Aparici, and R. A. Hawkins, ProstaScint SPECT/CT Atlas, In Fanti S, Farsad M, Mansi L (eds): “Atlas of SPECT-CT: A quick guide to optimal use”, Springer-Verlag, 80-85, 2011.
G. A. Sayre, B. L. Franc BL, and Y. Seo, Patient-specific method of generating parametric maps of Patlak Ki without blood sampling or metabolite correction: A feasibility study, International Journal of Molecular Imaging 2011, 185083. (doi:10.1155/2011/185083) [Abstract]
F. Alhassen, H. Kudrolli, B. Singh, S. Kim,Y. Seo, R. G. Gould, and V. V. Nagarkar, Depth-of-interaction compensation using a focused-cut scintillator for a pinhole gamma camera, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58, 634-638, 2011. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, C. Mari Aparici, P. Chen, C. Hsu, N. Kased, C. Schreck, N. Costouros, R. Hawkins, K. Shinohara, and M. Roach, Mapping of lymphatic drainage from the prostate using filtered 99mTc-sulfur nanocolloid and SPECT/CT, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 52, 1068-1072, 2011. [Abstract]
S. S. More, M. Itsara, X. Yang, E. G. Geier, M. K. Tadano,Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, W. A. Weiss, S. Mueller, D. A. Haas-Kogan, S. G. DuBois, K. K. Matthay, and K. M. Giacomini, Vorinostat increases expression of functional norepinephrine transporter in neuroblastomain vitroandin vivomodel systems, Clinical Cancer Research 17, 2339-2349, 2011. [Abstract]
A. K. Iyer, X. Lan, X. Zhu, Y. Su, J. Feng, X. Zhang, D. Gao,Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, V. C. Broaddus, B. Liu, and J. He, Novel human single chain antibody fragments that are rapidly internalizing effectively target epithelioid and sarcomatoid mesotheliomas, Cancer Research 71, 2428-2432, 2011. [Abstract]
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F. Alhassen, H. Kudrolli, B. Singh, S. Kim,Y. Seo, R. G. Gould, and V. V. Nagarkar, A preclinical SPECT camera with depth-of-interaction compensation using a focused-cut scintillator, Proceedings of SPIE 7961, 796121, 2011. [Abstract]
A. K. Iyer, Y. Su, J. Feng, X. Lan, X. Zhu, Y. Liu, D. Gao,Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, V. C. Broaddus, B. Liu, and J. He, The effect of internalizing human single chain antibody fragment on liposome targeting to epithelioid and sarcomatoid mesothelioma, Biomaterials 32, 2605-2613, 2011. [Abstract]
S. Kim, M. McClish, F. Alhassen,Y. Seo, K. S. Shah, and R. G. Gould, Phantom experiments on a PSPAD-based compact gamma camera with submillimeter spatial resolution for small animal SPECT, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57, 2518-2523, 2010. [Abstract]
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M. R. Junttila, A. Karnezis, D. Garcia, F. Madriles, R. M. Kortlever, F. Rostker, L. Brown-Swigart, D. M. Pham,Y. Seo, G. I. Evan, and C. P. Martins, Selective activation of p53-mediated tumor suppression in high grade tumours, Nature 468, 567-571, 2010. [Abstract]
C. L. Lee, H. Wahnishe, G. A. Sayre, H.-M. Cho, H.-J. Kim, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, R. A. Hawkins, S. F. Dannoon, H. F. VanBrocklin, M. Itsara, W. A. Weiss, X. Yang, D. A. Haas-Kogan, K. K. Matthay, and Y. Seo, Radiation dose estimation using preclinical imaging with 124I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) PET, Medical Physics 37,4861-4867, 2010. [Abstract]
C. D. Winant, S. Kim, and Y. Seo, Functional imaging combined with multi-detector CT: A Radionuclide imaging perspective, Current Medical Imaging Reviews 6,100-111, 2010. [Abstract]
J. He, Y. Wang, J. Feng, X. Zhu, X. Lan, A. Iyer,Y. Seo, H. F. VanBrocklin, and B. Liu, Targeting prostate cancer cells in vivo using a rapidly internalizing novel human single-chain antibody fragment, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 51, 427-432 2010. [Abstract]
Seo Y, et al. J Nucl. Med 2010.
