In this video you’ll discover the process of using radiology to diagnose and treat patients suffering from mild traumatic brain injury, such as concussions.
A ground-breaking new study, published in the February 23rd issue of Neuron, finds that a specific type of computerized cognitive training can lead to significant neural and behavioral improvements in individuals with schizophrenia.
Longer life spans increase the likelihood of age-related health conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Studies, like ADNI, allow research to continue at the pace needed to be successful against this disease.
San Francisco General Hospital has become the first hospital in the country to gain certification for treatment of traumatic brain injury based on its medical skills, imaging technologies, neuro- monitoring capabilities, and research.
A recent special featuring UCSF's Dr. Pratik Mukherjee, M.D., Ph. D., explored the difficulties in using medical imaging technologies to research the effects of concussions on the human brain, focusing on those sustained through athletic injuries.
Brain imaging, while crucial, is very difficult to perform on newborn babies. UCSF has pioneered the use of MRI to look for evidence of abnormality or injury on newborns.
I recently co-authored a study, published in the June issue of Radiology, that found that brain volume may indicate pre-clinical Alzheimer’s. I thought I’d talk a little bit about this disease and what my research was trying to accomplish.
The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) – a multi-site collaborative effort launched in 2003 by the NIH, the FDA, private pharmaceutical companies and non-profit organizations – is the largest trial to date for evaluating the potential role of MRI in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Eighty percent of Americans will experience an episode of back pain during their lifetime. Many of these people will go on to have chronic pain issues that negatively impact their ability to work and lead a normal lifestyle.