Marina Radoul, PhD

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PhD, 10/2010 - Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science


Minami N, Hong D, Stevers N, Barger CJ, Radoul M, Hong C, Chen L, Kim Y, Batsios G, Gillespie AM, Pieper RO, Costello JF, Viswanath P, Ronen SM. Imaging biomarkers of TERT or GABPB1 silencing in TERT-positive glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol. 2022 11 02; 24(11):1898-1910.
Mansi Parekh, Philip Hampel, Marina Radoul, Eric Steven Sevilla, David Traver, Hannah Kim, Nathalie Picard, Andrew Adler, Luis Fuentealba, Jiayin Li, Adrian Bates, Daniel Cherkowsky, Marina Bershteyn, Yves Maury, Myriam Chaumeil, Catherine Priest, Cory Nicholas. Preclinical Development of NRTX-1001, an Inhibitory Interneuron Cellular Therapeutic for the Treatment of Chronic Focal Epilepsy (S13.007). Neurology. 2022 May 3; 98(18_supplement).
Radoul M, Hong D, Gillespie AM, Najac C, Viswanath P, Pieper RO, Costello JF, Luchman HA, Ronen SM. Early Noninvasive Metabolic Biomarkers of Mutant IDH Inhibition in Glioma. Metabolites. 2021 Feb 13; 11(2).
Noriaki Minami, Vinay Ayyappan, Nick Stevers, Abigail Molloy, Georgios Batsios, Donghyun Hong, Anne Marie Gillespie, Elavarasan Subramani, Marina Radoul, Joseph Costello, Pavithra Viswanath, Sabrina Ronen. BIOM-19. METABOLIC ALTERATION INDUCED BY SELECTIVE KNOCK DOWN OF GABPB1L IN U251 CELLS. Neuro-Oncology. 2020 Nov 9; 22(Supplement_2):ii5-ii6.
Subramani E, Radoul M, Najac C, Batsios G, Molloy AR, Hong D, Gillespie AM, Santos RD, Viswanath P, Costello JF, Pieper RO, Ronen SM. Glutamate Is a Noninvasive Metabolic Biomarker of IDH1-Mutant Glioma Response to Temozolomide Treatment. Cancer Res. 2020 11 15; 80(22):5098-5108.
Molloy AR, Najac C, Viswanath P, Lakhani A, Subramani E, Batsios G, Radoul M, Gillespie AM, Pieper RO, Ronen SM. MR-detectable metabolic biomarkers of response to mutant IDH inhibition in low-grade glioma. Theranostics. 2020; 10(19):8757-8770.
Elavarasan Subramani, Chloe Najac, Georgios Batsios, Pavithra Viswanath, Marina Radoul, Anne Marie Gillespie, Russell O Pieper, Sabrina Ronen. EXTH-20. HYPERPOLARIZED [2-13C] PYRUVATE TO [5-13C] GLUTAMATE AS BIOMARKERS OF IDH1 MUTANT GLIOMA RESPONSE TO TEMOZOLOMIDE THERAPY. Neuro-Oncology. 2019 Nov 11; 21(Supplement_6):vi86-vi86.
Elavarasan Subramani, Chloe Najac, Georgios Batsios, Pavithra Viswanath, Marina Radoul, Anne Marie Gillespie, Russell O. Pieper, Sabrina M. Ronen. Abstract 5263: 1H and 13C MRS-based metabolic markers of IDH1 mutant glioma response to temozolomide therapy. Cancer Research. 2019 Jul 1; 79(13_Supplement):5263-5263.
Najac C, Radoul M, Le Page LM, Batsios G, Subramani E, Viswanath P, Gillespie AM, Ronen SM. In vivo investigation of hyperpolarized [1,3-13C2]acetoacetate as a metabolic probe in normal brain and in glioma. Sci Rep. 2019 03 04; 9(1):3402.
Radoul M, Najac C, Viswanath P, Mukherjee J, Kelly M, Gillespie AM, Chaumeil MM, Eriksson P, Delos Santos R, Pieper RO, Ronen SM. HDAC inhibition in glioblastoma monitored by hyperpolarized 13 C MRSI. NMR Biomed. 2019 02; 32(2):e4044.
Elavarasan Subramani, Chloe Najac, Georgios Batsios, Pavithra Viswanath, Marina Radoul, Anne Marie Gillespie, Russell Pieper, Sabrina Ronen. EXTH-76. 1H AND HYPERPOLARIZED 13C MRS BIOMARKERS OF IDH1 MUTANT GLIOMA RESPONSE TO TEMOZOLOMIDE THERAPY. Neuro-Oncology. 2018 Nov 5; 20(suppl_6):vi101-vi101.
Viswanath P, Radoul M, Izquierdo-Garcia JL, Luchman HA, Gregory Cairncross J, Pieper RO, Phillips JJ, Ronen SM. Mutant IDH1 gliomas downregulate phosphocholine and phosphoethanolamine synthesis in a 2-hydroxyglutarate-dependent manner. Cancer Metab. 2018; 6:3.
Viswanath P, Radoul M, Izquierdo-Garcia JL, Ong WQ, Luchman HA, Cairncross JG, Huang B, Pieper RO, Phillips JJ, Ronen SM. 2-Hydroxyglutarate-Mediated Autophagy of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Leads to an Unusual Downregulation of Phospholipid Biosynthesis in Mutant IDH1 Gliomas. Cancer Res. 2018 05 01; 78(9):2290-2304.
