Duygu Tosun-Turgut, PhD

Director of Artificial Intelligence & Informatics within the VAARC
Professor In Residence


Duygu Tosun-Turgut, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF and the Founding Director of Medical Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Tosun-Turgut obtained her BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bilkent University, Turkey in 1999, and she received her MSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland in 2001. In 2003, she completed her MA in Mathematics from The Johns Hopkins University, and she earned her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University in 2005, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Neurology from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2008. Her independent research career began as a Research Scientist at the Center for Imaging Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIND) at UCSF, followed by a faculty appointment at the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF in 2011. Since her initial faculty appointment at UCSF, she first appointed as Co-Director of CIND and then transitioned to the Founding Director of the Medical Imaging Informatics and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Tosun-Turgut’s research focuses on neuroimaging of neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders and aims to apply advanced imaging technology for discovery of multi-modal biomarkers to detect the progression of neurodegenerative pathologies before they cause irreversible damage to the brain. She aims to develop validated biomarkers of neurodegeneration that may be used for early diagnosis, initiation of prevention strategies in those at risk, monitoring of efficacy and regional specificity of therapies, and clinical trial enrichment. Her research has been funded by NIH, the California Department of Public Health, Department of Defense, Alzheimer’s Association, Michael J Fox Foundation, and industry partners.

Computational neuroimaging

Neurodegenerative brain diseases; Neuroimaging; Alzheimer’s disease; Front temporal dementia; Late-life depression; Biomarkers; Imaging statistics

Professional Interests:
Medical image processing and analysis, computational medicine, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), multi-modality neuroimaging research, aging, Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative diseases, late-life depression, imaging biomarkers, biomarkers, prediction models, neuropathology

Education and Training:
• Bachelor of Science: Bilkent University, Turkey - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Masters of Science: Johns Hopkins University, Maryland - Electrical and Computer Engineering
• Masters in Art: Johns Hopkins University, Maryland - Mathematics
• Doctor of Philosophy: Johns Hopkins University, Maryland - Electrical and Computer Engineering
• Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of California, Los Angeles - Neurology


2022 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California

Honors and Awards

Distinguished Investigator Award, The Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research, 2022
BioData World West, Top Young Artificial Intelligence (AI) Talent, 2017
Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) Data Challenge, The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, 2016
de Leon Prize in Neuroimaging, Alzheimer's Association, Paris, France, 2011
AFAR-GE Healthcare Junior Investigator Award for Excellence in Imaging and Aging Research, American Federation for Aging Research and GE Healthcare, Santa Barbara, CA, 2011
AFAR-GE Healthcare Junior Investigator Award for Excellence in Imaging and Aging Research, American Federation for Aging Research and GE Healthcare, Santa Barbara, CA, 2010
Francois Erbsmann Prize, Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) Conference, Glenwood Springs, CO, 2005


Jack CR, Arani A, Borowski BJ, Cash DM, Crawford K, Das SR, DeCarli C, Fletcher E, Fox NC, Gunter JL, Ittyerah R, Harvey DJ, Jahanshad N, Maillard P, Malone IB, Nir TM, Reid RI, Reyes DA, Schwarz CG, Senjem ML, Thomas DL, Thompson PM, Tosun D, Yushkevich PA, Ward CP, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Overview of ADNI MRI. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):7350-7360.
Verdi S, Rutherford S, Fraza C, Tosun D, Altmann A, Raket LL, Schott JM, Marquand AF, Cole JH, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Personalizing progressive changes to brain structure in Alzheimer's disease using normative modeling. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):6998-7012.
Yang Z, Wen J, Erus G, Govindarajan ST, Melhem R, Mamourian E, Cui Y, Srinivasan D, Abdulkadir A, Parmpi P, Wittfeld K, Grabe HJ, Bülow R, Frenzel S, Tosun D, Bilgel M, An Y, Yi D, Marcus DS, LaMontagne P, Benzinger TLS, Heckbert SR, Austin TR, Waldstein SR, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Launer LJ, Sotiras A, Espeland MA, Masters CL, Maruff P, Fripp J, Toga AW, O'Bryant S, Chakravarty MM, Villeneuve S, Johnson SC, Morris JC, Albert MS, Yaffe K, Völzke H, Ferrucci L, Nick Bryan R, Shinohara RT, Fan Y, Habes M, Lalousis PA, Koutsouleris N, Wolk DA, Resnick SM, Shou H, Nasrallah IM, Davatzikos C. Brain aging patterns in a large and diverse cohort of 49,482 individuals. Nat Med. 2024 Oct; 30(10):3015-3026.
Harvey DJ, Tosun D, Jack CR, Weiner M, Beckett LA, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Standardized statistical framework for comparison of biomarkers: Techniques from ADNI. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Oct; 20(10):6834-6843.
Owens-Walton C, Nir TM, Al-Bachari S, Ambrogi S, Anderson TJ, Aventurato ÍK, Cendes F, Chen YL, Ciullo V, Cook P, Dalrymple-Alford JC, Dirkx MF, Druzgal J, Emsley HCA, Guimarães R, Haroon HA, Helmich RC, Hu MT, Johansson ME, Kim HB, Klein JC, Laansma M, Lawrence KE, Lochner C, Mackay C, McMillan CT, Melzer TR, Nabulsi L, Newman B, Opriessnig P, Parkes LM, Pellicano C, Piras F, Piras F, Pirpamer L, Pitcher TL, Poston KL, Roos A, Silva LS, Schmidt R, Schwingenschuh P, Shahid-Besanti M, Spalletta G, Stein DJ, Thomopoulos SI, Tosun D, Tsai CC, van den Heuvel OA, van Heese E, Vecchio D, Villalón-Reina JE, Vriend C, Wang JJ, Wu YR, Yasuda CL, Thompson PM, Jahanshad N, van der Werf Y. A worldwide study of white matter microstructural alterations in people living with Parkinson's disease. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2024 Aug 11; 10(1):151.
