UCSF Radiology Residents Shine at RSNA20

UCSF Radiology Residents at RSNA20. Top (L-R): Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD; Maggie Chung, MD; Brian Trinh, MD; Jeannette Mathieu, MD; Karl Grunseich, MD; Kevin Sweetwood, MD. Bottom (L-R): Justin Remer, MD; Michael Khanjyan, MD; Ethan Speir, MD; Andrew Fenster, MD; Yan Li, MD, PhD; Emmanuel Carrodeguas, MD

Last week, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) held their annual meeting completely virtually. One of the positives of this was that registration was free for all RSNA members. Since RSNA membership is free for all radiology residents, medical students and fellows, many radiology residents across the world who have not been able to travel to Chicago were able to tune in virtually. Radiology residents at the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging had a strong presence at this year’s annual meeting.

Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD, PGY5 chief resident, gave a live Q&A on his research titled “Volumetric and Regional Atlas-Based Analysis of Diffusion MRI for Neuroprognistication in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients.” Dr. Calabrese’s future plans are to specialize in neuroradiology. He also had two on-demand paper presentations. His fellow class of 2021 residents Karl Grunseich, MD and Brian Trinh, MD had on-demand educational exhibits

Maggie Chung, MD, PGY4 resident, received a Certificate of Merit for her educational exhibit titled "The Milky Way Exploration: MR Evaluation of the Lactating Breast." Authors included Bonnie Joe, MD, PhD (chief of Breast Imaging), Tatiana Kelil, MD and Amie Lee, MD (Breast Imaging faculty), Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, MD (UCSF Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) and Arpine Galstyan (MD candidate). Dr. Chung, a future breast imaging radiologist, also presented another on-demand exhibit titled “From Vision to Reality: Navigating Industry Partnerships to Accelerate Implementation of Machine Learning in Clinical Practice.” Her fellow class of 2022 residents Yan Li, MD, PhD, Jeannette Mathieu, MD, and Kevin Sweetwood, MD had on-demand educational exhibits.

Ethan Speir, MD, PGY3 resident, received a trainee research prize for his research titled “Accuracy of Disclosed Financial Relationships Between Radiologists and Industry at the 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting.” In addition, his presentation was available on demand at the meeting. His fellow class of 2023 residents Emmanuel Carrodeguas, MD, Andrew Fenster, MD, Michael Khanjyan, MD all had on-demand educational exhibits, with Dr. Fenster receiving a Certificate of Merit for his exhibit. In addition, Justin Remer, MD, PGY2 resident, had an on-demand exhibit on “Early Life Cortical Development Mediates the Effects of the COMT Genotype on Cognitive Development.”

The department is very proud of these residents, their hard work shown at RSNA20 and of the senior faculty and leadership who worked closely with them on their research. Learn more about the diagnostic radiology residency program, meet the residents and leadership.

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