Thomas Lang, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Recall Professor


Thomas F. Lang, PhD, has been a faculty member in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California, San Francisco, since 1994. Dr. Lang obtained his BA in Chemistry at the University of Chicago in 1983, and completed his PhD in Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley in 1990, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Radiology Imaging at UCSF in 1992. Over the course of his 27 year career at UCSF, Dr Lang has served the University in multiple areas in addition to his role in Radiology, including as Chair of the Conflict of Interest Committee since 2010 and as Associate Dean for Research and Presidential Professor in the School of Dentistry between 2015-2020. Dr Lang has served in leadership roles outside of UCSF including as a member of the NIH Skeletal Biology and Regeneration Study Section, Musculoskeletal Alterations Team Lead at the National Space Biomedical Research Institute, Associate Editor of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research and as an Editorial Board Member of the FASEB Journal.

The focus of Dr Lang's Research is focused on development and application of quantitative analytic methods centered on bettering our understanding of two major chronic problems that affect the growing elderly population: osteoporosis, a main cause of age-related fractures, and sarcopenia, a loss of skeletal muscle strength, endurance and function. The aim of this research is to characterize skeletal density, geometry and indices of strength from volumetric CT scans of the hip and spine, as well as similar imaging based methods to quantify skeletal muscle anatomy and function. With the growth of his research group, Dr. Lang and his group have carried out a robust program in methods development, integrating density and structured analysis with serial image registration to improve sensitivity for detecting changes in longitudinal measures, and finite element modeling in order to understand how density and structure measures of bones are related to bone strength, stiffness, and fractures.

Osteoporosis and Musculoskeletal

Bone aging, quantitative computed tomography, sarcopenia

Professional Interests:
Osteoporosis, computed tomography, bone mineral density measurements, CT and PET/CT imaging in the study of the human biology of the musculoskeletal system

Education and Training:
• Bachelor of Art: University of Chicago - Chemistry
• Doctor of Philosophy: University of California, Berkeley - Chemistry
• Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of California, San Francisco - Radiology Imaging
• UCSF/Coro Leadership Collaborative Program

Honors and Awards

Editorial Board Member, FASEB Journal, 2019
Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2014
Editorial Reviewer, NIH Center for Scientific Review, ZRG1-MOSS-C56 DP2, Director's New Innovator Award Study Section, 2014
Associate Editor, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2013-2017
Distinguished Investigator Award, Academy of Radiology Research, 2013
International Space Station Top Discoveries in Microgravity Award, American Astronautical Society/NASA, 2013
2012 Citation Prize, Osteoporosis International, 2013
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, American Federation for Aging Research, 2012
Editorial Reviewer, NIH Center for Scientific Review, ZRG1 DTCS-A81 Imaging Study Section, 2011
Editorial Board, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010-2012
Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee Chairman, University of California, San Francisco, 2010
Skeletal Biology, Structure and Regeneration Study Section, NIH Center for Scientific Review, 2009-2013
Musculoskeletal Alterations Team Leader, National Space Biomedical Research Institute, 2008-2012
Bridge Funding Grant Award, American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, 2007
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, 2004
Young Investigator Award, World Congress on Osteoporosis, 1995


Østgaard N, Mezentsev A, Marisaldi M, Grove JE, Quick M, Christian H, Cummer S, Pazos M, Pu Y, Stanley M, Sarria D, Lang T, Schultz C, Blakeslee R, Adams I, Kroodsma R, Heymsfield G, Lehtinen N, Ullaland K, Yang S, Qureshi BH, Søndergaard J, Husa B, Walker D, Shy D, Bateman M, Bitzer P, Fullekrug M, Cohen M, Montanya J, Younes C, van der Velde O, Krehbiel P, Roncancio JA, Lopez JA, Urbani M, Santos A, Mach D. Flickering gamma-ray flashes, the missing link between gamma glows and TGFs. Nature. 2024 Oct; 634(8032):53-56.
Marisaldi M, Østgaard N, Mezentsev A, Lang T, Grove JE, Shy D, Heymsfield GM, Krehbiel P, Thomas RJ, Stanley M, Sarria D, Schultz C, Blakeslee R, Quick MG, Christian H, Adams I, Kroodsma R, Lehtinen N, Ullaland K, Yang S, Qureshi BH, Søndergaard J, Husa B, Walker D, Bateman M, Mach D, Cummer S, Pazos M, Pu Y, Bitzer P, Fullekrug M, Cohen M, Montanya J, Younes C, van der Velde O, Roncancio JA, Lopez JA, Urbani M, Santos A. Highly dynamic gamma-ray emissions are common in tropical thunderclouds. Nature. 2024 Oct; 634(8032):57-60.
Carballido-Gamio J, Marques EA, Sigurdsson S, Siggeirsdottir K, Jensen A, Sigurdsson G, Aspelund T, Gudnason V, Lang TF, Harris TB. Male-Female Spatio-Temporal Differences of Age-Related Bone Changes Show Faster Bone Deterioration in Older Women at Femoral Regions Associated with Incident Hip Fracture. J Bone Miner Res. 2024 Aug 16.
Wu KC, Wu PH, Kazakia G, Patel S, Black DM, Lang TF, Kim TY, King NJ, Hoffman TJ, Chang H, Linfield G, Palilla S, Rogers SJ, Carter JT, Posselt AM, Schafer AL. Skeletal effects of sleeve gastrectomy, by sex and menopausal status and in comparison to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. medRxiv. 2024 Jun 25.
Cao X, Keyak JH, Sigurdsson S, Zhao C, Zhou W, Liu A, Lang TF, Deng HW, Gudnason V, Sha Q. A new hip fracture risk index derived from FEA-computed proximal femur fracture loads and energies-to-failure. Osteoporos Int. 2024 May; 35(5):785-794.
Agarwal S, Shane E, Lang T, Shiau S, Kamanda-Kosseh M, Bucovsky M, Lappe JM, Stubby J, Recker RR, Hu Y, Wang Z, Edward Guo X, Cohen A. Spine Volumetric BMD and Strength in Premenopausal Idiopathic Osteoporosis: Effect of Teriparatide Followed by Denosumab. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 06 16; 107(7):e2690-e2701.
Woods GN, Ewing SK, Schafer AL, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson S, Lang T, Hue TF, Kado DM, Vittinghoff E, Rosen C, Li X, Schwartz AV. Saturated and Unsaturated Bone Marrow Lipids Have Distinct Effects on Bone Density and Fracture Risk in Older Adults. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 04; 37(4):700-710.
Wu KC, Ewing SK, Li X, Sigurðsson S, Guðnason V, Kado DM, Hue TF, Woods GN, Veldhuis-Vlug AG, Vittinghoff E, Zaidi M, Rosen CJ, Lang T, Kim TY, Schwartz AV, Schafer AL. FSH Level and Changes in Bone Mass and Body Composition in Older Women and Men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021 09 27; 106(10):2876-2889.
Lang TF, Eber RM, Reddy MS. Vaccines for COVID-19: An Overview. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2021 06; 42(6):298-304; quiz 305.
