Breast Imaging

UCSF-SFGH Breast Imaging Group “Making Strides” Against Breast Cancer!

The UCSF-SFGH Breast Imaging Group walks each year in support of the American Cancer Society ‘Making Strides Against Breast Cancer’ Walk! We are proud to be walking again on October 24 and invite you to join us!

One Site, Three Practices: The New UCSF Imaging Center at Montgomery Street

The UCSF Imaging Center at Montgomery Street is a one-of-a-kind location. The newly opened facility boasts advanced radiological and imaging services and technologies, but perhaps what makes it most unique is that it is part of an integrated health center with three practices on the same floor.

Advances in Breast Imaging: Beyond Mammography

In addtion to mammography, ultrasound and MRI have also become standard components of breast imaging practices, along with breast interventional radiology. I recently discussed breast imaging beyond mammography in San Francisco Medicine.

Advances in Breast Imaging: Evolution & History of Mammography

When most people think of breast imaging, they immediately think of mammography. Mammography remains the mainstay of breast imaging, but this subspecialty area of radiology has evolved rapidly and substantially during the last several decades to include several other advances technologies that aid in the detection and diagnoses of breast diseases. I recently discussed the advances in mammography and breast imaging as a whole in San Francisco Medicine.

Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, Latest Evolution of Digital Mammography, Arrives at SFGH!

The UCSF Women’s Imaging group is proud to announce the arrival of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis at the Avon Comprehensive Breast Center at San Francisco General Hospital.

Women Aged 40 to 49: Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations

Breast cancer screening in women aged 40 to 49 continues to make headlines. At UCSF we recommend all women aged between 40 and 49 years old undergo annual screening mammography.

Radiologist Responds to New York Times Article on Reliability of Breast Biopsy

An article published in the New York Times questions the reliability of breast biopsy interpretations. At UCSF radiologic-pathologic reviews and our Breast Care Center are a key to accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Revisiting the Facts During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and during this month, it’s important to discuss and revisit the facts about breast cancer.

Recent Articles on Breast Cancer Screening are Bunk

Two recent articles in respected medical journals underestimate the value of mammography. As we’ve stated previously, we in the UCSF Women’s Imaging Section continue to advocate for annual mammography screening starting at age 40.

Thermography as a Breast Cancer Detection Tool: Claims Misleading

More clinics are billing thermography as a better option for detecting breast cancer. The problem is, however, this is simply not true. NBC news investigates.
