UCSF Radiology CME Returns to In-Person Learning on Nevis

UCSF Imaging Update in Nevis: December 5-10, 2021, Four Season Nevis Caribbean

The UCSF Radiology Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program is pleased to announce the return of in-person CME courses. Our first destination course, “UCSF Imaging Update in Nevis” will be at the Four Seasons Resort on the beautiful Caribbean island of Nevis from December 5-10, 2021. This course will feature a fantastic group of lecturers covering thoracic, abdominal, neuro, and musculoskeletal imaging. Supplemental online lectures in pediatric and breast imaging will round out the course content. View the course webpage for the lecture program, travel info, online registration and full brochure. 

“As with all of our courses, our goal is to provide a practical review of topics pertinent to the general radiologist focusing on approaches to common imaging problems with a smattering of cutting-edge indications and technologies mixed in,” says Brett Elicker, MD, course director, professor and chief of Cardiac and Pulmonary Imaging at UCSF Radiology. “Faculty will be available at the breaks and after the lectures. We are really excited to ‘talk shop’ with all of you who are attending. Believe me, we are just as eager for thought-provoking, in-person professional discussion as you are.”

Dr. Elicker extends a personal invitation to all radiologists considering this course: “We hope that you are able to join us, and we are very excited to welcome you back (or welcome you for the first time) to a UCSF Radiology CME course. See you on the beach.” Register here.

UCSF will continue to offer educational activities for as long as it is feasible and follow the Chancellor’s and State’s directives on large group gatherings and non-essential travel. If you have any questions, please contact the Radiology CME office directly.

Nevis is the smaller of the two islands comprising the nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. The Four Seasons Nevis, one of the premier resorts in the Caribbean, is a great place for those who want to relax by the pool and for those who are more adventurous and want to tackle the heights of Nevis peak. While Nevis is a small island, there are multiple restaurants to explore, each with their own personality and focus.  

The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and the Four Seasons Resort have proper travel and on-premises protocols to ensure both safe travel and enjoyment during your visit. See “Safe on Nevis” to learn more.  


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