Arani A, Borowski B, Felmlee J, Reid RI, Thomas DL, Gunter JL, Stables L, Buckner RL, Jung Y, Tosun D, Weiner M, Jack CR, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Design and validation of the ADNI MR protocol. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Sep; 20(9):6615-6621.
Rahmani M, Dierker D, Yaeger L, Saykin A, Luckett PH, Vlassenko AG, Owens C, Jafri H, Womack K, Fripp J, Xia Y, Tosun D, Benzinger TLS, Masters CL, Lee JM, Morris JC, Goyal MS, Strain JF, ADOPIC, ADNI Investigators, Kukull W, Weiner M, Biostats, Database and Bioinformatics, Burnham S, CoxDoecke TJ, Fedyashov V, Fripp J, Shishegar R, Xiong C, Marcus D, Raniga P, Li S, Cognition, Aschenbrenner A, Hassenstab J, Lim YY, Maruff P, Sohrabi H, Robertson J, Markovic S, Imaging, Bourgeat P, Doré V, Mayo CJ, Mussoumzadeh P, Rowe C, Villemagne V, CSF and Blood, Bateman R, Fowler C, Li QX, Martins R, Schindler S, Shaw L, Genetics, Cruchaga C, Harari O, Laws S, Porter T, O'Brien E, Neuropathology, Perrin R, NACC, Kukull W, DIAN, Bateman R, McDade E, Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD) Risk, Jack C, Morris J, Yassi N, Hippocampal Sclerosis (HS-TDP43) Risk, Bourgeat P, Perrin R, Roberts B, Villemagne V, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Fedyashov V, Goudey B. Evolution of white matter hyperintensity segmentation methods and implementation over the past two decades; an incomplete shift towards deep learning. Brain Imaging Behav. 2024 Oct; 18(5):1310-1322.
Tosun D, Hausle Z, Thropp P, Concha-Marambio L, Lamoureux J, Lebovitz R, Shaw LM, Singleton AB, Weiner MW, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Blauwendraat C. Association of CSF α-Synuclein Seed Amplification Assay Positivity with Disease Progression and Cognitive Decline: A Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Study. medRxiv. 2024 Jul 16.
Schindler SE, Petersen KK, Saef B, Tosun D, Shaw LM, Zetterberg H, Dage JL, Ferber K, Triana-Baltzer G, Du-Cuny L, Li Y, Coomaraswamy J, Baratta M, Mordashova Y, Saad ZS, Raunig DL, Ashton NJ, Meyers EA, Rubel CE, Rosenbaugh EG, Bannon AW, Potter WZ. Head-to-head comparison of leading blood tests for Alzheimer's disease pathology. medRxiv. 2024 Jul 03.
Peterson A, Sathe A, Zaras D, Yang Y, Durant A, Deters KD, Shashikumar N, Pechman KR, Kim ME, Gao C, Khairi NM, Li Z, Yao T, Huo Y, Dumitrescu L, Gifford KA, Wilson JE, Cambronero F, Risacher SL, Beason-Held LL, An Y, Arfanakis K, Erus G, Davatzikos C, Tosun D, Toga AW, Thompson PM, Mormino EC, Zhang P, Schilling K, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), BIOCARD Study Team, Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP), Albert M, Kukull W, Biber SA, Landman BA, Johnson SC, Schneider J, Barnes LL, Bennett DA, Jefferson AL, Resnick SM, Saykin AJ, Hohman TJ, Archer DB. Sex, racial, and APOE-ε4 allele differences in longitudinal white matter microstructure in multiple cohorts of aging and Alzheimer's disease. bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 12.
Tosun D, Hausle Z, Iwaki H, Thropp P, Lamoureux J, Lee EB, MacLeod K, McEvoy S, Nalls M, Perrin RJ, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Singleton AB, Lebovitz R, Weiner MW, Blauwendraat C, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. A cross-sectional study of α-synuclein seed amplification assay in Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative: Prevalence and associations with Alzheimer's disease biomarkers and cognitive function. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 08; 20(8):5114-5131.
Skampardoni I, Nasrallah IM, Abdulkadir A, Wen J, Melhem R, Mamourian E, Erus G, Doshi J, Singh A, Yang Z, Cui Y, Hwang G, Ren Z, Pomponio R, Srinivasan D, Govindarajan ST, Parmpi P, Wittfeld K, Grabe HJ, Bülow R, Frenzel S, Tosun D, Bilgel M, An Y, Marcus DS, LaMontagne P, Heckbert SR, Austin TR, Launer LJ, Sotiras A, Espeland MA, Masters CL, Maruff P, Fripp J, Johnson SC, Morris JC, Albert MS, Bryan RN, Yaffe K, Völzke H, Ferrucci L, Benzinger TLS, Ezzati A, Shinohara RT, Fan Y, Resnick SM, Habes M, Wolk D, Shou H, Nikita K, Davatzikos C. Genetic and Clinical Correlates of AI-Based Brain Aging Patterns in Cognitively Unimpaired Individuals. JAMA Psychiatry. 2024 May 01; 81(5):456-467.
Dolui S, Wang Z, Wolf RL, Nabavizadeh A, Xie L, Tosun D, Nasrallah IM, Wolk DA, Detre JA, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Automated Quality Evaluation Index for Arterial Spin Labeling Derived Cerebral Blood Flow Maps. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2024 Dec; 60(6):2497-2508.
Kryza-Lacombe M, Kassel MT, Insel PS, Rhodes E, Bickford D, Burns E, Butters MA, Tosun D, Aisen P, Raman R, Landau S, Saykin AJ, Toga AW, Jack CR, Koeppe R, Weiner MW, Nelson C, Mackin RS. Anxiety in late-life depression: Associations with brain volume, amyloid beta, white matter lesions, cognition, and functional ability. Int Psychogeriatr. 2024 Nov; 36(11):1009-1020.
Landau SM, Lee J, Murphy A, Ward TJ, Harrison TM, Baker SL, DeCarli C, Harvey D, Tosun D, Weiner MW, Koeppe RA, Jagust WJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Individuals with Alzheimer's disease and low tau burden: Characteristics and implications. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 03; 20(3):2113-2127.