Y. Seo, C. Mari Aparici, M. R. Cooperberg, B. R. Konety, and R. A. Hawkins, In vivo tumor grading of prostate cancer using quantitative 111In-capromab pendetide SPECT/CT, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 51, 31-36, 2010. [Abstract]
M. -H. Pan, D. -W. Gao, J. Feng, J. He, Y. Seo, J. Tedesco, J. G. Wolodzko, B. H. Hasegawa, and B. L. Franc, Biodistributions of 177Lu- and 111In- labeled 7E11 antibodies to prostate-specific membrane antigen in xenograft model of prostate cancer and potential use of 111In-7E11 as a pretherapeutic agent for 177Lu-7E11 radioimmunotherapy, Molecular Imaging and Biology 11, 159-166, 2009. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, B. K. Teo, M. Hadi, C. Schreck, S. L. Bacharach, and B. H. Hasegawa, Quantitative accuracy of PET/CT for image-based kinetic analysis, Medical Physics 35, 3086-3089, 2008. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, C. M. Aparici, and B. H. Hasegawa, Technological development and advances in SPECT/CT, Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 38, 177-198, 2008. [Abstract]
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Y. Seo, T. Hashimoto, Y. Nuki, and B. H. Hasegawa, In vivo microCT imaging of rodent cerebral vasculature, Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, N99-N107, 2008. [Abstract]
J. He, H. F. VanBrocklin, B. L. Franc,Y. Seo, and E. F. Jones, Nanoprobes for medical diagnosis: Current status of nanotechnology in molecular imaging, Current Nanoscience 4, 17-29, 2008. [Abstract]
B. K. Teo, S. Badiee, M. Hadi, T. Lam, L. Johnson, Y. Seo, S. L. Bacharach, B. H. Hasegawa, and B. L. Franc, Correcting tumor SUV for enhanced bone marrow uptake: Retrospective 18F-FDG PET-CT studies, Nuclear Medicine Communications 29, 359-366, 2008. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, Quantification of SPECT and PET for drug development, Current Radiopharmaceuticals 1, 17-21, 2008. [Abstract]
Teo BK, et al. J Nucl. Med 2007.
B. K. Teo,Y. Seo, S. L. Bacharach, J. A. Carrasquillo, S. K. Libutti, H. Shukla, B. H. Hasegawa, R. A. Hawkins, and B. L. Franc, Partial volume correction in PET: Validation of an iterative post-reconstruction method with phantom and patient data, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48, 802-810, 2007. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, D. W. Gao, B. H. Hasegawa, M. W. Dae, and B. L. Franc BL, Rodent brain imaging with SPECT/CT, Medical Physics 34, 1217-1220, 2007. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, B. L. Franc, R. A. Hawkins, K. H. Wong, and B. H. Hasegawa, Progress in SPECT/CT imaging of prostate cancer, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 5, 329-336, 2006. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, K. H. Wong, and B. H. Hasegawa, Calculation and validation of the use of effective attenuation coefficient for attenuation correction in In-111 SPECT, Medical Physics 32, 3628-3635, 2005. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, J. Kurhanewicz, B. L. Franc, R. A. Hawkins, and B. H. Hasegawa, Improved prostate cancer imaging with SPECT/CT and MRI/MRSI, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52, 1316-1320, 2005. [Abstract]
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Y. Seo, K. H. Wong, M. Sun, B. L. Franc, R. A. Hawkins, and B. H. Hasegawa, Correction of photon attenuation and collimator response for a body-contouring SPECT/CT imaging system, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46, 868-877, 2005. [Abstract]
Y. Seo, K. H. Wong, B. L. Franc, R. A. Hawkins, and B. H. Hasegawa, Dual-modality imaging of prostate cancer with a commercial SPECT/CT system, in Proceedings of the XIVth international conference on the use of computers in radiation therapy held at Seoul, Korea, May 10 - May 13, 2004, edited by B. Y. Yi, S. D. Ahn, E. K. Choi, and S. W. Ha (Jeong Publishing Co., Ltd, Seoul, 2004), 559-561, 2004.
Hasegawa BH, et al. Nucl Instrum Meth A 2004.
B. H. Hasegawa, W. C. Barber, T. Funk, A. B. Hwang, A. E. Sakdinawat, C. Taylor, M. Sun, and Y. Seo, Implementation and applications of dual-modality imaging, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 525, 236-241, 2004. [Abstract]