Jason Crane, PhD

Director, Computational Core


B.A., - Chemistry, Brandeis University
PhD, - Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
MS, - Physical Chemistry, University of Chicago
Postdoc, - Physical Chemistry, University of Illinois


Diaz E, Sriram R, Gordon JW, Sinha A, Liu X, Sahin S, Crane J, Olson MP, Chen HY, Bernard J, Vigneron DB, Wang ZJ, Xu D, Larson PEZ. Data Format Standardization and DICOM Integration for Hyperpolarized 13C MRI. ArXiv. 2024 May 06.
Diaz E, Sriram R, Gordon JW, Sinha A, Liu X, Sahin SI, Crane JC, Olson MP, Chen HY, Bernard JML, Vigneron DB, Wang ZJ, Xu D, Larson PEZ. Data Format Standardization and DICOM Integration for Hyperpolarized 13C MRI. J Imaging Inform Med. 2024 May 06.
Tracy Luks, Pablo Damasceno, Tyler Gleason, James Hawkins, Lauro Avalos, Shawn Hervey-Jumper, Sharmila Majumdar, Janine Lupo, Jason Crane, Javier Villanueva-Meyer. NIMG-25. CLINICAL FEASIBILITY OF AI-BASED T2 FLAIR SEGMENTATION FOR DETECTION OF PROGRESSION IN NON-ENHANCING LOWER GRADE GLIOMA. Neuro-Oncology. 2023 Nov 10; 25(Supplement_5):v190-v190.
Hawkins JR, Olson MP, Harouni A, Qin MM, Hess CP, Majumdar S, Crane JC. Implementation and prospective real-time evaluation of a generalized system for in-clinic deployment and validation of machine learning models in radiology. PLOS Digit Health. 2023 Aug; 2(8):e0000227.
Hervey-Jumper SL, Zhang Y, Phillips JJ, Morshed RA, Young JS, McCoy L, Lafontaine M, Luks T, Ammanuel S, Kakaizada S, Egladyous A, Gogos A, Villanueva-Meyer J, Shai A, Warrier G, Rice T, Crane J, Wrensch M, Wiencke JK, Daras M, Oberheim Bush NA, Taylor JW, Butowski N, Clarke J, Chang S, Chang E, Aghi M, Theodosopoulos P, McDermott M, Jakola AS, Kavouridis VK, Nawabi N, Solheim O, Smith T, Berger MS, Molinaro AM. Interactive Effects of Molecular, Therapeutic, and Patient Factors on Outcome of Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma. J Clin Oncol. 2023 04 10; 41(11):2029-2042.
Shah R, Astuto Arouche Nunes B, Gleason T, Fletcher W, Banaga J, Sweetwood K, Ye A, Patel R, McGill K, Link T, Crane J, Pedoia V, Majumdar S. Utilizing a Digital Swarm Intelligence Platform to Improve Consensus Among Radiologists and Exploring Its Applications. J Digit Imaging. 2023 04; 36(2):401-413.
Cluceru J, Lupo JM, Interian Y, Bove R, Crane JC. Improving the Automatic Classification of Brain MRI Acquisition Contrast with Machine Learning. J Digit Imaging. 2023 02; 36(1):289-305.
Dayan I, Roth HR, Zhong A, Harouni A, Gentili A, Abidin AZ, Liu A, Costa AB, Wood BJ, Tsai CS, Wang CH, Hsu CN, Lee CK, Ruan P, Xu D, Wu D, Huang E, Kitamura FC, Lacey G, de Antônio Corradi GC, Nino G, Shin HH, Obinata H, Ren H, Crane JC, Tetreault J, Guan J, Garrett JW, Kaggie JD, Park JG, Dreyer K, Juluru K, Kersten K, Rockenbach MABC, Linguraru MG, Haider MA, AbdelMaseeh M, Rieke N, Damasceno PF, E Silva PMC, Wang P, Xu S, Kawano S, Sriswasdi S, Park SY, Grist TM, Buch V, Jantarabenjakul W, Wang W, Tak WY, Li X, Lin X, Kwon YJ, Quraini A, Feng A, Priest AN, Turkbey B, Glicksberg B, Bizzo B, Kim BS, Tor-Díez C, Lee CC, Hsu CJ, Lin C, Lai CL, Hess CP, Compas C, Bhatia D, Oermann EK, Leibovitz E, Sasaki H, Mori H, Yang I, Sohn JH, Murthy KNK, Fu LC, de Mendonça MRF, Fralick M, Kang MK, Adil M, Gangai N, Vateekul P, Elnajjar P, Hickman S, Majumdar S, McLeod SL, Reed S, Gräf S, Harmon S, Kodama T, Puthanakit T, Mazzulli T, de Lavor VL, Rakvongthai Y, Lee YR, Wen Y, Gilbert FJ, Flores MG, Li Q. Federated learning for predicting clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Nat Med. 2021 10; 27(10):1735-1743.
