A. James Barkovich, MD: The Academic Senate Faculty Research Lecturer in Clinical Science 2014


November 5, 201411/05/2014 8:00am 11/05/2014 8:00am A. James Barkovich, MD: The Academic Senate Faculty Research Lecturer in Clinical Science 2014

"Brain Malformations: From Pathology to Pathways with MRI as a Guide"

The Academic Senate has selected A. James (Jim) Barkovich, MD, as recipient of the Fourteenth Annual Faculty Research Lectureship – Clinical Science for his ground-breaking patient-oriented research on pediatric neurological imaging. The lecture, titled “Brain Malformations: from Pathology to Pathways with MRI as a Guide” will take place on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. in Cole Hall, Parnassus Campus.

One of the world’s foremost pediatric neuroradiologists, at the time Dr. Barkovich began his tenure at UCSF, in 1986, imaging of the pediatric brain was performed rarely and typically with invasive techniques.  Uniting innovations in imaging technology at that time—MRI and CT scans—with his knowledge of brain development, Dr. Barkovich laid the foundation for what has now become the clinical standard for pediatric brain imaging and simultaneously opened new vistas into the science of brain development and maturation.In addition to brain development, he has greatly informed the fields of neonatal brain injury, abnormal brain development, childhood epilepsy, and CSF fluid dynamics. His work also has set the standards for predicting outcome after a neonatal brain insult using advanced MR imaging parameters such as structural, diffusion, and spectroscopy. This work has been at the core for the Neonatal Brain Disorders Program at UCSF funded by the NIH-NINDS for the study of the mechanisms underlying hypoxic-ischemic damage to the developing brain for the past twenty-five years.

Dr. Barkovich is credited with being the “father” of the MR compatible incubator. This prototype developed in conjunction with technicians from General Electric, is now widely used around the world in the study of neonates with brain injuries.

Dr. Barkovich has published over 400 peer-reviewed publications and is still actively involved in neuroradiology research support by the NIH and other institutions. Of particular note, he has designed a classification system of malformations of cortical development (based on embryology, genetics, and MR imaging) that is used internationally (Neuropediatrics, 1996; updated in Neurology, 2001, Neurology,2005, and Brain, 2012). Collaborations with colleagues at UCSD and Harvard have explored the genetic underpinnings of the neurological disorders he has studied for years. He co-authored a recent article in Science (2014) that shows the relationship between gene splicing with cortical patterning.

Dr. Barkovich has also been a constant source of guidance and education for members of multiple departments and especially for the Division of Child Neurology at UCSF. He has received numerous awards including over the past year the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academic of Radiology Research and Outstanding Achievements in Research Award from the Radiological Society of North America.  He is a Gold Medalist from the American Society of Neuroradiology.Dr. Barkovich is a Professor In Residence in the Departments of Radiology, Pediatrics, Neurology, and Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He leads the pediatric neuroradiology section of UCSF neuroradiology. He received his MD from George Washington University in 1980. He joined UCSF in 1986 after completing internships and residencies in the military.

He was the Founding President of the American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, and is the former President of the American Society of Neuroradiology, former Secretary-General, World Federation of Neuroradiology Societies, and former Chairman of the Board of the Neuroradiology Education & Research Foundation. He is the author of Pediatric Neuroimaging, the definitive textbook of pediatric neuroradiology.
Since 2001, this award has been bestowed on an individual member of the UCSF faculty with outstanding achievements in clinical research. Nominations are made by UCSF faculty, who consider the clinical research contributions of their colleagues and submit nominations for this prestigious award to the Academic Senate Committee on Research. Each year, the Committee on Research selects the recipient of this award.

The lecture is open to the campus community and the general public. The event will be simulcast and a reception will follow.

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Time Duration

3:30 PM

"Brain Malformations: From Pathology to Pathways with MRI as a Guide"

The Academic Senate has selected A. James (Jim) Barkovich, MD, as recipient of the Fourteenth Annual Faculty Research Lectureship – Clinical Science for his ground-breaking patient-oriented research on pediatric neurological imaging. The lecture, titled “Brain Malformations: from Pathology to Pathways with MRI as a Guide” will take place on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. in Cole Hall, Parnassus Campus.

One of the world’s foremost pediatric neuroradiologists, at the time Dr. Barkovich began his tenure at UCSF, in 1986, imaging of the pediatric brain was performed rarely and typically with invasive techniques.  Uniting innovations in imaging technology at that time—MRI and CT scans—with his knowledge of brain development, Dr. Barkovich laid the foundation for what has now become the clinical standard for pediatric brain imaging and simultaneously opened new vistas into the science of brain development and maturation.In addition to brain development, he has greatly informed the fields of neonatal brain injury, abnormal brain development, childhood epilepsy, and CSF fluid dynamics. His work also has set the standards for predicting outcome after a neonatal brain insult using advanced MR imaging parameters such as structural, diffusion, and spectroscopy. This work has been at the core for the Neonatal Brain Disorders Program at UCSF funded by the NIH-NINDS for the study of the mechanisms underlying hypoxic-ischemic damage to the developing brain for the past twenty-five years.

Dr. Barkovich is credited with being the “father” of the MR compatible incubator. This prototype developed in conjunction with technicians from General Electric, is now widely used around the world in the study of neonates with brain injuries.

Dr. Barkovich has published over 400 peer-reviewed publications and is still actively involved in neuroradiology research support by the NIH and other institutions. Of particular note, he has designed a classification system of malformations of cortical development (based on embryology, genetics, and MR imaging) that is used internationally (Neuropediatrics, 1996; updated in Neurology, 2001, Neurology,2005, and Brain, 2012). Collaborations with colleagues at UCSD and Harvard have explored the genetic underpinnings of the neurological disorders he has studied for years. He co-authored a recent article in Science (2014) that shows the relationship between gene splicing with cortical patterning.

Dr. Barkovich has also been a constant source of guidance and education for members of multiple departments and especially for the Division of Child Neurology at UCSF. He has received numerous awards including over the past year the Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academic of Radiology Research and Outstanding Achievements in Research Award from the Radiological Society of North America.  He is a Gold Medalist from the American Society of Neuroradiology.Dr. Barkovich is a Professor In Residence in the Departments of Radiology, Pediatrics, Neurology, and Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He leads the pediatric neuroradiology section of UCSF neuroradiology. He received his MD from George Washington University in 1980. He joined UCSF in 1986 after completing internships and residencies in the military.

He was the Founding President of the American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology, and is the former President of the American Society of Neuroradiology, former Secretary-General, World Federation of Neuroradiology Societies, and former Chairman of the Board of the Neuroradiology Education & Research Foundation. He is the author of Pediatric Neuroimaging, the definitive textbook of pediatric neuroradiology.
Since 2001, this award has been bestowed on an individual member of the UCSF faculty with outstanding achievements in clinical research. Nominations are made by UCSF faculty, who consider the clinical research contributions of their colleagues and submit nominations for this prestigious award to the Academic Senate Committee on Research. Each year, the Committee on Research selects the recipient of this award.

The lecture is open to the campus community and the general public. The event will be simulcast and a reception will follow.
