Register Now for the Breast Imaging CME Program in Hawaii

The Fairmont Orchard resort and Hawaii coastline complete with the ocean and palm tree-ridden shoreline.

The UCSF Radiology CME Program will be hosting the UCSF Breast Imaging CME course at the Fairmont Orchid Resort and Spa on the Big Island of Hawaii

The UC San Francisco (UCSF) Radiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program will be hosting the UCSF Breast Imaging CME course at the Fairmont Orchid Resort and Spa on the Big Island of Hawaii. We hope you will join us from Sunday, February 26, 2023, to Friday, March 3, 2023, for five half-day morning sessions with a full day off on Wednesday. There are 25 CME credits available for this course

UCSF Breast Imaging faculty that will be teaching this course include Bonnie Joe, MD, PhDJessica Hayward, MDAmie Lee, MDElissa Price, MD; and Edward Sickles, MD.

"We are so looking forward to having you join us for the UCSF Breast Imaging Update CME course at the Fairmont Orchid Resort and Spa in Kona," said Dr. Price, the course director. "The goal of this CME course is to provide a comprehensive review of multimodality breast imaging tools, pearls and pitfalls. UCSF Radiology faculty will provide daily panels to facilitate open and lively discussion. We are excited to engage with you during the course and hope to see you in Kona in February."  

Guest faculty will include Jocelyn Rapelyea, MD, an associate professor of radiology at The George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, DC.

View the course webpage for information on accommodations, air travel, registration and more. You can preview the robust program here.

Interested in attending? You can register for the course here.

The health and safety of our meeting attendees, faculty, staff, and patients is of the utmost importance to us. This conference will follow UCSF, city, state, and federal health and safety guidelines for meeting in person. By registering for the in-person conference attendees agree to adhere to these guidelines. Further information can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact the Radiology CME office directly.

Learn more and register here.

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