Flores M, Dayan I, Roth H, Zhong A, Harouni A, Gentili A, Abidin A, Liu A, Costa A, Wood B, Tsai CS, Wang CH, Hsu CN, Lee CK, Ruan C, Xu D, Wu D, Huang E, Kitamura F, Lacey G, César de Antônio Corradi G, Shin HH, Obinata H, Ren H, Crane J, Tetreault J, Guan J, Garrett J, Park JG, Dreyer K, Juluru K, Kersten K, Bezerra Cavalcanti Rockenbach MA, Linguraru M, Haider M, AbdelMaseeh M, Rieke N, Damasceno P, Cruz E Silva PM, Wang P, Xu S, Kawano S, Sriswasdi S, Park SY, Grist T, Buch V, Jantarabenjakul W, Wang W, Tak WY, Li X, Lin X, Kwon F, Gilbert F, Kaggie J, Li Q, Quraini A, Feng A, Priest A, Turkbey B, Glicksberg B, Bizzo B, Kim BS, Tor-Diez C, Lee CC, Hsu CJ, Lin C, Lai CL, Hess C, Compas C, Bhatia D, Oermann E, Leibovitz E, Sasaki H, Mori H, Yang I, Sohn JH, Keshava Murthy KN, Fu LC, Furtado de Mendonça MR, Fralick M, Kang MK, Adil M, Gangai N, Vateekul P, Elnajjar P, Hickman S, Majumdar S, McLeod S, Reed S, Graf S, Harmon S, Kodama T, Puthanakit T, Mazzulli T, de Lima Lavor V, Rakvongthai Y, Lee YR, Wen Y. Federated Learning used for predicting outcomes in SARS-COV-2 patients. Res Sq. 2021 Jan 08.
Javier Villanueva-Meyer, Pablo Damasceno, Marisa LaFontaine, James Hawkins, Tracy Luks, Jason Crane, Janine Lupo. NIMG-44. INTEGRATING AUTOMATED LESION SEGMENTATIONS FROM SINGLE-IMAGES INTO ROUTINE CLINICAL WORKFLOW FOR VOLUMETRIC RESPONSE ASSESSMENT. Neuro-Oncology. 2020 Nov 9; 22(Supplement_2):ii157-ii157.
Shawn Hervey-Jumper, Annette Molinaro, Cecilia Dalle Ore, Desmond Brown, Yalan Zhang, Ramin Morshed, Marisa LaFontaine, Simon Ammanuel, Anny Shai, Gayathri Warrier, Terri Rice, Yi Lin, Jason Crane, Joanna Phillips, Margaret Wrensch, John Wiencke, Nancy Ann Oberheim Bush, Jennie Taylor, Nicholas Butowski, Jennifer Clarke, Susan Chang, Manish Aghi, Philip Theodosopoulos, Mitchel Berger. SURG-18. THE IMPACT OF NEUROLOGIC IMPAIRMENTS ON THE RELATIVE BENEFIT OF MAXIMAL EXTENT OF RESECTION IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED IDH-WILD TYPE GLIOBLASTOMA. Neuro-Oncology. 2020 Nov 9; 22(Supplement_2):ii207-ii207.
Molinaro AM, Hervey-Jumper S, Morshed RA, Young J, Han SJ, Chunduru P, Zhang Y, Phillips JJ, Shai A, Lafontaine M, Crane J, Chandra A, Flanigan P, Jahangiri A, Cioffi G, Ostrom Q, Anderson JE, Badve C, Barnholtz-Sloan J, Sloan AE, Erickson BJ, Decker PA, Kosel ML, LaChance D, Eckel-Passow J, Jenkins R, Villanueva-Meyer J, Rice T, Wrensch M, Wiencke JK, Oberheim Bush NA, Taylor J, Butowski N, Prados M, Clarke J, Chang S, Chang E, Aghi M, Theodosopoulos P, McDermott M, Berger MS. Association of Maximal Extent of Resection of Contrast-Enhanced and Non-Contrast-Enhanced Tumor With Survival Within Molecular Subgroups of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma. JAMA Oncol. 2020 04 01; 6(4):495-503.
