Preethi Raghu, MD Discusses “UCSF Emergency and Trauma Imaging,” an Upcoming UCSF Radiology Virtual CME Workshop
At the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, we’ve continued our tradition of offering continuing medical education (CME) courses virtually live and on-demand for self-study to keep people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and public health crisis. This includes our inaugural “UCSF Emergency and Trauma Imaging” two-day virtual live CME course coming up on Saturday, September 25, 2021 and Sunday, September 26, 2021 taught by faculty experts from the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG), the only Level I Trauma Center for the 1.5 million residents of San Francisco and northern San Mateo County
The course co-directors are Preethi Raghu, MD, assistant professor of radiology and director of wellbeing & diversity, equity, and inclusion at ZSFG and Jason Talbott, MD, PhD, associate professor in residence, associate residency program director and director of clinical operations at ZSFG. Check out the course program for full schedule and list of faculty and guest faculty. Dr. Raghu was interviewed about this upcoming virtual CME workshop for physicians, nurses, radiology technologists and medical trainees.
Why did you decide to host a CME course on emergency & trauma imaging?
At ZSFG, we are the only Level I trauma center in San Francisco and therefore the trauma hub for UCSF. As such, our faculty have a tremendous wealth of knowledge on emergency and trauma imaging which has never been compiled into a dedicated CME course until now. This inaugural course is a way to share our knowledge and interesting cases in a way that is relevant to practicing radiologists, radiology trainees, and many others.
What is unique about this course?
There are two unique facets of our course which underscore our mission and vision at ZSFG.
- First, we have a diverse array of speakers represented including UCSF/ZSFG diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology, military radiology, radiology nurse practitioners, radiology technologists, trauma surgery, and neurosurgery. We recognize that radiology – especially emergency and trauma radiology – is very much a team sport. We want to showcase excellent speakers from all parts of our team to create a comprehensive educational program.
- Second, we are passionate about giving back to our community in a meaningful way through this course. Part of the proceeds from this CME course will go towards helping underprivileged youth in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, we will have high school students from these communities invited to the course for free so that they get exposure to various job opportunities possible within radiology. UCSF medical students will also have free access to the course, and I hope that this fosters their interest in radiology as a residency choice.
This course is open to physicians, nurses, radiology technologists and medical trainees (MD, DO, NP, RN, RT). What do you hope each of these roles can gain from taking this course?
For practicing radiologists and radiology residents or fellows, this course will be an excellent review of the latest in emergency and trauma imaging. Whether working in a Level 1 trauma center, a private practice, or as a trainee on-call, emergency imaging is an unavoidable part of a radiologist’s day. These are high-stakes cases for radiology, and cases in which we are instrumental to expediting the correct management for the patient. This course will be an essential review of pearls and pitfalls useful for all radiologists.
Since our course uniquely incorporates the perspectives of nurse practitioners and radiology technologists, NPs, RNs, and RTs can also learn more from our course. We hope that this can empower them to take ideas back to their institutions to improve protocols and workflow in a way that recognizes their key contributions to the radiology team.
Registration is now open. Participants can earn 13.25 CME credits and 13.25 SAM credits. CE credit is pending for RTs at time of publication. Visit the course homepage for more information.
Also, we look forward to resuming our live CME offerings by returning to Nevis in December 2021 (information available after May 17). Visit our CME page for more information.