Marques EA, Elbejjani M, Viana JL, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Lang T, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Accelerated decline in quadriceps area and Timed Up and Go test performance are associated with hip fracture risk in older adults with impaired kidney function. Exp Gerontol. 2021 07 01; 149:111314.
Figueiredo P, Marques EA, Gudnason V, Lang T, Sigurdsson S, Jonsson PV, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Computed tomography-based skeletal muscle and adipose tissue attenuation: Variations by age, sex, and muscle. Exp Gerontol. 2021 07 01; 149:111306.
Huang LW, Sun D, Link TM, Lang T, Ai W, Kaplan LD, Steinman MA, Andreadis C. High incidence of fractures after R-CHOP-like chemotherapy for aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Support Care Cancer. 2021 Sep; 29(9):5399-5408.
Bodden J, Sun D, Joseph GB, Huang LW, Andreadis C, Hughes-Fulford M, Lang TF, Link TM. Identification of non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients at risk for treatment-related vertebral density loss and fractures. Osteoporos Int. 2021 Feb; 32(2):281-291.
Marques EA, Elbejjani M, Frank-Wilson AW, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Lang TF, Jonsson PV, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Cigarette Smoking Is Associated With Lower Quadriceps Cross-sectional Area and Attenuation in Older Adults. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020 05 26; 22(6):935-941.
Keyak JH, Kaneko TS, Khosla S, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Lang TF, Sibonga JD. Hip load capacity and yield load in men and women of all ages. Bone. 2020 08; 137:115321.
Warden SJ, Carballido-Gamio J, Weatherholt AM, Keyak JH, Yan C, Kersh ME, Lang TF, Fuchs RK. Heterogeneous Spatial and Strength Adaptation of the Proximal Femur to Physical Activity: A Within-Subject Controlled Cross-Sectional Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2020 04; 35(4):681-690.
Woods GN, Ewing SK, Sigurdsson S, Kado DM, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Hue TF, Lang TF, Vittinghoff E, Harris TB, Rosen C, Xu K, Li X, Schwartz AV. Greater Bone Marrow Adiposity Predicts Bone Loss in Older Women. J Bone Miner Res. 2020 02; 35(2):326-332.
Sibonga JD, Spector ER, Keyak JH, Zwart SR, Smith SM, Lang TF. Use of Quantitative Computed Tomography to Assess for Clinically-relevant Skeletal Effects of Prolonged Spaceflight on Astronaut Hips. J Clin Densitom. 2020 Apr - Jun; 23(2):155-164.
Sibonga J, Matsumoto T, Jones J, Shapiro J, Lang T, Shackelford L, Smith SM, Young M, Keyak J, Kohri K, Ohshima H, Spector E, LeBlanc A. Resistive exercise in astronauts on prolonged spaceflights provides partial protection against spaceflight-induced bone loss. Bone. 2019 11; 128:112037.
Carballido-Gamio J, Yu A, Wang L, Su Y, Burghardt AJ, Lang TF, Cheng X. Hip Fracture Discrimination Based on Statistical Multi-parametric Modeling (SMPM). Ann Biomed Eng. 2019 Nov; 47(11):2199-2212.
Michalski AS, Amin S, Cheung AM, Cody DD, Keyak JH, Lang TF, Nicolella DP, Orwoll ES, Boyd SK, Sibonga JD. Hip load capacity cut-points for Astronaut Skeletal Health NASA Finite Element Strength Task Group Recommendations. NPJ Microgravity. 2019; 5:6.
Alba DL, Wu L, Cawthon PM, Mulligan K, Lang T, Patel S, King NJ, Carter JT, Rogers SJ, Posselt AM, Stewart L, Shoback DM, Schafer AL. Changes in Lean Mass, Absolute and Relative Muscle Strength, and Physical Performance After Gastric Bypass Surgery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 03 01; 104(3):711-720.
Karasik D, Zillikens MC, Hsu YH, Aghdassi A, Akesson K, Amin N, Barroso I, Bennett DA, Bertram L, Bochud M, Borecki IB, Broer L, Buchman AS, Byberg L, Campbell H, Campos-Obando N, Cauley JA, Cawthon PM, Chambers JC, Chen Z, Cho NH, Choi HJ, Chou WC, Cummings SR, de Groot LCPGM, De Jager PL, Demuth I, Diatchenko L, Econs MJ, Eiriksdottir G, Enneman AW, Eriksson J, Eriksson JG, Estrada K, Evans DS, Feitosa MF, Fu M, Gieger C, Grallert H, Gudnason V, Lenore LJ, Hayward C, Hofman A, Homuth G, Huffman KM, Husted LB, Illig T, Ingelsson E, Ittermann T, Jansson JO, Johnson T, Biffar R, Jordan JM, Jula A, Karlsson M, Khaw KT, Kilpeläinen TO, Klopp N, Kloth JSL, Koller DL, Kooner JS, Kraus WE, Kritchevsky S, Kutalik Z, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lahti J, Lang T, Langdahl BL, Lerch MM, Lewis JR, Lill C, Lind L, Lindgren C, Liu Y, Livshits G, Ljunggren Ö, Loos RJF, Lorentzon M, Luan J, Luben RN, Malkin I, McGuigan FE, Medina-Gomez C, Meitinger T, Melhus H, Mellström D, Michaëlsson K, Mitchell BD, Morris AP, Mosekilde L, Nethander M, Newman AB, O'Connell JR, Oostra BA, Orwoll ES, Palotie A, Peacock M, Perola M, Peters A, Prince RL, Psaty BM, Räikkönen K, Ralston SH, Ripatti S, Rivadeneira F, Robbins JA, Rotter JI, Rudan I, Salomaa V, Satterfield S, Schipf S, Shin CS, Smith AV, Smith SB, Soranzo N, Spector TD, Stancáková A, Stefansson K, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Stolk L, Streeten EA, Styrkarsdottir U, Swart KMA, Thompson P, Thomson CA, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tikkanen E, Tranah GJ, Uitterlinden AG, van Duijn CM, van Schoor NM, Vandenput L, Vollenweider P, Völzke H, Wactawski-Wende J, Walker M, J Wareham N, Waterworth D, Weedon MN, Wichmann HE, Widen E, Williams FMK, Wilson JF, Wright NC, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Yu L, Zhang W, Zhao JH, Zhou Y, Nielson CM, Harris TB, Demissie S, Kiel DP, Ohlsson C. Disentangling the genetics of lean mass. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 02 01; 109(2):276-287.
Woods GN, Ewing SK, Sigurdsson S, Kado DM, Ix JH, Hue TF, Eiriksdottir G, Xu K, Gudnason V, Lang TF, Vittinghoff E, Harris TB, Rosen CJ, Li X, Schwartz AV. Chronic Kidney Disease Is Associated With Greater Bone Marrow Adiposity. J Bone Miner Res. 2018 12; 33(12):2158-2164.
Marques EA, Carballido-Gamio J, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Lang T, Harris TB. Sex differences in the spatial distribution of bone in relation to incident hip fracture: Findings from the AGES-Reykjavik study. Bone. 2018 09; 114:72-80.
