Celebrating the Faculty and Staff Who Uphold Our Education Mission

On the third Friday of August, we recognize Graduate Medical Education (GME) Professionals Day. At the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging we are delighted to say Thank You to our residency and fellowship program directors and associate program directors, site directors, and program administrators.

I am beyond grateful for our amazing GME team whose hard work, dedication, and creative problem solving enable our educational programs to thrive! This partnership is the basis for the successes of our program and trainees, so THANK YOU!“

Kevin Sweetwood, MD
Program Director, Musculoskeletal fellowship

GME professionals provide behind-the-scenes expertise that isn’t always visible, yet these dedicated faculty and staff fulfill crucial roles in preparing highly-trained radiologists who go on to serve in academic centers, hospitals, and private practice.

A lot happens between admission to a radiology residency and a radiologist’s first job, and our GME professionals are there every step of the way to ensure trainees’ success.

During their four years of training, residents learn many aspects of patient care, medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, and professionalism, receiving instruction from faculty, fellows, and their resident peers. They also have the option to dedicate twelve months to clinical or basic science research. Residents rotate through subspecialty areas – abdominal, neuroradiology, musculoskeletal, body interventional, neurointerventional/neuroendovascular surgery, cardiothoracic, breast imaging, pediatric, ultrasonography, and nuclear medicine – and then typically select one of these subspecialities for an additional year or two of fellowship training.

We love the energy and warmth of our body imaging fellows who work alongside faculty and residents to provide caring clinical services and inspire our educational programs.”

Benjamin Yeh, MD
Program Director, Body Imaging Fellowship

Quite simply, without our GME Professionals, I wouldn’t have the pleasure of working with our amazing fellows! Our GME Professionals make one of the most rewarding parts of my career possible. They are INCREDIBLE partners in identifying and training the best applicants.“

Matthew Amans, MD
Program Director, NIR/NES Fellowship

GME professionals are the quiet virtuosos in all of this. We are so grateful for all that our educators do, from coordinating admissions and interviews to managing rotation schedules, providing academic and clinical preparation for CORE exams to ensuring compliance with rigorous standards.

Their results are clear. The UCSF diagnostic radiology residency program has been ranked #1 in the country by Doximity for twelve years in a row. With 60 radiology residents and 46 clinical fellows who serve in eight divisions, our GME professionals have a significant influence on the personal and career development of tomorrow’s radiology and biomedical imaging leaders.

Thank you and enjoy your day of recognition!

To all the GME Professionals, Thank you all for your unwavering support and commitment in shaping the next generation of radiologists. Your impact is profound and deeply appreciated. A special thanks to the Education Team. There is no 'I' in teams, and I truly cannot run this program without you. You all are the best and I appreciate you working alongside me. Thank you for your dedication to this program and all the support you provide to our trainees to make sure they have the best educational experience possible.“

Soonmee Cha, MD
Professor, Vice Chair for Education

Residency Program Directors

Clinical Fellowship Program Directors

Education Team

(Left to Right) Anna Zheng, Nuclear Medicine Fellowship Program Administrator, Education Program Coordinator; Sandria Wong, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Administrator, Integrated Interventional Radiology Program Administrator, T-32 Grant Administrator; Melinda Parangan-Chu, Director of Education Programs and Administration; Samira Zebarjadian, Medical Student Education Program Administrator, Independent Interventional Radiology Program Administrator; Sora Kang, Radiology Fellowship Programs Administrator; Michael Leon, MSBI Program Administrator