UCSF Neuroradiology Fellowship Program Prepares Radiologists for an Academic Career in Neuroradiology
For many radiology residents, a radiology fellowship is the next step after finishing a four-year residency program. This means applications are prepared by the third year of residency, and the decision regarding fellowship happens much earlier. But of course, that decision (for many) is never easy. The UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging offers eight clinical fellowships, including neuroradiology. Nine ACGME neuroradiology fellowship positions are offered each year.
Vinil Shah, MD, neuroradiology fellowship director at UCSF Radiology
The two-year pathway is open to both UCSF residents and external candidates. It is the primary track for neuroradiology fellowship training at UCSF and is intended for candidates pursuing an academic career in neuroradiology. During the ACGME year, fellows are trained to become clinically excellent neuroradiologists in a wide array of areas, including pediatric neuroradiology, fetal MRI, MEG/MSI, neurograms, and spine interventions. During the second year as clinical instructors, trainees split time between functioning as junior attendings in neuroradiology and gaining additional subspecialty training in a focused area of their choosing, including pediatric neuroradiology, head and neck, and spine interventions. Fellows are encouraged to engage in research projects with faculty mentors and particularly encouraged to seek independent grant funding for protected research time during their second year.
Yi Li, MD, neuroradiology fellowship associate director at UCSF Radiology
Learn more about the neuroradiology fellowship including positions obtained by recent neuroradiology fellowship graduates. Former neuroradiology fellows at UCSF are part of the faculty and hold leadership roles both here at UCSF and at other esteemed institutions around the country. Christopher Hess, MD, PhD, department chair, completed both his diagnostic radiology residency and neuroradiology fellowship here.
Of course, due to COVID-19, in-person “meet and greets” are not possible, but it’s still very important when choosing a fellowship to talk with program and section leadership, current fellows and clinical instructors to get their perspective on our fellowship program and application process. With this in mind, we have set up several “Virtual Meet & Greet” opportunities. See the information below for more details.