Schütz A, Moser S, Schwanke C, Schubert R, Luhn J, Gutic E, Lang T, Schleicher M, Haltmayer H, Gschwantler M. Directly observed therapy of chronic hepatitis C with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in people who inject drugs at risk of nonadherence to direct-acting antivirals. J Viral Hepat. 2018 07; 25(7):870-873.
T Yin M, RoyChoudhury A, Nishiyama K, Lang T, Shah J, Olender S, Ferris DC, Zeana C, Sharma A, Zingman B, Bucovsky M, Colon I, Shane E. Bone density and microarchitecture in hepatitis C and HIV-coinfected postmenopausal minority women. Osteoporos Int. 2018 04; 29(4):871-879.
Marques EA, Elbejjani M, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Lang T, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Cigarette smoking and hip volumetric bone mineral density and cortical volume loss in older adults: The AGES-Reykjavik study. Bone. 2018 03; 108:186-192.
Mistry SD, Woods GN, Sigurdsson S, Ewing SK, Hue TF, Eiriksdottir G, Xu K, Hilton JF, Kado DM, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Rosen CJ, Lang TF, Li X, Schwartz AV. Sex hormones are negatively associated with vertebral bone marrow fat. Bone. 2018 03; 108:20-24.
Dole NS, Mazur CM, Acevedo C, Lopez JP, Monteiro DA, Fowler TW, Gludovatz B, Walsh F, Regan JN, Messina S, Evans DS, Lang TF, Zhang B, Ritchie RO, Mohammad KS, Alliston T. Osteocyte-Intrinsic TGF-β Signaling Regulates Bone Quality through Perilacunar/Canalicular Remodeling. Cell Rep. 2017 Nov 28; 21(9):2585-2596.
Zillikens MC, Demissie S, Hsu YH, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Chou WC, Stolk L, Livshits G, Broer L, Johnson T, Koller DL, Kutalik Z, Luan J, Malkin I, Ried JS, Smith AV, Thorleifsson G, Vandenput L, Hua Zhao J, Zhang W, Aghdassi A, Åkesson K, Amin N, Baier LJ, Barroso I, Bennett DA, Bertram L, Biffar R, Bochud M, Boehnke M, Borecki IB, Buchman AS, Byberg L, Campbell H, Campos Obanda N, Cauley JA, Cawthon PM, Cederberg H, Chen Z, Cho NH, Jin Choi H, Claussnitzer M, Collins F, Cummings SR, De Jager PL, Demuth I, Dhonukshe-Rutten RAM, Diatchenko L, Eiriksdottir G, Enneman AW, Erdos M, Eriksson JG, Eriksson J, Estrada K, Evans DS, Feitosa MF, Fu M, Garcia M, Gieger C, Girke T, Glazer NL, Grallert H, Grewal J, Han BG, Hanson RL, Hayward C, Hofman A, Hoffman EP, Homuth G, Hsueh WC, Hubal MJ, Hubbard A, Huffman KM, Husted LB, Illig T, Ingelsson E, Ittermann T, Jansson JO, Jordan JM, Jula A, Karlsson M, Khaw KT, Kilpeläinen TO, Klopp N, Kloth JSL, Koistinen HA, Kraus WE, Kritchevsky S, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lahti J, Lang T, Langdahl BL, Launer LJ, Lee JY, Lerch MM, Lewis JR, Lind L, Lindgren C, Liu Y, Liu T, Liu Y, Ljunggren Ö, Lorentzon M, Luben RN, Maixner W, McGuigan FE, Medina-Gomez C, Meitinger T, Melhus H, Mellström D, Melov S, Michaëlsson K, Mitchell BD, Morris AP, Mosekilde L, Newman A, Nielson CM, O'Connell JR, Oostra BA, Orwoll ES, Palotie A, Parker SCJ, Peacock M, Perola M, Peters A, Polasek O, Prince RL, Räikkönen K, Ralston SH, Ripatti S, Robbins JA, Rotter JI, Rudan I, Salomaa V, Satterfield S, Schadt EE, Schipf S, Scott L, Sehmi J, Shen J, Soo Shin C, Sigurdsson G, Smith S, Soranzo N, Stancáková A, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Streeten EA, Styrkarsdottir U, Swart KMA, Tan ST, Tarnopolsky MA, Thompson P, Thomson CA, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tikkanen E, Tranah GJ, Tuomilehto J, van Schoor NM, Verma A, Vollenweider P, Völzke H, Wactawski-Wende J, Walker M, Weedon MN, Welch R, Wichmann HE, Widen E, Williams FMK, Wilson JF, Wright NC, Xie W, Yu L, Zhou Y, Chambers JC, Döring A, van Duijn CM, Econs MJ, Gudnason V, Kooner JS, Psaty BM, Spector TD, Stefansson K, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Wareham NJ, Ossowski V, Waterworth D, Loos RJF, Karasik D, Harris TB, Ohlsson C, Kiel DP. Erratum: Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass. Nat Commun. 2017 11 07; 8(1):1414.
Zillikens MC, Demissie S, Hsu YH, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Chou WC, Stolk L, Livshits G, Broer L, Johnson T, Koller DL, Kutalik Z, Luan J, Malkin I, Ried JS, Smith AV, Thorleifsson G, Vandenput L, Hua Zhao J, Zhang W, Aghdassi A, Åkesson K, Amin N, Baier LJ, Barroso I, Bennett DA, Bertram L, Biffar R, Bochud M, Boehnke M, Borecki IB, Buchman AS, Byberg L, Campbell H, Campos Obanda N, Cauley JA, Cawthon PM, Cederberg H, Chen Z, Cho NH, Jin Choi H, Claussnitzer M, Collins F, Cummings SR, De Jager PL, Demuth I, Dhonukshe-Rutten RAM, Diatchenko L, Eiriksdottir G, Enneman AW, Erdos M, Eriksson JG, Eriksson J, Estrada K, Evans DS, Feitosa MF, Fu M, Garcia M, Gieger C, Girke T, Glazer NL, Grallert H, Grewal J, Han BG, Hanson RL, Hayward C, Hofman A, Hoffman EP, Homuth G, Hsueh WC, Hubal MJ, Hubbard A, Huffman KM, Husted LB, Illig T, Ingelsson E, Ittermann T, Jansson JO, Jordan JM, Jula A, Karlsson M, Khaw KT, Kilpeläinen TO, Klopp N, Kloth JSL, Koistinen HA, Kraus WE, Kritchevsky S, Kuulasmaa T, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Lahti J, Lang T, Langdahl BL, Launer LJ, Lee JY, Lerch MM, Lewis JR, Lind L, Lindgren C, Liu Y, Liu T, Liu Y, Ljunggren Ö, Lorentzon M, Luben RN, Maixner W, McGuigan FE, Medina-Gomez C, Meitinger T, Melhus H, Mellström D, Melov S, Michaëlsson K, Mitchell BD, Morris AP, Mosekilde L, Newman A, Nielson CM, O'Connell JR, Oostra BA, Orwoll ES, Palotie A, Parker SCJ, Peacock M, Perola M, Peters A, Polasek O, Prince RL, Räikkönen K, Ralston SH, Ripatti S, Robbins JA, Rotter JI, Rudan I, Salomaa V, Satterfield S, Schadt EE, Schipf S, Scott L, Sehmi J, Shen J, Soo Shin C, Sigurdsson G, Smith S, Soranzo N, Stancáková A, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Streeten EA, Styrkarsdottir U, Swart KMA, Tan ST, Tarnopolsky MA, Thompson P, Thomson CA, Thorsteinsdottir U, Tikkanen E, Tranah GJ, Tuomilehto J, van Schoor NM, Verma A, Vollenweider P, Völzke H, Wactawski-Wende J, Walker M, Weedon MN, Welch R, Wichmann HE, Widen E, Williams FMK, Wilson JF, Wright NC, Xie W, Yu L, Zhou Y, Chambers JC, Döring A, van Duijn CM, Econs MJ, Gudnason V, Kooner JS, Psaty BM, Spector TD, Stefansson K, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Wareham NJ, Ossowski V, Waterworth D, Loos RJF, Karasik D, Harris TB, Ohlsson C, Kiel DP. Large meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies five loci for lean body mass. Nat Commun. 2017 07 19; 8(1):80.
