Dr. Gael Chetelat presentation


November 16, 201111/16/2011 8:00am 11/16/2011 8:00am Dr. Gael Chetelat presentation

Exploring Alzheimer's Disease from Different Neuroimaging Perspectives

Gael Chételat is responsible for a research team in the Inserm Unit U923 directed by Francis Eustache at the Cyceron PET Center in Caen. She has been working for more than ten years on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using neuroimaging techniques including MRI and FDG-PET. She has done her studies in Lyon (France) – Montreal – for one year, and then her PhD in Caen, supervised by Jean-Claude Baron and Francis Eustache. During her PhD, she worked on the very early stage of AD aiming at identifying early neuroimaging markers of the disease using MRI and FDG-PET. She has done a 1-year postdoc in Geneva before being recruited by the Inserm French public research institute as a researcher affiliated to the U923 in Caen. There, she initiated a large multimodal longitudinal project called IMAP aiming at assessing different pathologies (especially AD) and using several complementary neuroimaging techniques (MRI and FDG-PET, but also resting-state and activation functional MRI, and PET amyloid neuroimaging). This still on-going large multimodal longitudinal project has been funded by the ANR and the PHRC. Recently, she spent two years sabbatical (2008-2010) in the Nuclear Medicine Department of the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, working with Christopher Rowe and Victor Villemagne on amyloid neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease with recently developed PET markers.

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VAMC, Room: Bldg 13 CIND, Conf Room

Exploring Alzheimer's Disease from Different Neuroimaging Perspectives

Gael Chételat is responsible for a research team in the Inserm Unit U923 directed by Francis Eustache at the Cyceron PET Center in Caen. She has been working for more than ten years on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using neuroimaging techniques including MRI and FDG-PET. She has done her studies in Lyon (France) – Montreal – for one year, and then her PhD in Caen, supervised by Jean-Claude Baron and Francis Eustache. During her PhD, she worked on the very early stage of AD aiming at identifying early neuroimaging markers of the disease using MRI and FDG-PET. She has done a 1-year postdoc in Geneva before being recruited by the Inserm French public research institute as a researcher affiliated to the U923 in Caen. There, she initiated a large multimodal longitudinal project called IMAP aiming at assessing different pathologies (especially AD) and using several complementary neuroimaging techniques (MRI and FDG-PET, but also resting-state and activation functional MRI, and PET amyloid neuroimaging). This still on-going large multimodal longitudinal project has been funded by the ANR and the PHRC. Recently, she spent two years sabbatical (2008-2010) in the Nuclear Medicine Department of the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, working with Christopher Rowe and Victor Villemagne on amyloid neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease with recently developed PET markers.
