Amy Pradhan, MS, MPH

Chief Administrative Officer
Chief Administrative Officer


Amy Pradhan started her career at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) in 2008, and joined the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging in 2014. As the Director of Academic Affairs, Amy partners with the Department’s Vice-Chair for Academic Affair and other faculty & staff leaders to coordinate five main components: Faculty Merits & Promotions, Faculty Annual Renewals, Faculty Compensation, Faculty Recruitment & Hiring process, and New Faculty On-boarding. Amy and her academic affairs team manage the department's faculty appointment issues and Academic HR concerns.

Amy also is the Site Manager for the department's Parnassus campus, and she manages several sections' administrative staff and oversees site operations.

Alumni, UCSF SOM Leadership & Development Program - Graduated 2016
Member, UCSF Department of Radiology, Faculty Diversity & Inclusion Committee- 2015 to Present
Member, UCSF Department of Radiology Staff Meeting Committee - 2014 to Present
Participant, Harvard-Macy Institute, Technology in Health Care Education Program - 2013


2019 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California, San Francisco
2013 - Technology in Health Care Education Program, Harvard-Macy Institute
MPH, 2013 - Public Health, San Jose State University
MS, 2008 - Health Care Administration, California State University, East Bay
2008 - Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research, University of California, San Francisco
BS, 2005 - Psychology, University of California, Davis


Pasick RJ, Kagawa-Singer M, Stewart SL, Pradhan A, Kidd SC. The Minority Training Program in Cancer Control Research: impact and outcome over 12 years. J Cancer Educ. 2012 Jun; 27(3):443-9.