Yu A, Carballido-Gamio J, Wang L, Lang TF, Su Y, Wu X, Wang M, Wei J, Yi C, Cheng X. Spatial Differences in the Distribution of Bone Between Femoral Neck and Trochanteric Fractures. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Aug; 32(8):1672-1680.
Marques EA, Figueiredo P, Gudnason V, Lang T, Sigurdsson G, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Associations of 24-hour sleep duration and CT-derived measurements of muscle and bone: The AGES-Reykjavik Study. Exp Gerontol. 2017 07; 93:1-6.
Bonaretti S, Majumdar S, Lang TF, Khosla S, Burghardt AJ. The comparability of HR-pQCT bone measurements is improved by scanning anatomically standardized regions. Osteoporos Int. 2017 07; 28(7):2115-2128.
Marques EA, Elbejjani M, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Lang T, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Meirelles O, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Proximal Femur Volumetric Bone Mineral Density and Mortality: 13 Years of Follow-Up of the AGES-Reykjavik Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Jun; 32(6):1237-1242.
Arentson-Lantz EJ, Saeed IH, Frassetto LA, Masharani U, Harnish RJ, Seo Y, VanBrocklin HF, Hawkins RA, Mari-Aparici C, Pampaloni MH, Slater J, Paddon-Jones D, Lang TF. 11C-L-methyl methionine dynamic PET/CT of skeletal muscle: response to protein supplementation compared to L-[ring 13C6] phenylalanine infusion with serial muscle biopsy. Ann Nucl Med. 2017 May; 31(4):295-303.
Lang T, Van Loon JJWA, Bloomfield S, Vico L, Chopard A, Rittweger J, Kyparos A, Blottner D, Vuori I, Gerzer R, Cavanagh PR. Towards human exploration of space: the THESEUS review series on muscle and bone research priorities. NPJ Microgravity. 2017; 3:8.
Carballido-Gamio J, Bonaretti S, Kazakia GJ, Khosla S, Majumdar S, Lang TF, Burghardt AJ. Statistical Parametric Mapping of HR-pQCT Images: A Tool for Population-Based Local Comparisons of Micro-Scale Bone Features. Ann Biomed Eng. 2017 04; 45(4):949-962.
Nielson CM, Liu CT, Smith AV, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Reppe S, Jakobsdottir J, Wassel C, Register TC, Oei L, Alonso N, Oei EH, Parimi N, Samelson EJ, Nalls MA, Zmuda J, Lang T, Bouxsein M, Latourelle J, Claussnitzer M, Siggeirsdottir K, Srikanth P, Lorentzen E, Vandenput L, Langefeld C, Raffield L, Terry G, Cox AJ, Allison MA, Criqui MH, Bowden D, Ikram MA, Mellström D, Karlsson MK, Carr J, Budoff M, Phillips C, Cupples LA, Chou WC, Myers RH, Ralston SH, Gautvik KM, Cawthon PM, Cummings S, Karasik D, Rivadeneira F, Gudnason V, Orwoll ES, Harris TB, Ohlsson C, Kiel DP, Hsu YH. Novel Genetic Variants Associated With Increased Vertebral Volumetric BMD, Reduced Vertebral Fracture Risk, and Increased Expression of SLC1A3 and EPHB2. J Bone Miner Res. 2016 12; 31(12):2085-2097.
Bonaretti S, Vilayphiou N, Chan CM, Yu A, Nishiyama K, Liu D, Boutroy S, Ghasem-Zadeh A, Boyd SK, Chapurlat R, McKay H, Shane E, Bouxsein ML, Black DM, Majumdar S, Orwoll ES, Lang TF, Khosla S, Burghardt AJ. Operator variability in scan positioning is a major component of HR-pQCT precision error and is reduced by standardized training. Osteoporos Int. 2017 01; 28(1):245-257.
Marques EA, Gudnason V, Lang T, Sigurdsson G, Sigurdsson S, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Association of bone turnover markers with volumetric bone loss, periosteal apposition, and fracture risk in older men and women: the AGES-Reykjavik longitudinal study. Osteoporos Int. 2016 12; 27(12):3485-3494.
Walker MD, Saeed I, Lee JA, Zhang C, Hans D, Lang T, Silverberg SJ. Effect of concomitant vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency on lumbar spine volumetric bone mineral density and trabecular bone score in primary hyperparathyroidism. Osteoporos Int. 2016 10; 27(10):3063-71.
Reinders I, Murphy RA, Brouwer IA, Visser M, Launer L, Siggeirsdottir K, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Jonsson PV, Lang TF, Harris TB, Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES)-Reykjavik Study. Muscle Quality and Myosteatosis: Novel Associations With Mortality Risk: The Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility (AGES)-Reykjavik Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2016 Jan 01; 183(1):53-60.
Marques EA, Gudnason V, Sigurdsson G, Lang T, Johannesdottir F, Siggeirsdottir K, Launer L, Eiriksdottir G, Harris TB. Are bone turnover markers associated with volumetric bone density, size, and strength in older men and women? The AGES-Reykjavik study. Osteoporos Int. 2016 May; 27(5):1765-76.
Carballido-Gamio J, Bonaretti S, Saeed I, Harnish R, Recker R, Burghardt AJ, Keyak JH, Harris T, Khosla S, Lang TF. Automatic multi-parametric quantification of the proximal femur with quantitative computed tomography. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2015 Aug; 5(4):552-68.
Engelke K, Lang T, Khosla S, Qin L, Zysset P, Leslie WD, Shepherd JA, Schousboe JT. Clinical Use of Quantitative Computed Tomography (QCT) of the Hip in the Management of Osteoporosis in Adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions-Part I. J Clin Densitom. 2015 Jul-Sep; 18(3):338-58.
