Preparing for Your Multi-Parametric Prostate Cancer Staging Exam
Before Arriving
Eat a light diet the day before your prostate exam. This means avoiding heavy foods (like a large pasta or steak dinner) or highly spiced foods that can cause digestive disturbances.
If you are concerned about claustrophobia, please review the claustrophobia section of our website. In addition, you may want to consider taking a sedative prescribed by your primary care physician. Bring the medication with you to the appointment. Any sedatives should be taken about a half hour before the start of the exam, or as prescribed by your physician. If possible, we also recommend that patients likely to suffer from claustrophobia during the course of their exam have their exam scheduled at the UCSF Imaging Center at China Basin, where a wide-bore MRI is available. A wide-bore MRI scanner offers more space and allow patients to breath easier. (Read more about Claustrophobia)
Safety and Comfort
Patients receiving a contrast agent, such as Gadolinium, may feel a cool sensation upon injection. Approximately one percent or fewer of all patients have a reaction to an injection of Gadolinium. The most common reactions are a mild, brief headache; nausea; vomiting; hives; and/or a sensation of local burning or coldness felt at the injection site.