Alastair Martin, PhD, Appointed Associate Chair for Capital Projects
Alastair Martin, PhD, has been appointed as associate chair for capital projects for the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging. In this role, Dr. Martin will oversee all capital projects within the department, with responsibilities that include supervision of the annual capital budgeting process, identification and prioritization of new clinical capital needs and upgrades, management of vendor relationships, and oversight of capital installation and facilities renovation and expansion.
Dr. Martin comes to this position with strong technical and leadership skills that will ensure that the department maintains its long record of strength in this area. After receiving his PhD in medical biophysics from the University of Toronto in 1994, he served as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Ontario for two years, and then went on to join Philips Medical Systems in 1996 as a clinical scientist. In this capacity, he worked at the University of Minnesota, where his research focused on developing techniques for MR guidance of neurosurgical procedures. Tired of the cold Minnesota weather, in 2001 he joined UCSF to be a part of the XMR project, while continuing in his position as senior clinical scientist for Philips. In 2005, he left Philips to join the faculty at UCSF Radiology.
As he takes on this administrative responsibility, Dr. Martin will continue to maintain a significant presence in research and education. He has had a longstanding interest in MR-guided interventions, especially for neurosurgical and endovascular applications. He has gained international renown for his expertise in the use of MRI for the placement of deep brain stimulators. As director of graduate studies for the Master of Science in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) program, he has also been a leader for educating trainees in biomedical imaging.
UCSF would like to thank Robert Gould, DSc, for his exceptional years of service as the departmental leader for capital projects. Dr. Gould has played a definitive role in establishing UCSF as the best-equipped and most technologically advanced department in the country.