Fu CHY, Antoniades M, Erus G, Garcia JA, Fan Y, Arnone D, Arnott SR, Chen T, Choi KS, Fatt CC, Frey BN, Frokjaer VG, Ganz M, Godlewska BR, Hassel S, Ho K, McIntosh AM, Qin K, Rotzinger S, Sacchet MD, Savitz J, Shou H, Singh A, Stolicyn A, Strigo I, Strother SC, Tosun D, Victor TA, Wei D, Wise T, Zahn R, Anderson IM, Craighead WE, Deakin JFW, Dunlop BW, Elliott R, Gong Q, Gotlib IH, Harmer CJ, Kennedy SH, Knudsen GM, Mayberg HS, Paulus MP, Qiu J, Trivedi MH, Whalley HC, Yan CG, Young AH, Davatzikos C. Neuroanatomical dimensions in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder and treatment response to SSRI antidepressant medications or placebo. Nat Ment Health. 2024; 2(2):164-176.
Yang Z, Wen J, Erus G, Govindarajan ST, Melhem R, Mamourian E, Cui Y, Srinivasan D, Abdulkadir A, Parmpi P, Wittfeld K, Grabe HJ, Bülow R, Frenzel S, Tosun D, Bilgel M, An Y, Yi D, Marcus DS, LaMontagne P, Benzinger TLS, Heckbert SR, Austin TR, Waldstein SR, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Launer LJ, Sotiras A, Espeland MA, Masters CL, Maruff P, Fripp J, Toga A, O'Bryant S, Chakravarty MM, Villeneuve S, Johnson SC, Morris JC, Albert MS, Yaffe K, Völzke H, Ferrucci L, Bryan NR, Shinohara RT, Fan Y, Habes M, Lalousis PA, Koutsouleris N, Wolk DA, Resnick SM, Shou H, Nasrallah IM, Davatzikos C. Five dominant dimensions of brain aging are identified via deep learning: associations with clinical, lifestyle, and genetic measures. medRxiv. 2023 Dec 30.
Wen J, Nasrallah IM, Abdulkadir A, Satterthwaite TD, Yang Z, Erus G, Robert-Fitzgerald T, Singh A, Sotiras A, Boquet-Pujadas A, Mamourian E, Doshi J, Cui Y, Srinivasan D, Skampardoni I, Chen J, Hwang G, Bergman M, Bao J, Veturi Y, Zhou Z, Yang S, Dazzan P, Kahn RS, Schnack HG, Zanetti MV, Meisenzahl E, Busatto GF, Crespo-Facorro B, Pantelis C, Wood SJ, Zhuo C, Shinohara RT, Gur RC, Gur RE, Koutsouleris N, Wolf DH, Saykin AJ, Ritchie MD, Shen L, Thompson PM, Colliot O, Wittfeld K, Grabe HJ, Tosun D, Bilgel M, An Y, Marcus DS, LaMontagne P, Heckbert SR, Austin TR, Launer LJ, Espeland M, Masters CL, Maruff P, Fripp J, Johnson SC, Morris JC, Albert MS, Bryan RN, Resnick SM, Fan Y, Habes M, Wolk D, Shou H, Davatzikos C. Genomic loci influence patterns of structural covariance in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Dec 26; 120(52):e2300842120.
Cullen NC, Novak P, Tosun D, Kovacech B, Hanes J, Kontsekova E, Fresser M, Ropele S, Feldman HH, Schmidt R, Winblad B, Zilka N. Efficacy assessment of an active tau immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease patients with amyloid and tau pathology: a post hoc analysis of the "ADAMANT" randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-centre, phase 2 clinical trial. EBioMedicine. 2024 Jan; 99:104923.
Strain JF, Rahmani M, Dierker D, Owen C, Jafri H, Vlassenko AG, Womack K, Fripp J, Tosun D, Benzinger TLS, Weiner M, Masters C, Lee JM, Morris JC, Goyal MS, ADOPIC and ADNI Investigators. Accuracy of TrUE-Net in comparison to established white matter hyperintensity segmentation methods: An independent validation study. Neuroimage. 2024 Jan; 285:120494.
Nutley S, Nguyen BK, Mackin RS, Insel PS, Tosun D, Butters M, Aisen P, Raman R, Saykin AJ, Toga AW, Jack C, Weiner MW, Nelson C, Kassel M, Kryza-Lacombe M, Eichenbaum J, Nosheny RL, Mathews CA. Relationship of Hoarding and Depression Symptoms in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2024 04; 32(4):497-508.
Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Miller M, Aisen PS, Ashford MA, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nho KT, Nosheny R, Okonkwo O, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera Mindt M, Saykin A, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative in the era of Alzheimer's disease treatment: A review of ADNI studies from 2021 to 2022. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 01; 20(1):652-694.
Tosun D, Yardibi O, Benzinger TLS, Kukull WA, Masters CL, Perrin RJ, Weiner MW, Simen A, Schwarz AJ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Identifying individuals with non-Alzheimer's disease co-pathologies: A precision medicine approach to clinical trials in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 01; 20(1):421-436.
Kassel MT, Kryza-Lacombe M, Insel PS, Rhodes E, Satre DD, Nelson JC, Tosun D, Mathews CA, Mackin RS. Hoarding Symptoms in Late Life Depression are Associated With Greater Executive Dysfunction and Disability and Poorer Response to Depression Treatment. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2024 02; 32(2):137-147.
Sollmann N, Fields AJ, O'Neill C, Nardo L, Majumdar S, Chin CT, Tosun D, Han M, Vu AT, Ozhinsky E, Shah LM, Harris RE, Lobo R, Anderst W, Herzog R, Psioda MA, Standaert CJ, Price RT, Lotz JC, Link TM, Krug R. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar Spine: Recommendations for Acquisition and Image Evaluation from the BACPAC Spine Imaging Working Group. Pain Med. 2023 08 04; 24(Suppl 1):S81-S94.
Bourgeat P, Doré V, Rowe CC, Benzinger T, Tosun D, Goyal MS, LaMontagne P, Jin L, Weiner MW, Masters CL, Fripp J, Villemagne VL, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, OASIS3, and the AIBL research group. A universal neocortical mask for Centiloid quantification. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2023 Jul-Sep; 15(3):e12457.
