Baby Brain Research Group

Baby Brain Research Group video - created by Olga Tymofiyeva, PhD from the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

The Baby Brain Research Group studies how newborns' brains get injured and what the best diagnostic tools are to see that injury early on. Our aim is to see brain injury early enough so we can develop treatments to reduce the damage and aid recovery of injured areas. We also hope to identify those children whose long-term development will be affected, and who could benefit from early therapy.

Birth Asphyxia MRI (BAMRI)

 The Birth Asphyxia MRI (BAMRI) study BAMRI Study

The Birth Asphyxia MRI (BAMRI) study implements innovative imaging techniques to assess infants who have encephalopathy in the neonatal period.  The study also evaluates the children as they mature to determine the long term effects of neonatal encephalopathy on brain development and neurodevelopmental performance. 

Prematurely Born Neonate MRI

The Prematurely born neonate MRI (PreMRI)

PreMRI Study

The Prematurely born neonate MRI (PreMRI) study examines the relationship between premature birth, brain injury, and neurologic development using novel imaging techniques developed at UCSF. 


Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI study

Cardiac MRI Study

The Cardiac MRI study uses advanced imaging to assess brain injury associated with severe congenital heart disease and its treatments, as well as long tern neurodevelopmental outcome of affected children. 

Fetal MRI

Fetal MRIFetal MRI Study

The Fetal MRI study is developing methods to better assess and quantify development of the nervous system in the fetus, thereby allowing early detection of developmental abnormalities. In addition, the study is comparing how accurately fetal MRI detects changes in the fetus’ brain and spine during pregnancy compared to ultrasound.