Crane JC, Gordon JW, Chen HY, Autry AW, Li Y, Olson MP, Kurhanewicz J, Vigneron DB, Larson PEZ, Xu D. Hyperpolarized 13 C MRI data acquisition and analysis in prostate and brain at University of California, San Francisco. NMR Biomed. 2021 05; 34(5):e4280.
Mammoli D, Gordon J, Autry A, Larson PEZ, Li Y, Chen HY, Chung B, Shin P, Van Criekinge M, Carvajal L, Slater JB, Bok R, Crane J, Xu D, Chang S, Vigneron DB. Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Pyruvate Metabolism in the Human Brain. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2020 02; 39(2):320-327.
Yan Li, Adam Autry, Jeremy Gordon, Jason Crane, Beck Olson, Marisa Lafontaine, Ilwoo Park, Javier Villanueva-Meyer, Daniel Vigneron, Susan Chang, Sarah Nelson. NIMG-66. COMPARISON OF STEADY STATE AND DYNAMIC BRAIN METABOLISM BY USING 1H MRSI AND HYPERPOLARIZED [1-13C]PYRUVATE IMAGING IN PATIENTS WITH GLIOMA. Neuro-Oncology. 2018 Nov 5; 20(suppl_6):vi190-vi191.
Li Y, Bian W, Larson P, Crane JC, Parvathaneni P, Nagarajan S, Nelson SJ. Reliable and Reproducible GABA Measurements Using Automated Spectral Prescription at Ultra-High Field. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017; 11:506.
Jason C. Crane, Yan Li, Marram P. Olson, Marisa Lafontaine, Stojan Maleschlijski, Wei Bian, Christopher P. Hess and Sarah J. Nelson. Automated Prescription and Reconstruction of Brain MR Spectroscopy Data for Rapid Integration into the Clinical Workflow. Neurological Disorders & Epilepsy Journal. 2017; 1(1):111.
Bian W, Li Y, Crane JC, Nelson SJ. Fully automated atlas-based method for prescribing 3D PRESS MR spectroscopic imaging: Toward robust and reproducible metabolite measurements in human brain. Magn Reson Med. 2018 02; 79(2):636-642.
Jalbert LE, Elkhaled A, Phillips JJ, Neill E, Williams A, Crane JC, Olson MP, Molinaro AM, Berger MS, Kurhanewicz J, Ronen SM, Chang SM, Nelson SJ. Metabolic Profiling of IDH Mutation and Malignant Progression in Infiltrating Glioma. Sci Rep. 2017 03 22; 7:44792.
Nelson SJ, Kadambi AK, Park I, Li Y, Crane J, Olson M, Molinaro A, Roy R, Butowski N, Cha S, Chang S. Association of early changes in 1H MRSI parameters with survival for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma receiving a multimodality treatment regimen. Neuro Oncol. 2017 03 01; 19(3):430-439.
Yan Li, Tracy Luks, Jason Crane, Sarah Nelson, Tracy McKnight. NIMG-32. 3D SHORT AND LONG ECHO TIME 1H MRSI IN PATIENTS WITH NON-ENHANCING GLIOMAS. Neuro-Oncology. 2016 Nov 1; 18(suppl_6):vi131-vi131.
Nelson SJ, Li Y, Lupo JM, Olson M, Crane JC, Molinaro A, Roy R, Clarke J, Butowski N, Prados M, Cha S, Chang SM. Serial analysis of 3D H-1 MRSI for patients with newly diagnosed GBM treated with combination therapy that includes bevacizumab. J Neurooncol. 2016 10; 130(1):171-179.
von Morze C, Chang GY, Larson PE, Shang H, Allu PK, Bok RA, Crane JC, Olson MP, Tan CT, Marco-Rius I, Nelson SJ, Kurhanewicz J, Pearce D, Vigneron DB. Detection of localized changes in the metabolism of hyperpolarized gluconeogenic precursors 13 C-lactate and 13 C-pyruvate in kidney and liver. Magn Reson Med. 2017 04; 77(4):1429-1437.
