
Helping the Smallest Patients Overcome Juvenile Arthritis

Pediatric arthritis is a challenging disease to diagnose, but fortunately new treatments greatly lessen the disease and are offering new hope for children.

Putting Research to Work Before the Onset of Osteoarthritis

The number one cause of disability in older adults is osteoarthritis, which is caused when the ends of bones wear down over time. See how UC San Francisco's Dr. Thomas Link is studying the use of radiology to intervene early in osteoarthritis -- not just in the condition’s early stages, but before osteoarthritis starts.

Radiology’s Role in Cross-Department Collaboration

From oncology to cardiology, Alzheimer’s disease to stroke, imaging faculty have an impact on nearly all the conditions that have research or clinical relevance to the UCSF campus.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Pinpoints Individualized Treatments

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is an exciting new potential tool that can be added to and combined with many existing therapies to optimize patient care. 

UCSF Study Reveals Weight Loss Protects Knees

Obese people who lose a substantial amount of weight can significantly slow degeneration of cartilage in the knee, a common site of osteoarthritis in aging baby boomers, according to a new MRI study by Alexandra Gersing, M.D., and nine colleagues at the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, San Francisco.

DXA/DEXA beats BMI: Using an X-ray Exam to Measure Body Composition & Fat Loss

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) is a means of measuring bone density, but a recent article in the Wall Street Journal is highlighting another way in which the imaging exam can be used to benefit your health.

Fighting Pain with Radiology & Research

When pain is precisely diagnosed and localized, we can treat it selectively. Through research and patient feedback, we're working to combat pain. 

Juvenile Arthritis: Current Treatment and Future Advances

Our research with advanced imaging aims to help the children suffering from juvenile arthritis that we are treating today, as well as children in the future.

CT-Guided Pain Relief Could Be Lasting -- With No Side Effects

UCSF researchers are one step closer to finding and destroying pain with targeted, lasting relief and no side effects. 

UCSF’s Dr. Thomas Link & Musculoskeletal Research Featured in Diario Medico

The UCSF Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging team continues to make headlines on a global basis. Dr. Thomas Link, Radiology Professor, Chief of Musculoskeletal Imaging and Clinical Director of the Musculoskeletal and Quantitative Imaging Research (MQIR) Group, was recently featured in Diario Médico.
