Congratulations to 2023-24 MSBI Students!
On Tuesday, August 20, nine students presented their theses in the annual Masters of Science in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) Symposium at Genentech Hall on the UCSF Mission Bay campus. Celebrating with the MSBI students were eight faculty advisors and department researchers and staff. The graduating students did a fantastic job discussing their projects, which investigated a variety of advanced imaging topics.
2023-24 MSBI Student Thesis Symposium
The MSBI students selected Peder Larson, PhD, Professor and Director of the Body Research Interest Group, for this year’s MSBI Outstanding Teaching Award.
Thank you to MSBI leadership Youngho Seo, PhD, MSBI Program Director, and Susan Noworolski, PhD, MSBI Director of Graduate Studies for another successful symposium. Since the MSBI program was initiated in 2011, graduates have gone on to medical schools, PhD programs, research positions within academic labs, and a wide range of occupations in industry.
MSBI Students and Their Projects, 2023-24
Ellis Mayne: Evaluation of Efficacy of Combined CD46-Targeted 225-Ac-Radiopharmaceutical Therapy and FOR46 Antibody Drug Conjugate in Multiple Myeloma
Advisor: Robert Flavell, MD, PhD
Jo Veres: The Separate and Competing Impacts of Proteoglycan Fragment Size and Concentration on T1rho Relaxation Times
Advisor: Aaron Fields, PhD
Duc Huy Doan: Application of convolutional neural networks in multiparametric MR imaging to predict prostate cancer progression
Advisor: Susan Noworolski, PhD
Radhika Bhalerao: Predicting Meningioma Genetic Mutations from Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Machine Learning
Advisor: Andreas Rauschecker, MD, PhD
Tianrun Xiao: Optimization of MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening Protocol in a Rat Model
Advisor: Eugene Ozhinsky, PhD
Tangran Dong: Optimizing Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Breast Cancer Evaluation: A Study on Correcting EPI Distortions and Gradient Nonlinearity
Advisor: Nola Hylton, PhD
Chase Fitch: Dorsal Root Ganglia Diffusion Metrics in Patients with Lumbar Radiculopathy Undergoing Injection
Advisor: Sharmila Majumdar, PhD
Siddharthasiva Anbu Rajan: MRI-based Measures of Metabolic Health in the Assessment of Patients with Chronic Inflammatory States
Advisor: Susan Noworolski, PhD
Nadezhda Urmanov: Improved chemoenzymatic radiosynthesis of fluorine-18 labeled Sakebiose with microPET-CT imaging of Staphylococcus Aureus
Advisor: David Wilson, MD, PhD