Chloe Najac, Marina Radoul, Pavithra Viswanath, Myriam M Chaumeil, Sabrina Ronen. METB-14. DOWN-REGULATION OF ACETATE METABOLISM TOWARDS FATTY ACIDS IN IDH1 MUTANT GLIOMA. Neuro-Oncology. 2017 Nov 6; 19(suppl_6):vi131-vi131.
Marina Radoul, Myriam M Chaumeil, Pia Eriksson, Chloe Najac, Pavithra Viswanath, Anne Marie Gillespie, Joydeep Mukherjee, Russell Pieper, Sabrina Ronen. TMOD-20. EARLY DETECTION OF HDAC INHIBITION IN GLIOBLASTOMA USING ADVANCED HYPERPOLARIZED 13C MRSI. Neuro-Oncology. 2017 Nov 6; 19(suppl_6):vi258-vi258.
Cohen MR, Mendelman N, Radoul M, Wilson TD, Savelieff MG, Zimmermann H, Kaminker I, Feintuch A, Lu Y, Goldfarb D. Correction to Thiolate Spin Population of Type I Copper in Azurin Derived from 33S Hyperfine Coupling. Inorg Chem. 2017 08 21; 56(16):10117.
Ramirez Cohen M, Mendelman N, Radoul M, Wilson TD, Savelieff MG, Zimmermann H, Kaminker I, Feintuch A, Lu Y, Goldfarb D. Thiolate Spin Population of Type I Copper in Azurin Derived from 33S Hyperfine Coupling. Inorg Chem. 2017 Jun 05; 56(11):6163-6174.
Chaumeil MM, Radoul M, Najac C, Eriksson P, Viswanath P, Blough MD, Chesnelong C, Luchman HA, Cairncross JG, Ronen SM. Hyperpolarized (13)C MR imaging detects no lactate production in mutant IDH1 gliomas: Implications for diagnosis and response monitoring. Neuroimage Clin. 2016; 12:180-9.
Radoul M, Lewin L, Cohen B, Oren R, Popov S, Davidov G, Vandsburger MH, Harmelin A, Bitton R, Greneche JM, Neeman M, Zarivach R. Genetic manipulation of iron biomineralization enhances MR relaxivity in a ferritin-M6A chimeric complex. Sci Rep. 2016 05 23; 6:26550.
Radoul M, Chaumeil MM, Eriksson P, Wang AS, Phillips JJ, Ronen SM. MR Studies of Glioblastoma Models Treated with Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibitor and Temozolomide:Metabolic Changes Are Associated with Enhanced Survival. Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 05; 15(5):1113-22.
Pavithra Viswanath, Jose L. Izquierdo-Garcia, Pia Eriksson, Larry Cai, Marina Radoul, Myriam M. Chaumeil, Michael Blough, H. Artee Luchmann, Samuel Weiss, J. Gregory Cairncross, Joanna J. Phillips, Russell O. Pieper, Sabrina M. Ronen. CBIO-42DOWN REGULATION OF PYRUVATE DEHYDROGENASE ACTIVITY IS ESSENTIAL FOR CELL PROLIFERATION IN IDH1 MUTANT GLIOMA CELLS. Neuro-Oncology. 2015 Nov 1; 17(suppl_5):v63-v63.
Izquierdo-Garcia JL, Viswanath P, Eriksson P, Cai L, Radoul M, Chaumeil MM, Blough M, Luchman HA, Weiss S, Cairncross JG, Phillips JJ, Pieper RO, Ronen SM. IDH1 Mutation Induces Reprogramming of Pyruvate Metabolism. Cancer Res. 2015 Aug 01; 75(15):2999-3009.
Vandsburger MH, Radoul M, Addadi Y, Mpofu S, Cohen B, Eilam R, Neeman M. Ovarian carcinoma: quantitative biexponential MR imaging relaxometry reveals the dynamic recruitment of ferritin-expressing fibroblasts to the angiogenic rim of tumors. Radiology. 2013 Sep; 268(3):790-801.
Vandsburger MH, Radoul M, Cohen B, Neeman M. MRI reporter genes: applications for imaging of cell survival, proliferation, migration and differentiation. NMR Biomed. 2013 Jul; 26(7):872-84.
Radoul M, Barak Y, Rinaldo S, Cutruzzolà F, Pecht I, Goldfarb D. Solvent accessibility in the distal heme pocket of the nitrosyl d(1)-heme complex of Pseudomonas stutzeri cd(1) nitrite reductase. Biochemistry. 2012 Nov 13; 51(45):9192-201.
Radoul M, Bykov D, Rinaldo S, Cutruzzolà F, Neese F, Goldfarb D. Dynamic hydrogen-bonding network in the distal pocket of the nitrosyl complex of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cd1 nitrite reductase. J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Mar 09; 133(9):3043-55.
Radoul M, Sundararajan M, Potapov A, Riplinger C, Neese F, Goldfarb D. Revisiting the nitrosyl complex of myoglobin by high-field pulse EPR spectroscopy and quantum mechanical calculations. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2010 Jul 14; 12(26):7276-89.
Radoul M, Centola F, Rinaldo S, Cutruzzolà F, Pecht I, Goldfarb D. Heme d1 nitrosyl complex of cd1 nitrite reductase studied by high-field-pulse electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Inorg Chem. 2009 May 04; 48(9):3913-5.
Goldfarb D, Lipkin Y, Potapov A, Gorodetsky Y, Epel B, Raitsimring AM, Radoul M, Kaminker I. HYSCORE and DEER with an upgraded 95GHz pulse EPR spectrometer. J Magn Reson. 2008 Sep; 194(1):8-15.