Seed Grant Application Guidelines
The Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging’s Seed Grant Program is intended to support the initial stages of new research, in preparation for attracting additional funding at a later stage from extramural sources. This RFA is open to all topic areas in radiology research.
All Radiology faculty are eligible to apply. Clinical fellows, residents, postdoctoral fellows, and non-faculty researchers may apply, but will need a faculty mentor acting as a co- investigator who will undersign the science and assume fiscal responsibility for the grant.
The goal is to award three seed grants at $30,000 each with a duration of one year. Projects providing a plausible justification to spend the maximum budget of $30,000 are strongly encouraged. Projects will not be scored more favorably by the review committee due to a smaller budget.
If funded, the principal investigator is expected to submit a one-page progress report to the chair of the review committee at the conclusion of the 12-month project period. A request for one no cost extension of 6 months will be considered by the review committee.
Department Seed Grant Applications
A Call for Applications will be announced in the Fall of each year.
The seed grant program is intended to support the initial stage of new research directions in preparation for attracting additional multiyear funding from extramural sources. The seed grant program is open to all Radiology faculty. Clinical fellows, residents, postdoctoral fellows, and non-faculty researchers may apply, but will need a faculty mentor acting as a co- investigator who will undersign the science and assume fiscal responsibility for the grant. In alignment with our department’s strategic aim of supporting Team Science, applications that stimulate and promote collaborations between faculty members will be viewed favorably. Diversity in team members is encouraged.
Allowable costs include recharges for the use of Department resources (e.g. scanner time), research supplies, or staff salary support (e.g. effort for CRCs, postdocs, technicians, etc). For single purchases of supplies over $1,000, please include a quote from the appropriate vendor with the application. IRB and IACUC approval are not required at the time of the application but must be attained before the release of the full funding (partial funding may be released at the discretion of the committee to facilitate acquiring the relevant approvals). PI salary support, equipment, non-Radiology recharges (excepting LARC charges), computer and textbook purchases, office supplies, administrative support, parking, and travel are UNALLOWABLE costs.
Pilot Grant
Pilot grants with budgets of up to 5,000 per award will be reviewed on a rolling basis by the seed grant committee. The guidelines and format are identical to the seed grant mechanism. Please submit pilot grants via email to the committee chair.