Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Join Us for an Event on Support and Community
One in eight American women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. That means almost all of us will know someone - a mother, sister, partner, wife, daughter, co-worker, or friend - struck by this frightening disease. What we don't always know is how we can best support our loved ones affected by breast cancer. On Tuesday, Oct. 25, leaders in breast imaging, patients, and friends and family will come together for an event highlighting the importance of breast cancer support.
Join UCSF's world-class breast health experts and cancer survivor and patient advocate Laura Holmes Haddad, author of This is Cancer: Everything You Need to Know, From the Waiting Room to the Bedroom, for refreshments and conversation about what cancer patients need from those around them. This informal gathering will be held at our beautiful new women's imaging center at 1725 Montgomery St., conveniently located for those living and working in and near downtown San Francisco. This free event is open to the public and to health care professionals.
Haddad, who shared her inspiring story of survival with us, depended on support from her family and friends, her breast cancer care team and - not to be overlooked - herself while battling the disease. “I was lucky to have a strong community, and to have lots of personal support so I could really take care of myself,” says Haddad. She will be at the event to help convey what exactly it is loved ones need when facing such a daunting prognosis while sharing some of her experiences battling the disease.
“At UCSF, collaboration is a key element in successful diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer,” explains Dr. Bonnie Joe, chief of breast imaging at UCSF. “Our breast imaging physicians work collaboratively with, and are an integral part of, the breast care team to ensure our patients get the best subspecialty breast care possible.”
Dr. Joe, along with members of UCSF’s breast imaging faculty and representatives from the Avon Comprehensive Breast Care Center at ZSFGH, will be on site to discuss breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and support options. You’ll hear firsthand how UCSF physicians, nurses, and technicians play an essential role in the breast cancer support system.
For more information and to register for What Loved Ones with Breast Cancer Need from You, please click here. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and hope this special event will help members of our community learn how they can best support their loved ones.