Verdi S, Rutherford S, Fraza C, Tosun D, Altmann A, Raket LL, Schott JM, Marquand AF, Cole JH, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Personalising Alzheimer's Disease progression using brain atrophy markers. medRxiv. 2023 Jun 16.
Tosun D, Thropp P, Southekal S, Spottiswoode B, Fahmi R, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Profiling and predicting distinct tau progression patterns: An unsupervised data-driven approach to flortaucipir positron emission tomography. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 12; 19(12):5605-5619.
Verdi S, Kia SM, Yong KXX, Tosun D, Schott JM, Marquand AF, Cole JH. Revealing Individual Neuroanatomical Heterogeneity in Alzheimer Disease Using Neuroanatomical Normative Modeling. Neurology. 2023 06 13; 100(24):e2442-e2453.
Fu CHY, Erus G, Fan Y, Antoniades M, Arnone D, Arnott SR, Chen T, Choi KS, Fatt CC, Frey BN, Frokjaer VG, Ganz M, Garcia J, Godlewska BR, Hassel S, Ho K, McIntosh AM, Qin K, Rotzinger S, Sacchet MD, Savitz J, Shou H, Singh A, Stolicyn A, Strigo I, Strother SC, Tosun D, Victor TA, Wei D, Wise T, Woodham RD, Zahn R, Anderson IM, Deakin JFW, Dunlop BW, Elliott R, Gong Q, Gotlib IH, Harmer CJ, Kennedy SH, Knudsen GM, Mayberg HS, Paulus MP, Qiu J, Trivedi MH, Whalley HC, Yan CG, Young AH, Davatzikos C. AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder: COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale. BMC Psychiatry. 2023 01 23; 23(1):59.
Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Miller MJ, Aisen PS, Albala B, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nosheny R, Okonkwo OC, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Increasing participant diversity in AD research: Plans for digital screening, blood testing, and a community-engaged approach in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 4. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 01; 19(1):307-317.
Giudici KV, Guyonnet S, Cantet C, de Souto Barreto P, Weiner MW, Tosun D, Boschat C, Hudry J, Andrieu S, Vellas B, Schmitt JAJ, Nolan/DSA group. A 1-year randomized controlled trial of a nutritional blend to improve nutritional biomarkers and prevent cognitive decline among community-dwelling older adults: The Nolan Study. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2022; 8(1):e12314.
Kassel MT, Rhodes E, Insel PS, Woodworth K, Garrison-Diehn C, Satre DD, Nelson JC, Tosun D, Mackin RS. Cognitive outcomes are differentially associated with depression severity trajectories during psychotherapy treatment for late life major depressive disorder. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2022 08; 37(8).
Bourgeat P, Doré V, Burnham SC, Benzinger T, Tosun D, Li S, Goyal M, LaMontagne P, Jin L, Rowe CC, Weiner MW, Morris JC, Masters CL, Fripp J, Villemagne VL, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, OASIS3, and the AIBL research group. β-amyloid PET harmonisation across longitudinal studies: Application to AIBL, ADNI and OASIS3. Neuroimage. 2022 11 15; 262:119527.
Weiner MW, Harvey D, Landau SM, Veitch DP, Neylan TC, Grafman JH, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Jack CR, Tosun D, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Saykin AJ, Hayes J, De Carli C, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and the Department of Defense Alzheimer's Disease Neuroi. Traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder are not associated with Alzheimer's disease pathology measured with biomarkers. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 03; 19(3):884-895.
Wen J, Fu CHY, Tosun D, Veturi Y, Yang Z, Abdulkadir A, Mamourian E, Srinivasan D, Skampardoni I, Singh A, Nawani H, Bao J, Erus G, Shou H, Habes M, Doshi J, Varol E, Mackin RS, Sotiras A, Fan Y, Saykin AJ, Sheline YI, Shen L, Ritchie MD, Wolk DA, Albert M, Resnick SM, Davatzikos C, iSTAGING consortium, ADNI, BIOCARD, and BLSA. Characterizing Heterogeneity in Neuroimaging, Cognition, Clinical Symptoms, and Genetics Among Patients With Late-Life Depression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2022 05 01; 79(5):464-474.
Stocks J, Popuri K, Heywood A, Tosun D, Alpert K, Beg MF, Rosen H, Wang L, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Network-wise concordance of multimodal neuroimaging features across the Alzheimer's disease continuum. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2022; 14(1):e12304.
Vogel JW, Tosun D. Multiple Cortical to Striatal Accumulation Trajectories of β-Amyloid: Do All Roads Lead to Rome? Neurology. 2022 04 26; 98(17):695-696.
Myoraku A, Klein G, Landau S, Tosun D, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Regional uptakes from early-frame amyloid PET and 18F-FDG PET scans are comparable independent of disease state. Eur J Hybrid Imaging. 2022 Jan 18; 6(1):2.
Myoraku A, Lang A, Taylor CT, Scott Mackin R, Meyerhoff DJ, Mueller S, Strigo IA, Tosun D. Age-dependent brain morphometry in Major Depressive disorder. Neuroimage Clin. 2022; 33:102924.
Guttuso T, Sirica D, Tosun D, Zivadinov R, Pasternak O, Weintraub D, Baglio F, Bergsland N. Thalamic Dorsomedial Nucleus Free Water Correlates with Cognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease. Mov Disord. 2022 03; 37(3):490-501.
Ushizima D, Chen Y, Alegro M, Ovando D, Eser R, Lee W, Poon K, Shankar A, Kantamneni N, Satrawada S, Junior EA, Heinsen H, Tosun D, Grinberg LT. Deep learning for Alzheimer's disease: Mapping large-scale histological tau protein for neuroimaging biomarker validation. Neuroimage. 2022 03; 248:118790.
