Get My Results

1. Create an Account or Log into MyChart

The best and easiest way to receive your report and the images from your exam is to access them on the UCSF MyChart patient portal.

Login/Sign Up

2. Your Exam is Reviewed

A UCSF Radiologist will interpret your test and write a report about your radiology exam.

Within 7 days, the Radiologist’s report is placed into your UCSF MyChart patient portal.

If your condition or symptoms change, please call your referring provider team.


3. Help with Understanding Your Results

Your report may contain complex words and information. Please discuss your results with your referring provider team at your next visit, by phone or via MyChart messaging.

Your results are available in MyChart as soon as the Radiologist finalizes them. But, your care team may not have reviewed the report yet.

4. Don't See Your Results?

If you do not see your exam report in MyChart after 7 days, please contact the Reading Room Coordinators:


Monday - Friday 
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(415) 502-4319

5. MyChart Image Access

A convenient way to access, view and download your images at any time.




UCSF Imaging Library

The report and images are also available by CD, free of charge. To request a CD, complete the following form:
Health Information Release Form

(Spanish version, en español)

Please include the following information with your Release of Information form:

  • Date of imaging exam and type of imaging exam
  • Mailing address (including zip code) 

Email the form to or fax to (415) 353-8583.

CDs are mailed five to seven business days after the release form is received.


If you have any questions about obtaining a copy of your images and report, contact the Radiology Imaging Library:

Open seven days a week, ​7 a.m. to 6 p.m.