New Contrasts Allow Imaging of Cortical Layers via Myelin Structures

Susanne Mueller, MD, has developed a new method for imaging cortical layers of the brain, using MP2RAGE contrasts to follow the cortical myelination pattern within the gray matter.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Emergency Radiologists at ZSFG are the Frontline of Patient Care

During Brain Injury Awareness Month, Dr. Jason Talbott, chief of emergency radiology at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG), highlights the hospital's commitment to prompt diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

For Concussion Patients, CTs Offer Window into Recovery

A UCSF-led study matches brain imaging with prognosis, showing lingering impairment for some. Esther Yuh, MD, PhD is first author.

AI Rivals Expert Radiologists at Detecting Brain Hemorrhages

Richly annotated training data vastly improves deep learning algorithm's accuracy. 

Learning from Trauma: Battling Brain Injury for Soldiers and Civilians

Although traumatic brain injury is often a hidden injury, it is of epidemic proportions affecting millions of Americans. TBI is the “signature injury” of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but Alisa Gean-Gersch, MD has worked for decades to improve care for those suffering from TBI.