Shishegar R, Cox T, Rolls D, Bourgeat P, Doré V, Lamb F, Robertson J, Laws SM, Porter T, Fripp J, Tosun D, Maruff P, Savage G, Rowe CC, Masters CL, Weiner MW, Villemagne VL, Burnham SC. Using imputation to provide harmonized longitudinal measures of cognition across AIBL and ADNI. Sci Rep. 2021 12 10; 11(1):23788.
Dolatshahi M, Ashraf-Ganjouei A, Wu IW, Zhang Y, Aarabi MH, Tosun D, Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative. White matter changes in drug-naïve Parkinson's disease patients with impulse control & probable REM sleep behavior disorders. J Neurol Sci. 2021 Nov 15; 430:120032.
Tosun D, Demir Z, Veitch DP, Weintraub D, Aisen P, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Contribution of Alzheimer's biomarkers and risk factors to cognitive impairment and decline across the Alzheimer's disease continuum. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 07; 18(7):1370-1382.
Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, DeCarli C, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Okonkwo O, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, Saykin AJ, Shaw LM, Toga AW, Tosun D, Trojanowski JQ, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative to improve early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 04; 18(4):824-857.
Powell F, Tosun D, Raj A, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Network-constrained technique to characterize pathology progression rate in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Commun. 2021; 3(3):fcab144.
Novak P, Kovacech B, Katina S, Schmidt R, Scheltens P, Kontsekova E, Ropele S, Fialova L, Kramberger M, Paulenka-Ivanovova N, Smisek M, Hanes J, Stevens E, Kovac A, Sutovsky S, Parrak V, Koson P, Prcina M, Galba J, Cente M, Hromadka T, Filipcik P, Piestansky J, Samcova M, Prenn-Gologranc C, Sivak R, Froelich L, Fresser M, Rakusa M, Harrison J, Hort J, Otto M, Tosun D, Ondrus M, Winblad B, Novak M, Zilka N. ADAMANT: a placebo-controlled randomized phase 2 study of AADvac1, an active immunotherapy against pathological tau in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Aging. 2021 06; 1(6):521-534.
Ashford MT, Veitch DP, Neuhaus J, Nosheny RL, Tosun D, Weiner MW. The search for a convenient procedure to detect one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review of the prediction of brain amyloid status. Alzheimers Dement. 2021 05; 17(5):866-887.
Rubinski A, Tosun D, Franzmeier N, Neitzel J, Frontzkowski L, Weiner M, Ewers M. Lower cerebral perfusion is associated with tau-PET in the entorhinal cortex across the Alzheimer's continuum. Neurobiol Aging. 2021 06; 102:111-118.
Tosun D, Veitch D, Aisen P, Jack CR, Jagust WJ, Petersen RC, Saykin AJ, Bollinger J, Ovod V, Mawuenyega KG, Bateman RJ, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Weiner MW. Detection of β-amyloid positivity in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative participants with demographics, cognition, MRI and plasma biomarkers. Brain Commun. 2021; 3(2):fcab008.
Rhodes E, Insel PS, Butters MA, Morin R, Bickford D, Tosun D, Gessert D, Rosen HJ, Aisen P, Raman R, Landau S, Saykin A, Toga A, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Nelson C, Mackin S, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ADNI Depression Project. The Impact of Amyloid Burden and APOE on Rates of Cognitive Impairment in Late Life Depression. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021; 80(3):991-1002.
Lutz J, Mackin RS, Otero MC, Morin R, Bickford D, Tosun D, Satre DD, Gould CE, Nelson JC, Beaudreau SA. Improvements in Functional Disability After Psychotherapy for Depression Are Associated With Reduced Suicide Ideation Among Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2021 06; 29(6):557-561.
Mackin RS, Insel PS, Landau S, Bickford D, Morin R, Rhodes E, Tosun D, Rosen HJ, Butters M, Aisen P, Raman R, Saykin A, Toga A, Jack C, Koeppe R, Weiner MW, Nelson C, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative and the ADNI Depression Project. Late-Life Depression Is Associated With Reduced Cortical Amyloid Burden: Findings From the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Depression Project. Biol Psychiatry. 2021 04 15; 89(8):757-765.
Ellis R, Ellestad E, Elicker B, Hope MD, Tosun D. Impact of hybrid supervision approaches on the performance of artificial intelligence for the classification of chest radiographs. Comput Biol Med. 2020 05; 120:103699.
Simuni T, Brumm MC, Uribe L, Caspell-Garcia C, Coffey CS, Siderowf A, Alcalay RN, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Seibyl J, Singleton A, Toga AW, Galasko D, Foroud T, Nudelman K, Tosun-Turgut D, Poston K, Weintraub D, Mollenhauer B, Tanner CM, Kieburtz K, Chahine LM, Reimer A, Hutten S, Bressman S, Marek K, Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative Investigators. Clinical and Dopamine Transporter Imaging Characteristics of Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) and Glucosylceramidase Beta (GBA) Parkinson's Disease Participants in the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative: A Cross-Sectional Study. Mov Disord. 2020 05; 35(5):833-844.
Simuni T, Uribe L, Cho HR, Caspell-Garcia C, Coffey CS, Siderowf A, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Seibyl J, Singleton A, Toga AW, Galasko D, Foroud T, Tosun D, Poston K, Weintraub D, Mollenhauer B, Tanner CM, Kieburtz K, Chahine LM, Reimer A, Hutten SJ, Bressman S, Marek K, PPMI Investigators. Clinical and dopamine transporter imaging characteristics of non-manifest LRRK2 and GBA mutation carriers in the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI): a cross-sectional study. Lancet Neurol. 2020 01; 19(1):71-80.
Betts MJ, Kirilina E, Otaduy MCG, Ivanov D, Acosta-Cabronero J, Callaghan MF, Lambert C, Cardenas-Blanco A, Pine K, Passamonti L, Loane C, Keuken MC, Trujillo P, Lüsebrink F, Mattern H, Liu KY, Priovoulos N, Fliessbach K, Dahl MJ, Maaß A, Madelung CF, Meder D, Ehrenberg AJ, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Dolan R, Inglis B, Tosun D, Morawski M, Zucca FA, Siebner HR, Mather M, Uludag K, Heinsen H, Poser BA, Howard R, Zecca L, Rowe JB, Grinberg LT, Jacobs HIL, Düzel E, Hämmerer D. Locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Brain. 2019 09 01; 142(9):2558-2571.