Engelke K, Lang T, Khosla S, Qin L, Zysset P, Leslie WD, Shepherd JA, Shousboe JT. Clinical Use of Quantitative Computed Tomography-Based Advanced Techniques in the Management of Osteoporosis in Adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions-Part III. J Clin Densitom. 2015 Jul-Sep; 18(3):393-407.
Zysset P, Qin L, Lang T, Khosla S, Leslie WD, Shepherd JA, Schousboe JT, Engelke K. Clinical Use of Quantitative Computed Tomography-Based Finite Element Analysis of the Hip and Spine in the Management of Osteoporosis in Adults: the 2015 ISCD Official Positions-Part II. J Clin Densitom. 2015 Jul-Sep; 18(3):359-92.
Kiel DP, Hannan MT, Barton BA, Bouxsein ML, Sisson E, Lang T, Allaire B, Dewkett D, Carroll D, Magaziner J, Shane E, Leary ET, Zimmerman S, Rubin CT. Low-Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation to Improve Bone Density in Persons of Advanced Age: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2015 Jul; 30(7):1319-28.
Harris TB, Song X, Reinders I, Lang TF, Garcia ME, Siggeirsdottir K, Sigurdsson S, Gudnason V, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson G, Steingrimsdottir L, Aspelund T, Brouwer IA, Murphy RA. Plasma phospholipid fatty acids and fish-oil consumption in relation to osteoporotic fracture risk in older adults: the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 May; 101(5):947-55.
Koster A, Murphy RA, Eiriksdottir G, Aspelund T, Sigurdsson S, Lang TF, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Harris TB. Fat distribution and mortality: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Apr; 23(4):893-7.
Reinders I, Murphy RA, Song X, Visser M, Cotch MF, Lang TF, Garcia ME, Launer LJ, Siggeirsdottir K, Eiriksdottir G, Jonsson PV, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Brouwer IA. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in relation to incident mobility disability and decline in gait speed; the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2015 Apr; 69(4):489-93.
Heilmeier U, Carpenter DR, Patsch JM, Harnish R, Joseph GB, Burghardt AJ, Baum T, Schwartz AV, Lang TF, Link TM. Volumetric femoral BMD, bone geometry, and serum sclerostin levels differ between type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women with and without fragility fractures. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Apr; 26(4):1283-93.
Bonaretti S, Carpenter RD, Saeed I, Burghardt AJ, Yu L, Bruesewitz M, Khosla S, Lang T. Novel anthropomorphic hip phantom corrects systemic interscanner differences in proximal femoral vBMD. Phys Med Biol. 2014 Dec 21; 59(24):7819-34.
Ma YH, Schwartz AV, Sigurdsson S, Hue TF, Lang TF, Harris TB, Rosen CJ, Vittinghoff E, Eiriksdottir G, Hauksdottir AM, Siggeirsdottir K, Sigurdsson G, Oskarsdottir D, Napoli N, Palermo L, Gudnason V, Li X. Circulating sclerostin associated with vertebral bone marrow fat in older men but not women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec; 99(12):E2584-90.
Carpenter RD, Saeed I, Bonaretti S, Schreck C, Keyak JH, Streeper T, Harris TB, Lang TF. Inter-scanner differences in in vivo QCT measurements of the density and strength of the proximal femur remain after correction with anthropomorphic standardization phantoms. Med Eng Phys. 2014 Oct; 36(10):1225-32.
Lang TF, Saeed IH, Streeper T, Carballido-Gamio J, Harnish RJ, Frassetto LA, Lee SM, Sibonga JD, Keyak JH, Spiering BA, Grodsinsky CM, Bloomberg JJ, Cavanagh PR. Spatial heterogeneity in the response of the proximal femur to two lower-body resistance exercise regimens. J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Jun; 29(6):1337-45.
Link TM, Lang TF. Axial QCT: clinical applications and new developments. J Clin Densitom. 2014 Oct-Dec; 17(4):438-48.
Harnish R, Prevrhal S, Alavi A, Zaidi H, Lang TF. The effect of metal artefact reduction on CT-based attenuation correction for PET imaging in the vicinity of metallic hip implants: a phantom study. Ann Nucl Med. 2014 Jul; 28(6):540-50.
Carballido-Gamio J, Harnish R, Saeed I, Streeper T, Sigurdsson S, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Therneau TM, Siggeirsdottir K, Cheng X, Melton LJ, Keyak JH, Gudnason V, Khosla S, Harris TB, Lang TF. Structural patterns of the proximal femur in relation to age and hip fracture risk in women. Bone. 2013 Nov; 57(1):290-9.
Keyak JH, Sigurdsson S, Karlsdottir GS, Oskarsdottir D, Sigmarsdottir A, Kornak J, Harris TB, Sigurdsson G, Jonsson BY, Siggeirsdottir K, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Lang TF. Effect of finite element model loading condition on fracture risk assessment in men and women: the AGES-Reykjavik study. Bone. 2013 Nov; 57(1):18-29.
Murphy RA, Register TC, Shively CA, Carr JJ, Ge Y, Heilbrun ME, Cummings SR, Koster A, Nevitt MC, Satterfield S, Tylvasky FA, Strotmeyer ES, Newman AB, Simonsick EM, Scherzinger A, Goodpaster BH, Launer LJ, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson S, Sigurdsson G, Gudnason V, Lang TF, Kritchevsky SB, Harris TB. Adipose tissue density, a novel biomarker predicting mortality risk in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014 Jan; 69(1):109-17.
Schwartz AV, Sigurdsson S, Hue TF, Lang TF, Harris TB, Rosen CJ, Vittinghoff E, Siggeirsdottir K, Sigurdsson G, Oskarsdottir D, Shet K, Palermo L, Gudnason V, Li X. Vertebral bone marrow fat associated with lower trabecular BMD and prevalent vertebral fracture in older adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jun; 98(6):2294-300.
Rianon NJ, Lang TF, Siggeirsdottir K, Sigurdsson G, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson S, Jonsson BY, Garcia M, Yu B, Kapadia AS, Taylor WC, Selwyn BJ, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Harris TB. Fracture risk assessment in older adults using a combination of selected quantitative computed tomography bone measures: a subanalysis of the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study. J Clin Densitom. 2014 Jan-Mar; 17(1):25-31.
Cohen A, Dempster DW, Recker RR, Lappe JM, Zhou H, Zwahlen A, Müller R, Zhao B, Guo X, Lang T, Saeed I, Liu XS, Guo XE, Cremers S, Rosen CJ, Stein EM, Nickolas TL, McMahon DJ, Young P, Shane E. Abdominal fat is associated with lower bone formation and inferior bone quality in healthy premenopausal women: a transiliac bone biopsy study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jun; 98(6):2562-72.
Carballido-Gamio J, Harnish R, Saeed I, Streeper T, Sigurdsson S, Amin S, Atkinson EJ, Therneau TM, Siggeirsdottir K, Cheng X, Melton LJ, Keyak J, Gudnason V, Khosla S, Harris TB, Lang TF. Proximal femoral density distribution and structure in relation to age and hip fracture risk in women. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Mar; 28(3):537-46.
