Deep Learning

Center for Intelligent Imaging SRG Kickoff Meeting: Introducing “Versa”

The first ci2 Specialized Research Group meeting of 2024 introduced UCSF's new large language model tools that are now available to researchers, clinicians, and staff.

AI-Enabled Portable X-Ray Device Shows Promise in the Clinical Environment

The UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging noted a significant milestone for both the department and the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) - full deployment of an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled portable x-ray device into our clinical environment.

A Checklist for Radiology Departments Seeking to Purchase AI

A trio of imaging informatics experts looked at everything radiology departments need to consider before purchasing AI. Marc Kohli, MD and John Mongan, MD were authors on this article, recently published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology

Study Results from the UCSF Ci2 Suggest Deep Learning Methods Can Help Grade ACL Injuries

A team from the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) developed a deep learning pipeline for diagnostic worklist prioritization and generalizability in assessing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) lesions.

Scientists from the UCSF Ci2 Propose a Deep Learning Framework to Address the False Negative Problem of MRI Reconstruction Networks

A paper from a team of scientists at the UCSF Ci2 won the 2020 Best Paper Award at Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) earlier this month.

A Deep Learning Model Predicts Total Knee Replacement (TKR) from MRI

This study from the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) is a great example of the use of deep learning methods for new discovery.

A New Deep Learning Model Aids in Diagnosis and Health Outcomes of Hip Fractures

A team of radiologists and orthopedists from the Center for Intelligent Imaging, or Ci2, at UCSF recently investigated the feasibility of automatic identificaiton and classification of hip fractures using deep learning. 

A New Deep Learning Approach for Image Analysis of Osteoarthritis

The purpose of the study from UCSF's MQIR group was to develop a multitask, deep learning model for grading hip osteoarthritis features on radiographs and compare its performance to that of attending-level radiologists.

AI Rivals Expert Radiologists at Detecting Brain Hemorrhages

Richly annotated training data vastly improves deep learning algorithm's accuracy. 