Nosheny RL, Insel PS, Mattsson N, Tosun D, Buckley S, Truran D, Schuff N, Aisen PS, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Associations among amyloid status, age, and longitudinal regional brain atrophy in cognitively unimpaired older adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2019 10; 82:110-119.
Tan CH, Bonham LW, Fan CC, Mormino EC, Sugrue LP, Broce IJ, Hess CP, Yokoyama JS, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Yaffe K, Schellenberg GD, Kauppi K, Holland D, McEvoy LK, Kukull WA, Tosun D, Weiner MW, Sperling RA, Bennett DA, Hyman BT, Andreassen OA, Dale AM, Desikan RS, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Polygenic hazard score, amyloid deposition and Alzheimer's neurodegeneration. Brain. 2019 02 01; 142(2):460-470.
Marek K, Chowdhury S, Siderowf A, Lasch S, Coffey CS, Caspell-Garcia C, Simuni T, Jennings D, Tanner CM, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Seibyl J, Schuff N, Singleton A, Kieburtz K, Toga AW, Mollenhauer B, Galasko D, Chahine LM, Weintraub D, Foroud T, Tosun-Turgut D, Poston K, Arnedo V, Frasier M, Sherer T, Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative. The Parkinson's progression markers initiative (PPMI) - establishing a PD biomarker cohort. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018 Dec; 5(12):1460-1477.
Gonzales MM, Insel PS, Nelson C, Tosun D, Schöll M, Mattsson N, Sacuiu S, Bickford D, Weiner MW, Mackin RS, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Chronic depressive symptomatology and CSF amyloid beta and tau levels in mild cognitive impairment. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 10; 33(10):1305-1311.
Staffaroni AM, Tosun D, Lin J, Elahi FM, Casaletto KB, Wynn MJ, Patel N, Neuhaus J, Walters SM, Epel ES, Blackburn EH, Kramer JH. Telomere attrition is associated with declines in medial temporal lobe volume and white matter microstructure in functionally independent older adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2018 09; 69:68-75.
Simuni T, Siderowf A, Lasch S, Coffey CS, Caspell-Garcia C, Jennings D, Tanner CM, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Seibyl J, Schuff N, Singleton A, Kieburtz K, Toga AW, Mollenhauer B, Galasko D, Chahine LM, Weintraub D, Foroud T, Tosun D, Poston K, Arnedo V, Frasier M, Sherer T, Chowdhury S, Marek K, Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative*. Longitudinal Change of Clinical and Biological Measures in Early Parkinson's Disease: Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative Cohort. Mov Disord. 2018 05; 33(5):771-782.
Powell F, Tosun D, Sadeghi R, Weiner M, Raj A, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Preserved Structural Network Organization Mediates Pathology Spread in Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum Despite Loss of White Matter Tract Integrity. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018; 65(3):747-764.
Elahi FM, Marx G, Cobigo Y, Staffaroni AM, Kornak J, Tosun D, Boxer AL, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Rosen HJ. Longitudinal white matter change in frontotemporal dementia subtypes and sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage Clin. 2017; 16:595-603.
Weiner MW, Harvey D, Hayes J, Landau SM, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Tosun D, Veitch DP, Jack CR, Decarli C, Saykin AJ, Grafman J, Neylan TC, Department of Defense Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Effects of traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder on development of Alzheimer's disease in Vietnam Veterans using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Preliminary Report. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2017 06; 3(2):177-188.
Caspell-Garcia C, Simuni T, Tosun-Turgut D, Wu IW, Zhang Y, Nalls M, Singleton A, Shaw LA, Kang JH, Trojanowski JQ, Siderowf A, Coffey C, Lasch S, Aarsland D, Burn D, Chahine LM, Espay AJ, Foster ED, Hawkins KA, Litvan I, Richard I, Weintraub D, Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI). Multiple modality biomarker prediction of cognitive impairment in prospectively followed de novo Parkinson disease. PLoS One. 2017; 12(5):e0175674.
Tosun D, Landau S, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Mintun M, Jagust W, Weiner MW, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Association between tau deposition and antecedent amyloid-β accumulation rates in normal and early symptomatic individuals. Brain. 2017 May 01; 140(5):1499-1512.
Gonzales MM, Insel PS, Nelson C, Tosun D, Mattsson N, Mueller SG, Sacuiu S, Bickford D, Weiner MW, Mackin RS, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.  Cortical Atrophy is Associated with Accelerated Cognitive Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Subsyndromal Depression. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2017 Sep; 25(9):980-991.
Scott JA, Tosun D, Braskie MN, Maillard P, Thompson PM, Weiner M, DeCarli C, Carmichael OT, ADNI. Independent value added by diffusion MRI for prediction of cognitive function in older adults. Neuroimage Clin. 2017; 14:166-173.
Zhang Y, Wu IW, Tosun D, Foster E, Schuff N, Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative. Progression of Regional Microstructural Degeneration in Parkinson's Disease: A Multicenter Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. PLoS One. 2016; 11(10):e0165540.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Rabinovici GD, Ayakta N, Miller BL, Jagust W, Kramer J, Weiner MM, Rosen HJ. Diagnostic utility of ASL-MRI and FDG-PET in the behavioral variant of FTD and AD. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2016 10; 3(10):740-751.
Scott JA, Braskie MN, Tosun D, Maillard P, Thompson PM, Weiner M, DeCarli C, Carmichael OT, ADNI. Cerebral amyloid is associated with greater white-matter hyperintensity accrual in cognitively normal older adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2016 12; 48:48-52.
Tosun D, Chen YF, Yu P, Sundell KL, Suhy J, Siemers E, Schwarz AJ, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Amyloid status imputed from a multimodal classifier including structural MRI distinguishes progressors from nonprogressors in a mild Alzheimer's disease clinical trial cohort. Alzheimers Dement. 2016 09; 12(9):977-986.
