
Improving Communication Between Radiologists and Surgeons for the Care of Transgender Women

A team of radiologists and surgeons from the UCSF Departments of Radiology and Surgery - Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, CU Radiology and the Oregon Health Sciences University Department of Radiology (OHSU Radiology) recently collaborated on an article that describes the radiologist’s role in an important aspect of the care of gender diverse patients, namely preoperative FFS planning. 

Advancing Focused Ultrasound Technology for Musculoskeletal Applications and Cancer Treatment

Once Matthew Bucknor, MD realized the full potential of focused ultrasound technology, he knew that he wanted to help drive its advancement moving forward. Now, he is a lead radiologist at UCSF Radiology in performing focused ultrasound treatments and research.

Smartphone Dependence, Brain Connectivity and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents

Olga Tymofiyeva, PhD, along with her colleagues, embarked on the quest of trying to understand of the brain mechanisms that underlie potential smartphone dependence. The full article can be found in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

The Exploration of PSMA PET as a Possible Theranostic Agent in Thyroid Cancer

Courtney Lawhn Heath, MD, took the lead on a recent prospective pilot study, published in EJNMMI Research, to determine the feasibility and utility of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI in thyroid cancer patients.

2020 Year in Review: Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Accomplishments

As this history of 2020 is being written, the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging would like to take a moment to recognize this year’s highlights in service, patient care, research and education as well as the many department members who advocate for racial justice. 

Using Applied Statistics for a Practical Diagnostic Framework for Negative COVID-19 Results

A team of physicians from the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center (SFVAMC) worked on and presented a framework for how to weigh repeatedly negative test results in clinical decision making when there is ongoing concern for COVID-19.

A Recap of the UCSF Radiology 17th Annual Imaging Research Symposium

The 17th Annual Imaging Research Symposium was held virtually for the first itme on Wednesday, October 14, 2020. Each year, the symposium is open to all in the UCSF and scientific communities to highlight the breadth and depth of innovative research being done in the department.

Collaborative Work Develops a Variable Resolution Approach for Improved HP 13-C MRI Acquisition

Recently, a team of scientists from UCSF Radiology, the UC Berkeley-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering and the UCSF Department of Medicine Division of Cardiology came together to work to improve tradeoffs between a fixed spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for hyperpolarized 13 C MRI.

Study Results from the UCSF Ci2 Suggest Deep Learning Methods Can Help Grade ACL Injuries

A team from the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) developed a deep learning pipeline for diagnostic worklist prioritization and generalizability in assessing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) lesions.

An AI-Driven "Virtual Biopsy" Approach for Identification of Genetic Alterations in Glioblastomas

A new study from scientists at UCSF Radiology and Biomedical Imaging uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the presence of specific genetic alterations in individual patient's tumors using only non-invasive brain MRI. 
