A medical recall of steroid compound used as an injection of spine pain from the New England Compounding Center has been making headlines, but it's important to note that these implicated pharmaceuticals have not been shipped to San Francisco. Learn more.
Cutting-edge research and the Hasegawa Award to be highlighted at the UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging's Annual Imaging Research Symposium on October 30, 2012!
Transjugular Interhepatic Portosystemic Shunts, or “TIPS,” is now a common alternative treatment for patients with cirrhosis and other forms of advanced liver disease.
A recent UCSF study published in the August issue of Radiology confirms the benefit of undergoing semiannual surveillance mammography following breast-conserving therapy as opposed to the existing guide-lines which recommend annual mammography screening.
Here at UCSF, we are currently working on intra-operative image guidance for the next generation of surgical therapies.
The UCSF Department of Radiology is home to not one, but two 7T MRI scanners, a state of the art imaging machine that offers researchers a more in-depth look into the details of the brain.