Zuckerberg SFGH

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital & Trauma Center

1001 Potrero Avenue, Building 5
San Francisco, CA 94110

Avon Comprehensive Breast Care Center

1001 Potrero Avenue (at 22nd St.), Building 4
San Francisco, CA 94110

ZSFG Highlights

  • The only Level 1 Trauma Center in San Francisco and northern San Mateo.
  • The city’s largest primary care facility and part of the SF Health Network.
  • The hub of the city’s disaster response in an earthquake or major crisis.
  • Consistently recognized for our excellent care with Centers of Excellence in Neurotrauma, Stroke, and Orthopedics.
  • The world’s leader in HIV/AIDS care.
  • In partnership with UCSF – all of our doctors are on the UCSF faculty.
  • Home to 20 UCSF research centers, with research budgets exceeding $150 million annually.

Clinical Services at ZSFG

Body Imaging

At ZSFG, we uses ultrasound, CT and MRI to diagnose and treat disorders of the liver, pancreas, colon, uterus, ovaries, prostate, and bladder.

Chest Imaging

We provide a comprehensive evaluation of both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems using advanced imaging modalities:

  • CT angiography (CTA) of the pulmonary arteries and aorta
  • High resolution CT of the lung
  • Imaging of lung cancer including a screening program
  • New technologies for cardiac imaging MRI and coronary CT

Interventional Radiology

The types of disorders we evaluate and treat include primary and metastatic liver cancers, liver or bile duct diseases requiring biliary drainage, peripheral vascular diseases and disorders of circulation. Our physicians recommend appropriate therapies, refer patients for procedures, admit patients to the hospital when necessary, and see the patients for follow-up care. We work collaboratively with our surgical and medical colleagues to ensure that our patients receive the potential benefits of all therapeutic alternatives.

Musculoskeletal Imaging

We offer a full range of musculoskeletal imaging techniques with MRI, CT, and ultrasound. We also provide an array of minimally invasive treatments and diagnostic services including joint and bursal steroid injections, ultrasound-guided barbotage, and CT-guided bone biopsies.

Our expert musculoskeletal radiologist is experienced and dedicated to safely performing procedures with patient comfort in mind. We work closely with our colleagues in orthopedics, rheumatology, and endocrinology to provide expert imaging interpretations so that our veterans receive first-class care. 


State-of-the-art imaging of the head and neck is offered with CT, MRI, and molecular modalities such as PET. The group has expertise in the full array of neurologic disease, including brain tumors, stroke and other vascular disorders, spine disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and brain malformations.

Neuroendovascular Surgery

Neuroendovascular surgery is a subspecialty of the UCSF Department of Radiology where world-renowned physicians develop and perfect new techniques to treat stroke, brain tumors, cerebral aneurysm and other life threatening conditions of the central nervous system through endovascular approaches.


ZSFG faculty with special ultrasound expertise perform and interpret a variety of obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound exams as well as gynecologic procedures. This includes fertility workup (pelvic ultrasound, saline sonohysterogram, hysterosalpingogram), fetal evaluation (first, second, and third trimester OB ultrasound exams), and postpartum ultrasound evaluation. Our goal is to help put our patients at ease with timely and accurate ultrasound imaging during this important time in their lives.

Parking and Transportation


Public parking spaces are available off of 23rd Street, between Vermont and Portrero.

Public Transportation

The Zuckerberg San Francisco General campus is served by the 9, 33 and 48 MUNI bus lines. 

UCSF Shuttle

UCSF shuttle service is available from other campuses.  More information, including schedules is available on the UCSF Transportation web site.

Our Team

Vice Chair, ZSFG
Radiologist-in-Chief, San Francisco General Hospital
Professor in Residence
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Medical Director, Informatics
Assoc Prof Clinical Radiology
Professor Clinical Radiology
Professor In Residence
Department of Radiology
Professor In Residence
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Director of QA/QI, ZSFG
Assoc Prof Clinical Radiology
Assistant Professor
Associate Program Director, Body Imaging Fellowship
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Program Director, Integrated & Interventional Radiology Residency Programs
Assoc Prof Clinical Radiology
Clinical Professor
Assistant Professor
HS Clinical Professor
Associate Professor
Director, IT, ZSFG
Co-Chair, Residency Selection Committee
Assoc Professor Clin Radiology
Professor In Residence
Modality Director for MRI
Professor In Residence
Assistant Professor
Director of Wellbeing & Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, ZSFG
Chair, Diversity Committee
Asst Professor Clin Radiology
Assistant Professor
Asst Prof Clinical Radiology
Chair of ZSFG Radiation Safety Committee
Clinical Professor
HS Clinical Professor
Chief of Ultrasound at ZSFG
HS Clinical Professor
Professor Emeritus
Clinical Professor
Division Chief, ER/Acute Care
Director of Clinical Operations, ZSFG
Associate Residency Program Director
Professor Clinical Radiology
Clinical Professor
Assistant Professor
Asst Professor Clin Radiology
Assistant Professor
Professor in Residence