Celebrating National Volunteer Week with a Thank You to Our Volunteer Radiologists!

Ying Fung, MD, holding Outstanding Volunteer Clinical Physician Award

Ying Fung, MD, Outstanding Volunteer Clinical Physician Award

For more than 40 years, volunteer radiologists have been valued and expert members of our academic community. During National Volunteer Week, April 21-27, 2024, UCSF Radiology and Biomedical Imaging is delighted to recognize the 22 Volunteer Physicians who join us throughout the year to teach applied clinical and basic sciences for patient care. Each volunteer is a clinician in the community and often a graduate of our training programs who volunteers at least 50 hours each year. So far in the 2023-24 academic year, volunteer physicians have contributed nearly 600 hours of hands-on instruction for our trainees.

Since 1977, our department has conferred an annual Outstanding Volunteer Clinical Physician award. In 2023, Ying Fung, MD, received this award, nominated by Mark Wilson, MD, Radiologist-in-Chief at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG). Dr. Fung has worked with our faculty and trainees since 2011 to provide exceptional care to breast imaging patients at the ZSFG Avon Breast Center. In his nomination, Wilson noted that

“Dr. Fung plays a crucial role in reducing wait times for mammography appointments and addressing the need for qualified breast imaging radiologists at the Avon Breast Center. She volunteers regularly, offering vital breast cancer screening and diagnostic services. Dr. Fung is highly respected by the staff at ZSFG, where she serves as a beloved teacher to residents and fellows. Her private practice experience provides valuable perspectives, and she generously offers ad hoc career mentoring to fellows considering local private practice opportunities.”

Thank you to Dr. Fung and all our Volunteer Clinical Physicians! We appreciate you and are grateful that you choose to serve at UCSF.
