UCSF Radiology Proudly Supports the Children’s Theater Association of San Francisco

Kat Zagoria (left) poses in a dress rehearsal.

I’m proud to let you know that my wife, Kat, will star in the Children’s Theater Association of San Francisco’s production of “Aladdin and His Wonderful, Magical Lamp.” The show opens in January at the Palace of Fine Arts, but tickets are on sale now at an early-bird offering of five tickets for the price of four. These will make great stocking stuffers and family gifts for the holidays! 

If you’re not familiar with the spectacular work of CTA, I encourage you to indulge yourself. Their shows are free to Bay Area school groups and teachers, providing a live theater experience to over 7,000 students who might otherwise not have the opportunity to attend. Over the years, CTA has earned a reputation for professionalism and high production values--easily in the same league as the best live theater in this talented city of ours. And speaking of values, “Aladdin” has some very supportable ones to share with kids and family. Aladdin realizes his dreams and makes the world a better place through his determination and love for his family and friends. I’m pretty familiar with the script, since Kat has the privilege of playing Aladdin in some of this season’s shows!

Thanks for the opportunity to brag about my lovely, vivacious bride. I’ve had the pleasure to see her over the years in many professional productions in the communities where we’ve lived and I’m very proud of the status she’s attained in our three years in San Francisco.  She plays the title role in “Aladdin and his Wonderful, Magical Lamp” on January 28 at the 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. shows, and again on March 11 at 10:30 a.m., but there are other dates and times. I hope you’ll pick one that suits you and your family and enjoy some great theater!

Visit CTA’s website here and click on the “Buy Tickets Now” button on the left. 
