Update: Center of Research Translation for the Study of Osteoarthritis
In August, the new Center of Research Translation for the Study of Osteoarthritis, a joint effort between UCSF and UC Davis, was announced. It is now officially off the ground.
Orthopedic surgeons, Drs. Tad Vail, Benjamin Ma and Anthony Luke are very excited at the prospect of integrating the new Human Performance Center at the Orthopedic Institute with imaging research to better understand the onset and management of Osteoarthritis. Collaborators Drs. Sharmila Majumdar and Richard Souza are working in step with Dr. Tad Vail to study hip pain and osteoarthritis. Drs. Benjamin Ma and Xiaojuan Li are focusing on ACL injury-related onset of osteoarthritis. Both studies are actively recruiting subjects from the community to relate imaging, pain, and movement to degenerative joint disease.
The team is being assisted by a nationally renowned, diverse, inter-discplinary External Advisory Committee that includes: Patricia Handeland from the Arthritis Foundation, Joseph Buckwalter (Iowa), Garry Gold (Stanford), Robert Sah (UCSD), Kelley Fitzgerald (Pittsburgh), and Amir Jamali (UC Davis). Workshops, training sessions, and seminars for academics, as well as the general community, are currently being planned.