UCSF Radiology Faculty, Alumni and Trainees Were Recognized at Commencement 2021

UCSF Radiology Residents, Class of 2021 (Photo taken in 2017)

Commencement 2021 was held on June 11, 2021, with a virtual ceremony. The UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging would like to take this opportunity to congratulate graduates. Below are messages from program leaders who have shared their wishes for our graduates.

Congratulations to our graduating residents! The past four years have demonstrated your resilience, progress, and tremendous accomplishments. In addition to your exemplary work ethic and teamwork, each of you has brought something unique to enhance our program. Your commitment to excellence has been nothing short of outstanding. I wish you every success in your fellowships!

Soonmee Cha, MD, Residency Director - Vice Chair, Education

We are more than proud of the 49 clinical fellows who have been with us for the past 12 months or more. The department appreciates your dedication to your chosen radiologic subspecialty and to providing outstanding patient care. We wish all our fellows, those remaining and those moving on to other practices and institutions, every success in the future!

Spencer Behr, MD, Director of Fellowship Programs

Congratulations to our 14 Masters of Science in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) graduates! Your focus and dedication this year in learning the principles of imaging modalities and applications was exemplary.  Many of you are staying on for the summer academic quarter and the department looks forward to seeing your wide range of research projects at the annual summer symposium.

Susan Noworolski, PhD, MSBI Program Director 

We would also like to recognize the following individuals who received awards.  

The Medical Student Teaching Award

Recipient: Sage Kramer, MD, radiology resident

Presented to a teacher demonstrating excellence in teaching UCSF medical students for the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Radiology Award for Outstanding Faculty Mentoring

Recipient: Christine Glastonbury, MBBS, professor, vice chair of Academic Affairs and interim chief of Neuroradiology  

Presented annually to a faculty member who has provided extraordinary service to the department's faculty through mentorship.

Margulis Society Resident Research Award

Recipient: Evan Calabrese, MD, PhD, radiology resident

Presented annually by the Margulis Society to a senior resident who has accomplished outstanding achievement in research during their time as a resident in the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Outstanding Fellow/Clinical Instructor Teaching Award

Recipient: Maya Vella, MD, clinical fellow

Presented annually to a fellow or clinical instructor who has demonstrated both excellence in teaching and outstanding dedication to instructing trainees in the residency program.

Outstanding Clinical Faculty Award

Recipient: Camilla Lindan, MD, assistant clinical professor

Presented for outstanding service to the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging as a member of the Clinical Faculty.

Elmer Ng Outstanding Resident Award

Recipients: J. Matthew Kerchberger, MD, MPH and Olivia Linden, MD, radiology residents

Named in memory of former faculty member Elmer Ng, MD, this award is presented annually to an exceptional member of the graduating residency class in recognition of extraordinary accomplishments and a high-level of dedication to excellence in patient care, teaching and service.

Hideyo Minagi Outstanding Teacher Award

Recipient: Soonmee Cha, MD, professor, vice chair for Education and Diagnostic Radiology Residency program director

Named in honor of faculty member Hideyo Minagi, MD, this award recognizes an outstanding faculty teacher that most exemplifies the commitment, enthusiasm and dedication to teaching demonstrated by Dr. Hideyo Minagi over his long UCSF career.

Clinical Faculty Excellence Award

Recipient: Liina Poder, MD, professor

The Clinical Faculty Excellence Award is established to honor and celebrate our faculty who are distinguished by their dedication to clinical radiology, their superb skills in diagnostic and/or interventional radiology, and the exceptional care they provide to our patients. This honor is awarded annually.

Outstanding Alumnus Award

Recipient: Jessica Leung, MD, professor of Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and section chief of Breast Imaging at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Presented to a graduate of the radiology residency program who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment, who has provided outstanding service to the field of radiology through their leadership, and who has promoted the culture of the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging through collaboration, professionalism and excellence.

Congratulations to all 2021 award winners and graduates!

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