T32 Program - Biomedical Imaging for Clinician Scientists

T32 Training Grant - Research Training in Biomedical Imaging

The T32 program at the Department of Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco offers three one-year positions dedicated to advanced training in biomedical imaging research. The Department has a long record of excellence in clinical and academic radiology, and has one of the largest research enterprises funded through intra- and extramural funding and private donors. With numerous outstanding basic scientists and clinicians engaged in cutting edge imaging research across five principal campus units, the university provides a fertile ground for interdisciplinary collaboration. The T32 program exists to jumpstart the academic careers of junior radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians and to provide the essential foundation for developing a research program as an independent investigator.

T32 Program Mission

T32 Program Mission Statement

The goal of the T32 program is to train a new generation of leaders in academic radiology with expertise in biomedical imaging research by providing a facilitated transition between residency/fellowship and academic faculty positions in Radiology & Biomedical Imaging. These individuals will play a major role in maximizing the healthcare benefits that will flow from interdisciplinary translational research linking advances in the sciences of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics with continual technological evolution in biomedical imaging. We believe that UCSF is ideally positioned to train these future leaders, because it provides the critical combination of exceptional residents and faculty in an environment of excellent funding, established interdisciplinary cooperation, and outstanding institutional and departmental resources.

Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD - T32 Program Director

T32 Program Directors

T32 Program Executive Committee Members

T32 Program Description

The T32 program is sponsored by a grant from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (T32 EB001631), and is designed to give radiologists-in-training and junior nuclear medicine physicians the skills required to become independent clinical scientific investigators and leaders in academic biomedical imaging. The T32 program includes focused mentoring and formal training in clinical research, biostatistical methods, and grant writing. Trainees will complete one year of full-time dedicated research supplemented by appropriate core and project-specific coursework in one of 4 systematic tracks (Abdominal Imaging, Musculoskeletal Imaging, Neuroradiology, and Molecular/Nuclear Medicine) followed by an additional clinical fellowship with dedicated research time in the associated section. The tracks are based on existing sections in the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging that have an ongoing and established commitment to multidisciplinary collaborative research in biomedical imaging, although the program emphasizes flexibility and alternative approaches may be possible according to individual interests. Mentorship and supervision will be provided by teams incorporating radiologists, basic scientists, and clinicians. These teams will also include senior NIH funded researchers. The department provides state of the art imaging facilities with extensive laboratory support.

 T32 Program Description
MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound of the femur in a pig model with contrast enhanced MRI (left) and PET (right). (T32 fellow Matt Bucknor, MD; 2012-13).

Application Procedures for T32 Program

The T32 program positions are filled for 2025-2026

Currently interviewing for fellowship positions 2026-27

In order to be considered for the T32 program, an applicant must:

  • Be a citizen of the U.S. or permanent resident.
  • Have an MD degree or be in or completing an approved radiology or nuclear medicine residency program.

Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a cover letter including a description of their research interests, and three letters of references to:

Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD
T32 Training Grant Program Director
UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Box 0628
San Francisco, CA 94143-0628

All applications will be reviewed by the Training Grant Selection Committee, and applicants may be invited to interview. Stipend levels are in accordance with NIH guidelines based on years of postdoctoral experience and may be supplemented.

Research Award Opportunity for T32 Trainees

T32 Trainees are eligible to apply for the UCSF Resident Research Scholar Awards.
Learn more about resident funding opportunites

T32 Program Participants

2024-25 T32 Trainees

2024-25 T32 Trainees 

(L-R): Thomas Link, MD, PhD, Lohith Kini, MD, PhD, Eric Davis, MD, Luke Bonham, MD, David Wilson, MD, PhD, Zhen Jane Wang, MD

2023-24 T32 Trainees

(L-R): Z. Jane Wang, MD (Associate Director), Madhavi Duvvuri, MD, MPhil, Joe Baal, MD, Thomas Link, MD, PhD (Program Director).  (Not pictured, Charlie Wang, MD, PhD and David Wilson, MD, PhD)

2023-24 T32 Trainees

2022-23 T32 Trainees 

(L:R) Z. Jane Wang, MD (Associate Director); Masis Isikbay, MD; Upasana Upadhyay Bharadwaj, MD; Domenique Escobar, MD; Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director).