Leblanc A, Matsumoto T, Jones J, Shapiro J, Lang T, Shackelford L, Smith SM, Evans H, Spector E, Ploutz-Snyder R, Sibonga J, Keyak J, Nakamura T, Kohri K, Ohshima H. Bisphosphonates as a supplement to exercise to protect bone during long-duration spaceflight. Osteoporos Int. 2013 Jul; 24(7):2105-14.
Cohen A, Lang TF, McMahon DJ, Liu XS, Guo XE, Zhang C, Stein EM, Dempster DW, Young P, Saeed I, Lappe JM, Recker RR, Shane E. Central QCT reveals lower volumetric BMD and stiffness in premenopausal women with idiopathic osteoporosis, regardless of fracture history. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov; 97(11):4244-52.
Lang T. Sarcopenia, edited by Alfredo Cruz-Jentoft and John E. Morley. Imaging of Skeletal Muscle. 2012; 193-204.
Liu CT, Karasik D, Zhou Y, Hsu YH, Genant HK, Broe KE, Lang TF, Samelson EJ, Demissie S, Bouxsein ML, Cupples LA, Kiel DP. Heritability of prevalent vertebral fracture and volumetric bone mineral density and geometry at the lumbar spine in three generations of the Framingham study. J Bone Miner Res. 2012 Apr; 27(4):954-8.
Johannesdottir F, Aspelund T, Siggeirsdottir K, Jonsson BY, Mogensen B, Sigurdsson S, Harris TB, Gudnason VG, Lang TF, Sigurdsson G. Mid-thigh cortical bone structural parameters, muscle mass and strength, and association with lower limb fractures in older men and women (AGES-Reykjavik Study). Calcif Tissue Int. 2012 May; 90(5):354-64.
Samelson EJ, Christiansen BA, Demissie S, Broe KE, Louie-Gao Q, Cupples LA, Roberts BJ, Manoharam R, D'Agostino J, Lang T, Kiel DP, Bouxsein ML. QCT measures of bone strength at the thoracic and lumbar spine: the Framingham Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2012 Mar; 27(3):654-63.
R. Harnish, T. Streeper, I. Saeed, C. Schreck, S. Dannoon, J. Slater, J. Blecha, H. VanBrocklin, M. Hernandez-Pampaloni, R. Hawkins, Y. Seo, G. Sayre and T. Lang. Journal of Molecular Imaging and Dynamics. Quantification of changes in skeletal muscle amino acid kinetics in adult humans in response to exercise via positron-emission tomography with L-[methyl-11C]methionine. 2012; 2(1):103.
Rianon NJ, Lang TF, Sigurdsson G, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson S, Garcia M, Pajala S, Koster A, Yu B, Selwyn BJ, Taylor WC, Kapadia AS, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Harris TB. Lifelong physical activity in maintaining bone strength in older men and women of the Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study. Osteoporos Int. 2012 Sep; 23(9):2303-12.
Lang TF, Sigurdsson S, Karlsdottir G, Oskarsdottir D, Sigmarsdottir A, Chengshi J, Kornak J, Harris TB, Sigurdsson G, Jonsson BY, Siggeirsdottir K, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Keyak JH. Age-related loss of proximal femoral strength in elderly men and women: the Age Gene/Environment Susceptibility Study--Reykjavik. Bone. 2012 Mar; 50(3):743-8.
Walker MD, Saeed I, McMahon DJ, Udesky J, Liu G, Lang T, Bilezikian JP. Volumetric bone mineral density at the spine and hip in Chinese American and White women. Osteoporos Int. 2012 Oct; 23(10):2499-506.
Lang TF. The bone-muscle relationship in men and women. J Osteoporos. 2011; 2011:702735.
Javaid MK, Prieto-Alhambra D, Lui LY, Cawthon P, Arden NK, Lang T, Lane NE, Orwoll E, Barrett-Conner E, Nevitt MC, Cooper C, Cummings SR, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Research Group. Self-reported weight at birth predicts measures of femoral size but not volumetric BMD in eldery men: MrOS. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Aug; 26(8):1802-7.
Keyak JH, Sigurdsson S, Karlsdottir G, Oskarsdottir D, Sigmarsdottir A, Zhao S, Kornak J, Harris TB, Sigurdsson G, Jonsson BY, Siggeirsdottir K, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Lang TF. Male-female differences in the association between incident hip fracture and proximal femoral strength: a finite element analysis study. Bone. 2011 Jun 01; 48(6):1239-45.
Streeper T, Cavanagh TR, Hanson AM, Carpenter RD,Saeed I, Kornak J, Frassetto L, Grodsinsky C, Funk J, Lee SMC, Spiering BA, Bloomberg J, Mulavara A, Sibonga J, Lang T. Acta Astronauta. Development of an integrated countermeasure device for use in long-duration spaceflight. 2011; 68(11-12):2029-2037.
Carpenter RD, Sigurdsson S, Zhao S, Lu Y, Eiriksdottir G, Sigurdsson G, Jonsson BY, Prevrhal S, Harris TB, Siggeirsdottir K, Guðnason V, Lang TF. Effects of age and sex on the strength and cortical thickness of the femoral neck. Bone. 2011 Apr 01; 48(4):741-7.
Zmuda JM, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Moffett SP, Klei L, Kammerer CM, Roeder K, Cauley JA, Kuipers A, Ensrud KE, Nestlerode CS, Hoffman AR, Lewis CE, Lang TF, Barrett-Connor E, Ferrell RE, Orwoll ES, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group. Genetic analysis of vertebral trabecular bone density and cross-sectional area in older men. Osteoporos Int. 2011 Apr; 22(4):1079-90.
Liu XS, Cohen A, Shane E, Yin PT, Stein EM, Rogers H, Kokolus SL, McMahon DJ, Lappe JM, Recker RR, Lang T, Guo XE. Bone density, geometry, microstructure, and stiffness: Relationships between peripheral and central skeletal sites assessed by DXA, HR-pQCT, and cQCT in premenopausal women. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Oct; 25(10):2229-38.
Schafer AL, Vittinghoff E, Lang TF, Sellmeyer DE, Harris TB, Kanaya AM, Strotmeyer ES, Cawthon PM, Cummings SR, Tylavsky FA, Scherzinger AL, Schwartz AV, Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study. Fat infiltration of muscle, diabetes, and clinical fracture risk in older adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010 Nov; 95(11):E368-72.
Zhao Q, Li W, Li C, Chu PW, Kornak J, Lang TF, Fang J, Lu Y. A statistical method (cross-validation) for bone loss region detection after spaceflight. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med. 2010 Jun; 33(2):163-9.
Kiel DP, Hannan MT, Barton BA, Bouxsein ML, Lang TF, Brown KM, Shane E, Magaziner J, Zimmerman S, Rubin CT. Insights from the conduct of a device trial in older persons: low magnitude mechanical stimulation for musculoskeletal health. Clin Trials. 2010 Aug; 7(4):354-67.
Lang TF. Quantitative computed tomography. Radiol Clin North Am. 2010 May; 48(3):589-600.