Insel PS, Mattsson N, Mackin RS, Schöll M, Nosheny RL, Tosun D, Donohue MC, Aisen PS, Jagust WJ, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Accelerating rates of cognitive decline and imaging markers associated with β-amyloid pathology. Neurology. 2016 05 17; 86(20):1887-96.
Chao LL, Tosun D, Woodward SH, Kaufer D, Neylan TC. Preliminary Evidence of Increased Hippocampal Myelin Content in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015; 9:333.
Scott JA, Braskie MN, Tosun D, Thompson PM, Weiner M, DeCarli C, Carmichael OT, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Cerebral Amyloid and Hypertension are Independently Associated with White Matter Lesions in Elderly. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015; 7:221.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Jagust W, Weiner MW, Alzheimer''s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Discriminative Power of Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging and 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Changes for Amyloid-β-Positive Subjects in the Alzheimer's Disease Continuum. Neurodegener Dis. 2016; 16(1-2):87-94.
Tosun D, Siddarth P, Levitt J, Caplan R. Cortical thickness and sulcal depth: insights on development and psychopathology in paediatric epilepsy. BJPsych Open. 2015 Oct; 1(2):129-135.
Sacuiu S, Insel PS, Mueller S, Tosun D, Mattsson N, Jack CR, DeCarli C, Petersen R, Aisen PS, Weiner MW, Mackin RS, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Chronic Depressive Symptomatology in Mild Cognitive Impairment Is Associated with Frontal Atrophy Rate which Hastens Conversion to Alzheimer Dementia. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2016 Feb; 24(2):126-35.
Insel PS, Mattsson N, Mackin RS, Kornak J, Nosheny R, Tosun-Turgut D, Donohue MC, Aisen PS, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Biomarkers and cognitive endpoints to optimize trials in Alzheimer's disease. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2015 May; 2(5):534-47.
Song Z, Insel PS, Buckley S, Yohannes S, Mezher A, Simonson A, Wilkins S, Tosun D, Mueller S, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Weiner MW. Brain amyloid-β burden is associated with disruption of intrinsic functional connectivity within the medial temporal lobe in cognitively normal elderly. J Neurosci. 2015 Feb 18; 35(7):3240-7.
Raj A, LoCastro E, Kuceyeski A, Tosun D, Relkin N, Weiner M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Network Diffusion Model of Progression Predicts Longitudinal Patterns of Atrophy and Metabolism in Alzheimer's Disease. Cell Rep. 2015 Jan 20; 10(3):359-369.
Mattsson N, Insel PS, Nosheny R, Tosun D, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Jack CR, Donohue MC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Emerging β-amyloid pathology and accelerated cortical atrophy. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Jun; 71(6):725-34.
Laforce R, Tosun D, Ghosh P, Lehmann M, Madison CM, Weiner MW, Miller BL, Jagust WJ, Rabinovici GD. Parallel ICA of FDG-PET and PiB-PET in three conditions with underlying Alzheimer's pathology. Neuroimage Clin. 2014; 4:508-16.
Mattsson N, Tosun D, Insel PS, Simonson A, Jack CR, Beckett LA, Donohue M, Jagust W, Schuff N, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Association of brain amyloid-β with cerebral perfusion and structure in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. Brain. 2014 May; 137(Pt 5):1550-61.
Tosun D, Joshi S, Weiner MW, the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Multimodal MRI-based Imputation of the Aβ+ in Early Mild Cognitive Impairment. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2014 Mar; 1(3):160-170.
Mattsson N, Insel P, Tosun D, Zhang J, Jack CR, Galasko D, Weiner M, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Effects of baseline CSF α-synuclein on regional brain atrophy rates in healthy elders, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One. 2013; 8(12):e85443.
Mattsson N, Insel P, Nosheny R, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Jack CR, Tosun D, Weiner M, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Effects of cerebrospinal fluid proteins on brain atrophy rates in cognitively healthy older adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Mar; 35(3):614-22.
Tosun D, Joshi S, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Neuroimaging predictors of brain amyloidosis in mild cognitive impairment. Ann Neurol. 2013 Aug; 74(2):188-98.
Mattsson N, Insel P, Nosheny R, Zetterberg H, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Tosun D, Weiner M, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. CSF protein biomarkers predicting longitudinal reduction of CSF β-amyloid42 in cognitively healthy elders. Transl Psychiatry. 2013 Aug 20; 3:e293.
Liu X, Tosun D, Weiner MW, Schuff N, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Locally linear embedding (LLE) for MRI based Alzheimer's disease classification. Neuroimage. 2013 Dec; 83:148-57.
Cardenas VA, Tosun D, Chao LL, Fletcher PT, Joshi S, Weiner MW, Schuff N. Voxel-wise co-analysis of macro- and microstructural brain alteration in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease using anatomical and diffusion MRI. J Neuroimaging. 2014 Sep-Oct; 24(5):435-43.
Naylor MG, Cardenas VA, Tosun D, Schuff N, Weiner M, Schwartzman A. Voxelwise multivariate analysis of multimodality magnetic resonance imaging. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014 Mar; 35(3):831-46.
Mackin RS, Tosun D, Mueller SG, Lee JY, Insel P, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Arean P, Nelson JC, Weiner MW. Patterns of reduced cortical thickness in late-life depression and relationship to psychotherapeutic response. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Aug; 21(8):794-802.
Mackin RS, Insel P, Tosun D, Mueller SG, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Raptentsetsang ST, Lee JY, Jack CR, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. The effect of subsyndromal symptoms of depression and white matter lesions on disability for individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Sep; 21(9):906-14.
Mackin RS, Tosun D, Mueller SG, Lee JY, Insel P, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Arean P, Nelson JC, Weiner MW. Patterns of Reduced Cortical Thickness in Late-Life Depression and Relationship to Psychotherapeutic Response. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 17.
Luders E, Sánchez FJ, Tosun D, Shattuck DW, Gaser C, Vilain E, Toga AW. Increased Cortical Thickness in Male-to-Female Transsexualism. J Behav Brain Sci. 2012 Aug; 2(3):357-362.