2021-22 T32 Trainees

(Top row): Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director), Z. Jane Wang, MD (Associate Director)
(Middle row): Allen Ye, MD, PhD, Jeanette Mathieu, MD
(Bottom row):  David Wilson, MD, PhD (Associate Director), Samantha Pisani Petrucci, MD, PhD

T32 Program 2021-22 Trainees
T32 Program 2020-21 Trainees

2020-21 T32 Trainees

(Top row): Milan Manchandia, MD, Tyler Gleason, MD
(Middle row): Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director), Zhen Jane Wang, MD (Associate Director)
(Bottom row):  David Wilson, MD, PhD (Associate Director), Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD

2019-20 T32 Trainees

(L:R) Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Zhen Jane Wang, MD (Associate Program Director); Mithun Diwakar, MD, PhD; Maya Vella, MD; Kirti Magudia, MD, PhD; Jae Ho Sohn, MD, MS; David Wilson, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director).

T32 Program 2017-18 Trainees


T32 Program 2018-19 Trainees

2018-19 T32 Trainees

(L:R) David Wilson, MD, PhD (Associate Director); Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Andrew Callen, MD; Andreas Rauschecker, MD, PhD; John Colby, MD, PhD; Geraldine Tran, MD; Zhen Jane Wang, MD (Associate Director).

2017-18 T32 Trainees

(L:R) Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Peter Chang, MD; Lindsay Busby, MD, MPH; Joseph Leach, MD, PhD; Matthew Barkovich, MD; Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director).

T32 Program 2017-18 Trainees
T32 Program 2016-17 Trainees

2016-17 T32 Trainees

(L:R) Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Hari Trivedi, MD; Cyrus Raji, MD, PhD; Mariam Aboian, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Tong, MD. Not pictured: Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director).


2015-16 T32 Trainees

(L:R) Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Kim Kallianos, MD;  Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director); Javier Villanueva-Meyer, MD; Chris Mutch, MD, PhD.  Not pictured: Vignesh Arasu, MD.

T32 Program 2015-16 Trainees
T32 Program 2014-15 Trainees

2014-15 T32 Trainees

(L:R) Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director); Nicholas Burris, MD; Robert Flavell, MD, PhD; Jacob Brown, MD, PhD; Marc Mabray, MD; Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director).

2013-14 T32 Trainees

Top row: Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director), Akash Kansagra, MD, Ramon Barajas, MD, Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director).
Bottom row: Parham Moftakhar, MD, John-Paul Yu, MD, PhD.

T32 Program 2013-14 Trainees
T32 Program 2012-13 Trainees

2012-2013 T32 Trainees

Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director), Matt Bucknor, MD, Amaya Basta, MD, Yuo Chen, MD, Anand Patel, MD, Chris Hess, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director).

2011-2012 T32 Trainees

Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director), Victor Sai, MD, John Mongan, MD, PhD, Etay Ziv, MD, Abby Deans, MD, Fergus Coakley, MD, PhD (Former Program Director).

T32 Program 2011-12 Trainees
T32 Program 2010-11 Trainees

2010-2011 T32 Trainees

Jason Talbott, MD, PhD, D. Thor Johnson, MD, PhD, Elanasif Arrayeh, MD, Fergus Coakley, MD (Former Program Director), Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Program Director), Ania Szary, MD.

2009-2010 T32 Trainees

Top: Timothy Shepherd, MD, PhD, Thomas M. Link, MD, PhD (Associate Program Director), Fergus Coakley, MD (Former Program Director), David Naeger, MD.
Bottom:  Gloria Chiang, MD and Sharon Kwan, MD.


T32 Program 2009-10 Trainees
T32 Program 2008-09 Trainees

2008-2009 T32 Trainees

Amita Kamath, MD, Maureen Kohi, MD, Dorota Wisner, MD, PhD, and Jeremy Collins, MD, PhD.