Lang T, Cauley JA, Tylavsky F, Bauer D, Cummings S, Harris TB, Health ABC Study. Computed tomographic measurements of thigh muscle cross-sectional area and attenuation coefficient predict hip fracture: the health, aging, and body composition study. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Mar; 25(3):513-9.
Yerges LM, Klei L, Cauley JA, Roeder K, Kammerer CM, Ensrud KE, Nestlerode CS, Lewis C, Lang TF, Barrett-Connor E, Moffett SP, Hoffman AR, Ferrell RE, Orwoll ES, Zmuda JM, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group. Candidate gene analysis of femoral neck trabecular and cortical volumetric bone mineral density in older men. J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Feb; 25(2):330-8.
Chaganti RK, Parimi N, Lang T, Orwoll E, Stefanick ML, Nevitt M, Lane NE, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group. Bone mineral density and prevalent osteoarthritis of the hip in older men for the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Aug; 21(8):1307-16.
Carpenter RD, LeBlanc AD, Evans H, Sibonga JD, Lang TF. Long-term changes in the density and structure of the human hip and spine after long-duration spaceflight. Acta Astronautica. 2010; 67(1-2):71-81.
Yerges LM, Klei L, Cauley JA, Roeder K, Kammerer CM, Moffett SP, Ensrud KE, Nestlerode CS, Marshall LM, Hoffman AR, Lewis C, Lang TF, Barrett-Connor E, Ferrell RE, Orwoll ES, Zmuda JM, MrOS Research Group. High-density association study of 383 candidate genes for volumetric BMD at the femoral neck and lumbar spine among older men. J Bone Miner Res. 2009 Dec; 24(12):2039-49.
Eastell R, Lang T, Boonen S, Cummings S, Delmas PD, Cauley JA, Horowitz Z, Kerzberg E, Bianchi G, Kendler D, Leung P, Man Z, Mesenbrink P, Eriksen EF, Black DM, HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial. Effect of once-yearly zoledronic acid on the spine and hip as measured by quantitative computed tomography: results of the HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Jul; 21(7):1277-85.
Chevalier Y, Quek E, Borah B, Gross G, Stewart J, Lang T, Zysset P. Biomechanical effects of teriparatide in women with osteoporosis treated previously with alendronate and risedronate: results from quantitative computed tomography-based finite element analysis of the vertebral body. Bone. 2010 Jan; 46(1):41-8.
Lang T, Streeper T, Cawthon P, Baldwin K, Taaffe DR, Harris TB. Sarcopenia: etiology, clinical consequences, intervention, and assessment. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Apr; 21(4):543-59.
Saeed I, Carpenter RD, Leblanc AD, Li J, Keyak JH, Sibonga JD, Lang TF. Quantitative computed tomography reveals the effects of race and sex on bone size and trabecular and cortical bone density. J Clin Densitom. 2009 Jul-Sep; 12(3):330-6.
Li W, Kornak J, Harris TB, Keyak J, Li C, Lu Y, Cheng X, Lang T. Bone fracture risk estimation based on image similarity. Bone. 2009 Sep; 45(3):560-7.
Li W, Kornak J, Harris T, Keyak J, Li C, Lu Y, Cheng X, Lang T. Identify fracture-critical regions inside the proximal femur using statistical parametric mapping. Bone. 2009 Apr; 44(4):596-602.
Hyder JA, Allison MA, Wong N, Papa A, Lang TF, Sirlin C, Gapstur SM, Ouyang P, Carr JJ, Criqui MH. Association of coronary artery and aortic calcium with lumbar bone density: the MESA Abdominal Aortic Calcium Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Jan 15; 169(2):186-94.
Taaffe DR, Henwood TR, Nalls MA, Walker DG, Lang TF, Harris TB. Alterations in muscle attenuation following detraining and retraining in resistance-trained older adults. Gerontology. 2009; 55(2):217-23.
Keyak JH, Koyama AK, LeBlanc A, Lu Y, Lang TF. Reduction in proximal femoral strength due to long-duration spaceflight. Bone. 2009 Mar; 44(3):449-53.
Miller PD, Delmas PD, Lindsay R, Watts NB, Luckey M, Adachi J, Saag K, Greenspan SL, Seeman E, Boonen S, Meeves S, Lang TF, Bilezikian JP, Open-label Study to Determine How Prior Therapy with Alendronate or Risedronate in Postmenopausal Wo. Early responsiveness of women with osteoporosis to teriparatide after therapy with alendronate or risedronate. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Oct; 93(10):3785-93.
Black DM, Bouxsein ML, Marshall LM, Cummings SR, Lang TF, Cauley JA, Ensrud KE, Nielson CM, Orwoll ES, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Research Group. Proximal femoral structure and the prediction of hip fracture in men: a large prospective study using QCT. J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Aug; 23(8):1326-33.
Prevrhal S, Shepherd JA, Faulkner KG, Gaither KW, Black DM, Lang TF. Comparison of DXA hip structural analysis with volumetric QCT. J Clin Densitom. 2008 Apr-Jun; 11(2):232-6.
Lang T, Koyama A, Li C, Li J, Lu Y, Saeed I, Gazze E, Keyak J, Harris T, Cheng X. Pelvic body composition measurements by quantitative computed tomography: association with recent hip fracture. Bone. 2008 Apr; 42(4):798-805.
Marshall LM, Zmuda JM, Chan BK, Barrett-Connor E, Cauley JA, Ensrud KE, Lang TF, Orwoll ES, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Research Group. Race and ethnic variation in proximal femur structure and BMD among older men. J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Jan; 23(1):121-30.
Mackey DC, Eby JG, Harris F, Taaffe DR, Cauley JA, Tylavsky FA, Harris TB, Lang TF, Cummings SR, Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study Group. Prediction of clinical non-spine fractures in older black and white men and women with volumetric BMD of the spine and areal BMD of the hip: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study*. J Bone Miner Res. 2007 Dec; 22(12):1862-8.
Sibonga JD, Evans HJ, Sung HG, Spector ER, Lang TF, Oganov VS, Bakulin AV, Shackelford LC, LeBlanc AD. Recovery of spaceflight-induced bone loss: bone mineral density after long-duration missions as fitted with an exponential function. Bone. 2007 Dec; 41(6):973-8.
Li W, Kezele I, Collins DL, Zijdenbos A, Keyak J, Kornak J, Koyama A, Saeed I, Leblanc A, Harris T, Lu Y, Lang T. Voxel-based modeling and quantification of the proximal femur using inter-subject registration of quantitative CT images. Bone. 2007 Nov; 41(5):888-95.
Lang TF. What do we know about fracture risk in long-duration spaceflight? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2006 Oct-Dec; 6(4):319-21.
Lang TF, Leblanc AD, Evans HJ, Lu Y. Adaptation of the proximal femur to skeletal reloading after long-duration spaceflight. J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Aug; 21(8):1224-30.
Marshall LM, Lang TF, Lambert LC, Zmuda JM, Ensrud KE, Orwoll ES, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Research Group. Dimensions and volumetric BMD of the proximal femur and their relation to age among older U.S. men. J Bone Miner Res. 2006 Aug; 21(8):1197-206.
