
The University of California’s (UC) Center for Health Quality and Innovation (CHQI) has awarded several grants to UC faculty and staff with the goal of improving health care delivery in California. This proposal aims to standardize and optimize CT doses across UC medical centers so that patients receive the lowest dose possible to produce the necessary medical benefit.

Nearly 5,000 hospitals were analyzed by U.S. News & World Report, and – once again – UCSF Medical Center ranks among the nation’s best.

Chief of Nuclear Medicine Dr. Miguel Pampaloni, M.D., Ph.D., discusses combining positron emission tomography (PET) with computed tomography (CT) in oncology.

I was recently interviewed for an article, published in The New York Times, about the tendency for some hospitals and imaging centers to perform multiple CT scans on a single patient in one day. Not only is this extra radiation exposure an extremely unsafe practice, but it is also a very costly one for the Medicare system and other insurance companies.

As ABC News put it: "Mammograms save lives, period, end of story." This declaration -- something we at UCSF already advocated -- is the conclusive result of a landmark (29-year-long!) study of mammography screening.

Imaging can contribute substantially to the local and distant evaluation of prostate cancer. However, not all imaging is created equal.
