Musculoskeletal Research Group
The UCSF Musculoskeletal Research Group explores the structures that support the human body, their role in health, and how to prevent and heal musculoskeletal damage.
Who we serve
The Musculoskeletal Research Group will translate to healthier futures for:
- Those with osteoarthritis or other degenerative conditions affecting bones and joints;
- The world’s athletes at all levels - professional, amateur, and occasional;
- Those whose joints and bones are deteriorating with age.
Conditions we address
The clinical application of our Musculoskeletal research will help manage:
- Osteoarthritis
- Back pain and injury
- Knee and hip problems
- Bone and joint degeneration
Who we partner with
We look forward to building relationships with the broadest possible range partners:
- Patients and their families
- Researchers from our own and other institutions
- Visionaries who seek to serve the populations we do
- Donors committed to improving the lives of others
Beyond medical research
In addition to researching causes and solutions, the Musculoskeletal RIG mines and analyzes vast amounts of data to better understand the sources of the conditions under study. These data lead to precision medicine approaches for more accurate assessment and healing.
Who we are
The Musculoskeletal Research Group is made up of:
- Faculty members
- Postdoctoral fellows
- Research staff
- Medical and graduate students from the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medicine, and Bioengineering at UCSF and UC Berkeley.
Our Musculoskeletal Research Labs:
- Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Imaging Lab (PI - Richard Souza, PT, PhD)
- Bone Quality Research Lab (PI - Galateia J. Kazakia, PhD)
- Musculoskeletal and Quantitative Imaging Research (PI - Sharmila Majumdar, PhD)
- Surbeck Laboratory for Advanced Imaging (PI - Sharmila Majumdar, PhD)