Cheng X, Li J, Lu Y, Keyak J, Lang T. Proximal femoral density and geometry measurements by quantitative computed tomography: association with hip fracture. Bone. 2007 Jan; 40(1):169-74.
Inamo J, Bolo M, Platon C, Atallah A, de Gaudemaris R, Chatellier G, Lang T. Prescribing practices in the management of hypertension in the Caribbean's. J Hum Hypertens. 2006 Oct; 20(10):795-7.
Guglielmi G, van Kuijk C, Li J, Meta MD, Scillitani A, Lang TF. Influence of anthropometric parameters and bone size on bone mineral density using volumetric quantitative computed tomography and dual X-ray absorptiometry at the hip. Acta Radiol. 2006 Jul; 47(6):574-80.
Sigurdsson G, Aspelund T, Chang M, Jonsdottir B, Sigurdsson S, Eiriksdottir G, Gudmundsson A, Harris TB, Gudnason V, Lang TF. Increasing sex difference in bone strength in old age: The Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik study (AGES-REYKJAVIK). Bone. 2006 Sep; 39(3):644-51.
Lang T, Haberl M, Jung D, Drescher A, Schlagenhaufer R, Keil A, Mornhinweg E, Stieger B, Kullak-Ublick GA, Kerb R. Genetic variability, haplotype structures, and ethnic diversity of hepatic transporters MDR3 (ABCB4) and bile salt export pump (ABCB11). Drug Metab Dispos. 2006 Sep; 34(9):1582-99.
Meta M, Lu Y, Keyak JH, Lang T. Young-elderly differences in bone density, geometry and strength indices depend on proximal femur sub-region: a cross sectional study in Caucasian-American women. Bone. 2006 Jul; 39(1):152-8.
Li W, Sode M, Saeed I, Lang T. Automated registration of hip and spine for longitudinal QCT studies: integration with 3D densitometric and structural analysis. Bone. 2006 Feb; 38(2):273-9.
Black DM, Bilezikian JP, Ensrud KE, Greenspan SL, Palermo L, Hue T, Lang TF, McGowan JA, Rosen CJ, PaTH Study Investigators. One year of alendronate after one year of parathyroid hormone (1-84) for osteoporosis. N Engl J Med. 2005 Aug 11; 353(6):555-65.
Carpenter RD, Beaupré GS, Lang TF, Orwoll ES, Carter DR, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group. New QCT analysis approach shows the importance of fall orientation on femoral neck strength. J Bone Miner Res. 2005 Sep; 20(9):1533-42.
Guglielmi G, Floriani I, Torri V, Li J, van Kuijk C, Genant HK, Lang TF. Effect of spinal degenerative changes on volumetric bone mineral density of the central skeleton as measured by quantitative computed tomography. Acta Radiol. 2005 May; 46(3):269-75.
Genant HK, Lang T, Fuerst T, Pinette KV, Zhou C, Thiebaud D, Diez-Perez A. Treatment with raloxifene for 2 years increases vertebral bone mineral density as measured by volumetric quantitative computed tomography. Bone. 2004 Nov; 35(5):1164-8.
Wong M, Papa A, Lang T, Hodis HN, Labree L, Detrano R. Validation of thoracic quantitative computed tomography as a method to measure bone mineral density. Calcif Tissue Int. 2005 Jan; 76(1):7-10.
Lian KC, Lang TF, Keyak JH, Modin GW, Rehman Q, Do L, Lane NE. Differences in hip quantitative computed tomography (QCT) measurements of bone mineral density and bone strength between glucocorticoid-treated and glucocorticoid-naive postmenopausal women. Osteoporos Int. 2005 Jun; 16(6):642-50.
Lang T, LeBlanc A, Evans H, Lu Y, Genant H, Yu A. Cortical and trabecular bone mineral loss from the spine and hip in long-duration spaceflight. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Jun; 19(6):1006-12.
Carbone LD, Tylavsky FA, Cauley JA, Harris TB, Lang TF, Bauer DC, Barrow KD, Kritchevsky SB. Association between bone mineral density and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin: impact of cyclooxygenase selectivity. J Bone Miner Res. 2003 Oct; 18(10):1795-802.
Black DM, Greenspan SL, Ensrud KE, Palermo L, McGowan JA, Lang TF, Garnero P, Bouxsein ML, Bilezikian JP, Rosen CJ, PaTH Study Investigators. The effects of parathyroid hormone and alendronate alone or in combination in postmenopausal osteoporosis. N Engl J Med. 2003 Sep 25; 349(13):1207-15.
Taaffe DR, Lang TF, Fuerst T, Cauley JA, Nevitt MC, Harris TB. Sex- and race-related differences in cross-sectional geometry and bone density of the femoral mid-shaft in older adults. Ann Hum Biol. 2003 May-Jun; 30(3):329-46.
Taaffe DR, Lang TF, Harris TB. Poor correlation of mid-femoral measurements by CT and hip measurements by DXA in the elderly. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2003 Apr; 15(2):131-5.
Tylavsky FA, Lohman TG, Dockrell M, Lang T, Schoeller DA, Wan JY, Fuerst T, Cauley JA, Nevitt M, Harris TB. Comparison of the effectiveness of 2 dual-energy X-ray absorptiometers with that of total body water and computed tomography in assessing changes in body composition during weight change. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Feb; 77(2):356-63.
Rehman Q, Lang TF, Arnaud CD, Modin GW, Lane NE. Daily treatment with parathyroid hormone is associated with an increase in vertebral cross-sectional area in postmenopausal women with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int. 2003 Jan; 14(1):77-81.
Guglielmi G, Lang TF. Quantitative computed tomography. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2002 Sep; 6(3):219-27.
Snijder MB, Visser M, Dekker JM, Seidell JC, Fuerst T, Tylavsky F, Cauley J, Lang T, Nevitt M, Harris TB. The prediction of visceral fat by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the elderly: a comparison with computed tomography and anthropometry. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Jul; 26(7):984-93.
Rehman Q, Lang T, Modin G, Lane NE. Quantitative computed tomography of the lumbar spine, not dual x-ray absorptiometry, is an independent predictor of prevalent vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with osteopenia receiving long-term glucocorticoid and hormone-replacement therapy. Arthritis Rheum. 2002 May; 46(5):1292-7.
Lang T, Hauser R, Buddeberg C, Klaghofer R. Impact of gastric banding on eating behavior and weight. Obes Surg. 2002 Feb; 12(1):100-7.
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Taaffe DR, Cauley JA, Danielson M, Nevitt MC, Lang TF, Bauer DC, Harris TB. Race and sex effects on the association between muscle strength, soft tissue, and bone mineral density in healthy elders: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2001 Jul; 16(7):1343-52.
Salamone LM, Fuerst T, Visser M, Kern M, Lang T, Dockrell M, Cauley JA, Nevitt M, Tylavsky F, Lohman TG. Measurement of fat mass using DEXA: a validation study in elderly adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2000 Jul; 89(1):345-52.
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