2007-2008 T32 Trainees

Akhilesh Sista, MD, David Wilson, MD, PhD, Jafi Lipson, MD, and Nick Costouros, MD.

T32 Program 2007-08 Trainees
T32 Program 2006-07 Trainees

2006-2007 T32 Trainees

Shiva Badiee, MD, Jeremy Durack, MD, and Z. Jane Wang, MD.


2005-2006 T32 Trainees

Christopher Hess, MD, PhD,  Antonio Westphalen, MD, and Matthew Falk, MD.

T32 Program 2005-06 Trainees

T32 Advisory Board

​Dan Lowenstein, MD Executive Vice Chancellor and ProvosDr. Daniel Lowenstein, MD is a Professor of Neurology, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, the Robert B. and Ellinor Aird Professor and Vice Chairman in the Department of Neurology and former Director of Physician-Scientist and Education Training Programs for the UCSF School of Medicine. Dr. Lowenstein is an accomplished scientist and teacher, who received multiple awards. Dr. Lowenstein has also been actively involved in defining scientific policy at the national level, having served a 4-year term as a member of the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and Chair of the NINDS Clinical Trials Subcommittee from 2000-2004. Moreover, Dr. Lowenstein has had an active role at UCSF concerning issues related to cultural diversity and civil rights.

Rick Hecht, MD Professor of Medicine and Director of the UCSF T32 program, Training in Research in Integrative MedicineDr. Rick Hecht, MD is a Professor of Medicine and Director of the UCSF T32 program, Training in Research in Integrative Medicine. He is the Director of Research at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine and Osher Foundation Endowed Chair in Research in Integrative Medicine. Dr. Rick Hecht is trained in internal medicine, with fellowship training in clinical epidemiology and clinical research methods. Dr. Hecht has been the principal investigator of 10 grants from the NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), including two Center for Excellence in Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine grants.

Chuck McCulloch, PhD Professor and Head of the Division of Biostatistics at UCSF

Dr. Chuck McCulloch, PhD is Professor and Head of the Division of Biostatistics at UCSF. He is Vice Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Dr. McCulloch has over 40 years of statistical consulting experience and served as an advisor for multiple grant applications originating from the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging. He has mentored multiple clinician scientists during his career. Dr. McCulloch is also involved in a critical teaching component of our program, the Summer Clinical Research Workshop, organized by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, which provides solid research training for our T32 fellows.  

 Pamela Woodard, MD Director of the TOP-TIER T32 program, Senior Vice Chair, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington UniversityDr. Pamela Woodard, MD is the Director of the TOP-TIER T32 program of the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University, she is also a Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering and Senior Vice Chair and Division Director of Radiology Research Facilities at Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology.


John Gore, PhD Director of the Postdoctoral Training in Biomedical MRI and MRS T32 program, Director of the Center for Imaging Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical CenterDr. John Gore, PhD is Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and Physics, and Director of the Center for Imaging Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He is also the program director of the NIBIB funded Postdoctoral Training in Biomedical MRI and MRS T32 program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


Sandy Napel, PhD Director of Cancer Imaging Training T32 program, Stanford

Dr. Sandy Napel, PhD is the T32 program director of Stanford’s Cancer Imaging Training (SCIT) Program, which is funded by NCI. Dr. Napel is a Professor of Radiology (Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics) and, by courtesy, of Medicine (Medical Informatics) and of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He is also Division Chief of IBIIS (Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford), and co-director of the Radiology 3D and the Quantitative Imaging Lab.

T32 Program Directors 

Professor, & Division Chief, Musculoskeletal Radiology
Clinical Director of MQIR
Director, T32 Program
Professor in Residence
Division Chief, Abdominal Imaging
T32 Program Associate Director
Professor in Residence
Associate Director Clinical Scientists T32 Training Program
Lead of Chemistry, Probes, and Molecular Therapy (CPMT)
Professor in Residence