Cornelius von Morze, Gene-Yuan Chang, Peder E Larson, Hong Shang, Prasanna KR Allu, Robert A Bok, Jason C Crane, Marram P Olson, Chou T Tan, Irene Marco-Rius, Sarah J Nelson, John Kurhanewicz, David Pearce, Daniel B Vigneron. Detecting Metabolism of Gluconeogenic Precursors Lactate and Pyruvate in Kidney & Liver with Hyperpolarized 13 C MRI. The FASEB Journal. 2016 Apr 1; 30(S1).
Keshavan A, Paul F, Beyer MK, Zhu AH, Papinutto N, Shinohara RT, Stern W, Amann M, Bakshi R, Bischof A, Carriero A, Comabella M, Crane JC, D'Alfonso S, Demaerel P, Dubois B, Filippi M, Fleischer V, Fontaine B, Gaetano L, Goris A, Graetz C, Gröger A, Groppa S, Hafler DA, Harbo HF, Hemmer B, Jordan K, Kappos L, Kirkish G, Llufriu S, Magon S, Martinelli-Boneschi F, McCauley JL, Montalban X, Mühlau M, Pelletier D, Pattany PM, Pericak-Vance M, Cournu-Rebeix I, Rocca MA, Rovira A, Schlaeger R, Saiz A, Sprenger T, Stecco A, Uitdehaag BMJ, Villoslada P, Wattjes MP, Weiner H, Wuerfel J, Zimmer C, Zipp F, International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium. Electronic address: [email protected], Hauser SL, Oksenberg JR, Henry RG. Power estimation for non-standardized multisite studies. Neuroimage. 2016 07 01; 134:281-294.
Sana Vaziri, Marisa Lafontaine, Beck Olson, Jason C. Crane, Susan Chang, Janine Lupo, Sarah J. Nelson. NI-79RAPID ASSESSMENT OF LESION VOLUMES FOR PATIENTS WITH GLIOMA USING THE SMARTBRUSH SOFTWARE PACKAGE. Neuro-Oncology. 2014 Nov 1; 16(suppl_5):v156-v156.
Gourraud PA, Henry RG, Cree BA, Crane JC, Lizee A, Olson MP, Santaniello AV, Datta E, Zhu AH, Bevan CJ, Gelfand JM, Graves JS, Goodin DS, Green AJ, von Büdingen HC, Waubant E, Zamvil SS, Crabtree-Hartman E, Nelson S, Baranzini SE, Hauser SL. Precision medicine in chronic disease management: The multiple sclerosis BioScreen. Ann Neurol. 2014 Nov; 76(5):633-42.
Crane JC, Olson MP, Nelson SJ. SIVIC: Open-Source, Standards-Based Software for DICOM MR Spectroscopy Workflows. Int J Biomed Imaging. 2013; 2013:169526.
Jaishri O'Neill Blakeley, Joy D. Fisher, Frank S. Lieberman, Janine Lupo, Louis B. Nabors, Jason Crane, Patrick Y. Wen, Andre Cote, David M. Peereboom, Qiuting Wen, Timothy Francis Cloughesy, H. Ian Robins, Serena Desideri, Stuart A. Grossman, Xiaobu Ye, Sarah Nelson. Imaging biomarkers of ramucirumab and olaratumab in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2013 May 20; 31(15_suppl):2044-2044.
Nelson SJ, Ozhinsky E, Li Y, Park Iw, Crane J. Strategies for rapid in vivo 1H and hyperpolarized 13C MR spectroscopic imaging. J Magn Reson. 2013 Apr; 229:187-97.
Goldenstein J, Schooler J, Crane JC, Ozhinsky E, Pialat JB, Carballido-Gamio J, Majumdar S. Prospective image registration for automated scan prescription of follow-up knee images in quantitative studies. Magn Reson Imaging. 2011 Jun; 29(5):693-700.
Li Y, Lupo JM, Polley MY, Crane JC, Bian W, Cha S, Chang S, Nelson SJ. Serial analysis of imaging parameters in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. Neuro Oncol. 2011 May; 13(5):546-57.
Ozturk-Isik E, Chen AP, Crane JC, Bian W, Xu D, Han ET, Chang SM, Vigneron DB, Nelson SJ. 3D sensitivity encoded ellipsoidal MR spectroscopic imaging of gliomas at 3T. Magn Reson Imaging. 2009 Nov; 27(9):1249-57.
