BrainChange Lab

BrainChange Study

Welcome to the BrainChange Lab, formerly led by Olga Tymofiyeva, PhD and now by Tony Yang, MD, PhD from the Department of Psychiatry. The focus of our lab's research is non-invasive mapping of the structure, microstructure, connectivity and function of the developing brain, in particular the adolescent brain. We develop and apply advanced MRI techniques to study the neurobiological substrates of mental disorders (in particular, adolescent depression) and effects of non-pharmacological mind-body interventions (such as mindfulness and placebo) on children and adolescents.


BrainChange Study (currently recruiting)

The goal of our UCSF BrainChange study is to use MRI imaging to observe brain changes in young people who undergo an online training. (Read more and watch a video about the study here).

We are looking for 14-18 years-old adolescents who will get a chance to undergo either a free 12-week mindfulness training, in which they will learn self-regulation skills (breathing, yoga-based movements, meditation) or a free 12-week psychological education training that can help them better regulate emotions (with a random assignment to one of the groups). The groups will meet once-per-week for 1.5 hours online via Zoom.

Participants also undergo a 1-hour MRI scan before and after the training. MRI scans take place at a state-of-the-art UCSF facility at Mission Bay. Participants receive up to $535 in gift cards for completion of the study.

Please note that at the 1st MRI scan participants are randomly assigned to one of two groups, with an equal chance of being assigned to either group. The groups are 1.5h long and take place weekly, over 12 weeks.

Please fill out the BrainChange Introductory Survey if you are interested and would like to get more information.

BrainChange TARA group setup

TARA group setup

Our Team

Tony Yang, MD, PhD - Dept. of Psychiatry - Principal Investigator

Angela Jakary, BA - Dept. of Radiology - Staff Research Associate

Tara Samson, BA - Dept. of Radiology - Assistant Specialist

Eva Henje Blom, MD, PhD - University of Umea, Sweden - Creator of the "Training of Awareness, Resilience and Action" (TARA)


Olga Tymofiyeva, PhD - Dept. of Radiology - Principal Investigator

Tiffany Ngan, BSc - Dept. of Radiology - Staff Research Associate

Benjamin Sipes, MS - Dept. of Radiology - Assistant Specialist

Nikita Shah, BA - Dept. of Radiology - Clinical Research Coordinator

Namasvi Jariwala, MA - Dept. of Radiology - Senior Clinical Research Coordinator

Kendall Parks, BA - Dept. of Neurology - Clinical Research Coordinator

Justin Yuan, BA - Dept. of Radiology - Assistant Specialist

Tony Yang, MD, PhD, and Olga Tymofiyeva, PhD.

Photo: Walter Zarnowitz