Four UCSF Radiology Trainees Receive Research Prizes at RSNA 2020

This year’s Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting is being held virtually. The UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging is pleased to announce that four trainees received prizes, and we’d like to give recognition.

Kirti Magudia, MD, PhD, clinical fellow, received a trainee research prize for her research titled “Prediction of Major Cardiovascular Events in a Large Outpatient Adult Cohort Using Fully Automated and Normalized Deep Learning Body Composition Analysis of Routine Abdominal CT” under the Gastrointestinal category. 

Ethan Speir, MD, radiology resident (PGY3), received a trainee research prize for his research titled “Accuracy of Disclosed Financial Relationships Between Radiologists and Industry at the 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting” under the category of Health Service, Policy and Research.

Elizabeth George, MBBS, clinical instructor, received a trainee research prize for her research titled “Radiomics and Machine Learning Approach to Prediction of Survival in Glioblastoma Treated with PD-L1 inhibition Immunotherapy: A Multicenter Study” under the Neuroradiology category. 

Carol B. Tran, BA, medical student, received a trainee research prize for her research titled “Automated Fetal Brain Volumetry on Clinical Fetal MRI Using Convolutional Neural Network” under the Pediatrics category.

Trainee Research Prizes have been offered since 1994 to recognize the contributions of residents to the RSNA Annual Meeting. The prize was expanded in 1999 to include fellow and in 2004 to include medical students. Award-winning papers were accepted for presentation at the annual meeting. Judgement is based on the scientific content of the paper or poster as presented in an extended abstract. Congratulations to these four awardees and all others on their hard work. Read more from RSNA.


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