#Mammochat: Utilizing Twitter to Chat about Women’s Health
Image-sharing network Mammosphere recently hosted #Mammochat, the first in a series of Twitter chats aimed at encouraging communication between healthcare representatives and patients. The chat was held on April 27th, 2016 and included breast imagers from all over the country, including UCSF faculty and alums. The series of chats is intended to help patients and healthcare professionals come together to discuss important topics, including women’s health, breast cancer, and patient engagement.
I took part in #Mammochat alongside former UCSF faculty member Jessica Leung, MD, Chief of Breast Imaging at MD Anderson, Jiyon Lee, Assistant Professor of Radiology at NYU, Peter Eby MD, Chief of Breast Imaging at Virginia Mason, and UCSF alum Kathryn Pearson Peyton, Founder of Mammosphere, as well as other breast imagers, a pathologist, genetic counselors and patients.
The experts answered questions focused on screening age guidelines, particularly in response to the new USPSTF and ACS guidelines. All of the experts in #Mammochat agreed that the best practice is to begin annual screening mammography at age 40. We also discussed a number of ways to make the breast screening process easier for patients, including image-sharing networks (to make prior mammograms more readily available,) improved patient education, risk assessments and soothing environments for patients. Additionally, we chatted about resources for patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer, exciting topics covered at the recent Society of Breast Imaging Meeting, screening recommendations for women with dense breasts, how patients can better understand their risk for breast cancer and more.
Our next Mammochat will target patients and explore topics that impact them, including experiences with the mammography process, getting imaging from disconnected providers, ways to remember to get screened annually, and what makes a good patient experience. All are encouraged to join the highly interactive and educational experience!
Mammosphere, the host of the #Mammochat series, is a mammography image-sharing network, started by UCSF alumni Kathryn Pearson Peyton. The network provides secure, patient-portable accessibility of prior mammograms for more accurate interpretation of mammography exams. UCSF is currently in the process of implementing Mammosphere so that we can provide our patients with the best care possible.
For more information on #Mammochat and to take part in the next Twitter chat, follow @UCSFImaging, @Mammosphere, and @DrHeatherIlana on Twitter.