A Guide to UCSF Radiology at RSNA 2018
At the end of this month, most of the radiology community will be heading to Chicago for the Radiology Society of North America’s 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, running from November 25th through November 30th. Year after year, the UC San Francisco Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging has a strong presence, and this year is no different. UCSF Radiology faculty and trainees will be leading over 50 educational courses and presenting over 40 education exhibits, scientific posters and papers at RSNA 2018.
This year’s RSNA is dedicated to the memory of two outstanding leaders: William G. Bradley, Jr., MD (1948-2017) an eminent alumnus of the UCSF School of Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology residency program who served as chair of UC San Diego Department of Radiology from 2002-2015 and Alexander R. Margulis, MD (1921-2018) the visionary chair of UCSF’s Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging for 26 years (1963-1989). Please plan to attend the dedication at the opening session on Sunday, November 25 in the Arie Crown heater.
A highlight that you won’t want to miss is the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research (the Academy) Gold Medal Award Ceremony where Ronald Arenson, MD, emeritus professor and former chair of the department (1992-2017), will be the recipient. He has been chosen to receive the 2018 Gold Medal Award in recognition of his decades-long commitment to The Academy’s mission and initiatives and for his pioneering work in imaging informatics. This ceremony and celebration will take place on Tuesday, November 27 from 3 pm - 5 pm, Room N140 McCormick Place.
Be sure to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates from RSNA 2018! We look forward to being a part of the many conversations that take place in person and online during this annual event.