The Aha Moment: Dr. Bonnie Joe On Mentoring

Bonnie Joe, MD, PhD, recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Faculty Mentoring Award, shares insights from her experience as a mentor. Dr. Joe is the inaugural Edward A. Sickles Distinguished Professor in Breast Imaging and our department’s Associate Chair, Faculty Mentoring.

Woman holding an award.

How has being a mentor enriched your own experience?
Mentoring is so rewarding! I love seeing the ‘aha’ moment when I have helped a mentee with a problem or when I see them do well and achieve their goals.

You received the 2024 Outstanding Faculty Mentoring Award. Can you share what this award means to you and how it has influenced you as a mentor?
I was humbled and felt very honored when Christopher Hess, our department Chair, shared the amazing news with me—particularly when I know there are so many amazing mentors in our department! I haven’t changed my mentoring style or approach but perhaps feel more responsibility to live up to the honor and support our department’s mentorship goals.

Why is mentorship so valuable for junior faculty and trainees to develop a fulfilling career?
I have witnessed the value of strong and effective mentorship for building a fulfilling career and to enhance camaraderie and community. The goal is to help the individual be (and feel) successful and supported.  

What are key aspects of a successful mentor-mentee relationship?
The ‘fit’ must be right— and the hope is that the mentee will feel comfortable reaching out to the mentor and conversely the mentor will also sponsor the mentee when opportunities arise.

Can you share an example of how your mentorship positively impacted a mentee?
I am particularly proud of the UCSF Breast Imaging faculty, ALL of whom have successfully become Fellows of the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) on the first try once eligible. It is a mark of being a leader in the field, as fewer than 3% of 3,000 SBI members become Fellows. We currently have seven active SBI Fellows—that’s a lot of influence and expertise in one place!


By Arleen Bandarrae