Tosun D, Rosen H, Miller BL, Weiner MW, Schuff N. MRI patterns of atrophy and hypoperfusion associations across brain regions in frontotemporal dementia. Neuroimage. 2012 Feb 01; 59(3):2098-109.
Chiang GC, Insel PS, Tosun D, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Raptentsetsang ST, Thompson PM, Reiman EM, Jack CR, Fox NC, Jagust WJ, Harvey DJ, Beckett LA, Gamst A, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Impact of apolipoprotein E4-cerebrospinal fluid β-amyloid interaction on hippocampal volume loss over 1 year in mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Sep; 7(5):514-20.
Scanlon C, Mueller SG, Tosun D, Cheong I, Garcia P, Barakos J, Weiner MW, Laxer KD. Impact of methodologic choice for automatic detection of different aspects of brain atrophy by using temporal lobe epilepsy as a model. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 Oct; 32(9):1669-76.
Zhang Y, Schuff N, Ching C, Tosun D, Zhan W, Nezamzadeh M, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Gorno-Tempini ML, Miller BL, Weiner MW. Joint assessment of structural, perfusion, and diffusion MRI in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia. Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2011; 2011:546871.
Tosun D, Caplan R, Siddarth P, Seidenberg M, Gurbani S, Toga AW, Hermann B. Intelligence and cortical thickness in children with complex partial seizures. Neuroimage. 2011 Jul 15; 57(2):337-45.
Chiang GC, Insel PS, Tosun D, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Raptentsetsang S, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Identifying cognitively healthy elderly individuals with subsequent memory decline by using automated MR temporoparietal volumes. Radiology. 2011 Jun; 259(3):844-51.
Tosun D, Siddarth P, Toga AW, Hermann B, Caplan R. Effects of childhood absence epilepsy on associations between regional cortical morphometry and aging and cognitive abilities. Hum Brain Mapp. 2011 Apr; 32(4):580-91.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Mathis CA, Jagust W, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease NeuroImaging Initiative. Spatial patterns of brain amyloid-beta burden and atrophy rate associations in mild cognitive impairment. Brain. 2011 Apr; 134(Pt 4):1077-88.
Durazzo TC, Tosun D, Buckley S, Gazdzinski S, Mon A, Fryer SL, Meyerhoff DJ. Cortical thickness, surface area, and volume of the brain reward system in alcohol dependence: relationships to relapse and extended abstinence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2011 Jun; 35(6):1187-200.
Tosun D, Dabbs K, Caplan R, Siddarth P, Toga A, Seidenberg M, Hermann B. Deformation-based morphometry of prospective neurodevelopmental changes in new onset paediatric epilepsy. Brain. 2011 Apr; 134(Pt 4):1003-14.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease NeuroImaging Initiative. Relationship between CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease and rates of regional cortical thinning in ADNI data. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011; 26 Suppl 3:77-90.
Chiang GC, Insel PS, Tosun D, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Raptentsetsang ST, Jack CR, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Hippocampal atrophy rates and CSF biomarkers in elderly APOE2 normal subjects. Neurology. 2010 Nov 30; 75(22):1976-81.
Schuff N, Tosun D, Insel PS, Chiang GC, Truran D, Aisen PS, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Nonlinear time course of brain volume loss in cognitively normal and impaired elders. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 May; 33(5):845-55.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Truran-Sacrey D, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Aisen P, Peterson R, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Relations between brain tissue loss, CSF biomarkers, and the ApoE genetic profile: a longitudinal MRI study. Neurobiol Aging. 2010 Aug; 31(8):1340-54.
Jack CR, Bernstein MA, Borowski BJ, Gunter JL, Fox NC, Thompson PM, Schuff N, Krueger G, Killiany RJ, Decarli CS, Dale AM, Carmichael OW, Tosun D, Weiner MW, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Update on the magnetic resonance imaging core of the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative. Alzheimers Dement. 2010 May; 6(3):212-20.
Tosun D, Mojabi P, Weiner MW, Schuff N. Joint analysis of structural and perfusion MRI for cognitive assessment and classification of Alzheimer's disease and normal aging. Neuroimage. 2010 Aug 01; 52(1):186-97.
Tosun D, Schuff N, Weiner M. An integrated multimodality MR brain imaging study: gray matter tissue loss mediates the association between cerebral hypoperfusion and Alzheimer's disease. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2009; 2009:6981-4.
Tosun D, Prince JL. A geometry-driven optical flow warping for spatial normalization of cortical surfaces. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2008 Dec; 27(12):1739-53.
Tosun D, Duchesne S, Rolland Y, Toga AW, Vérin M, Barillot C. 3-D analysis of cortical morphometry in differential diagnosis of Parkinson's plus syndromes: mapping frontal lobe cortical atrophy in progressive supranuclear palsy patients. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2007; 10(Pt 2):891-9.
Tosun D, Rettmann ME, Naiman DQ, Resnick SM, Kraut MA, Prince JL. Cortical reconstruction using implicit surface evolution: accuracy and precision analysis. Neuroimage. 2006 Feb 01; 29(3):838-52.
Rettmann ME, Tosun D, Tao X, Resnick SM, Prince JL. Program for Assisted Labeling of Sulcal Regions (PALS): description and reliability. Neuroimage. 2005 Jan 15; 24(2):398-416.
Tosun D, Prince JL. Cortical surface alignment using geometry driven multispectral optical flow. Inf Process Med Imaging. 2005; 19:480-92.
Han X, Pham DL, Tosun D, Rettmann ME, Xu C, Prince JL. CRUISE: cortical reconstruction using implicit surface evolution. Neuroimage. 2004 Nov; 23(3):997-1012.
Tosun D, Rettmann ME, Prince JL. Mapping techniques for aligning sulci across multiple brains. Med Image Anal. 2004 Sep; 8(3):295-309.
Tosun D, Rettmann ME, Han X, Tao X, Xu C, Resnick SM, Pham DL, Prince JL. Cortical surface segmentation and mapping. Neuroimage. 2004; 23 Suppl 1:S108-18.