Noworolski SM, Crane JC, Vigneron DB, Kurhanewicz J. A clinical comparison of rigid and inflatable endorectal-coil probes for MRI and 3D MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of the prostate. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2008 May; 27(5):1077-82.
Hu S, Lustig M, Chen AP, Crane J, Kerr A, Kelley DA, Hurd R, Kurhanewicz J, Nelson SJ, Pauly JM, Vigneron DB. Compressed sensing for resolution enhancement of hyperpolarized 13C flyback 3D-MRSI. J Magn Reson. 2008 Jun; 192(2):258-64.
Li Y, Chen AP, Crane JC, Chang SM, Vigneron DB, Nelson SJ. Three-dimensional J-resolved H-1 magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of volunteers and patients with brain tumors at 3T. Magn Reson Med. 2007 Nov; 58(5):886-92.
Crane JC, Crawford FW, Nelson SJ. Grid enabled magnetic resonance scanners for near real-time medical image processing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2006; 66(12):1524-1533.
Jason C. Crane, Forrest W. Crawford, Sarah J. Nelson. Grid enabled magnetic resonance scanners for near real-time medical image processing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2006 Dec 1; 66(12):1524-1533.
Li Y, Osorio JA, Ozturk-Isik E, Chen AP, Xu D, Crane JC, Cha S, Chang S, Berger MS, Vigneron DB, Nelson SJ. Considerations in applying 3D PRESS H-1 brain MRSI with an eight-channel phased-array coil at 3 T. Magn Reson Imaging. 2006 Dec; 24(10):1295-302.
Blumenkrantz G, Li X, Han ET, Newitt DC, Crane JC, Link TM, Majumdar S. A feasibility study of in vivo T1rho imaging of the intervertebral disc. Magn Reson Imaging. 2006 Oct; 24(8):1001-7.
Ozturk-Isik E, Crane JC, Cha S, Chang SM, Berger MS, Nelson SJ. Unaliasing lipid contamination for MR spectroscopic imaging of gliomas at 3T using sensitivity encoding (SENSE). Magn Reson Med. 2006 May; 55(5):1164-9.
Oh J, Cha S, Aiken AH, Han ET, Crane JC, Stainsby JA, Wright GA, Dillon WP, Nelson SJ. Quantitative apparent diffusion coefficients and T2 relaxation times in characterizing contrast enhancing brain tumors and regions of peritumoral edema. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2005 Jun; 21(6):701-8.
Jäger M, Nguyen H, Crane JC, Kelly JW, Gruebele M. The folding mechanism of a beta-sheet: the WW domain. J Mol Biol. 2001 Aug 10; 311(2):373-93.
Crane JC, Koepf EK, Kelly JW, Gruebele M. Mapping the transition state of the WW domain beta-sheet. J Mol Biol. 2000 Apr 28; 298(2):283-92.
Jason C. Crane, Hakhyun Nam, Horst Clauberg, Harry P. Beal, Ilia J. Kalinovski, Richard G. Shu, C. Bradley Moore. Stimulated Emission Pumping Spectra and Intramolecular Vibrational Dynamics of DFCO(S 0 ) from 9000 to 20 000 cm -1. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 1998 Nov 1; 102(47):9433-9444.
Crane JC, Nam H, Clauberg H, Beal HP, Kalinovski IJ, Shu RG, Moore CB. Stimulated emission pumping spectra and intramolecular vibrational dynamics of DFCO(S0) from 9000 to 20,000 cm(-1). The journal of physical chemistry. A. 1998; 47(102):9433-9444.
Crane JC, Kawai A , Nam H , Clauberg H , Beal HP , Guinn P , Moore CB. Vibrational Assignment and Anharmonic Resonance Analysis of the Dispersed Fluorescence and Stimulated Emission Pumping Spectra of DFCO (S 0 ) up to 9000 cm-1. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 1997; 2(183):273-284.
Jason C. Crane, Hakhyun Nam, Harry P. Beal, Horst Clauberg, Young S. Choi, C.Bradley Moore, John F. Stanton. Vibrational Assignment of theS1Fluorescence Excitation Spectrum of Formyl Fluoride. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 1997 Jan 1; 181(1):56-66.
Crane JC, Hakhyun Nam, Harry P. Beal, Horst Clauberg, Young S. Choi, C.Bradley Moore, John F. Stanton. Vibrational Assignment of theS1Fluorescence Excitation Spectrum of Formyl Fluoride. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 1996; 1(181):56-66.