Ultra-short and Zero TE for Bone and Lung Imaging: Enlightening the Invisible


January 20, 201501/20/2015 8:00am 01/20/2015 8:00am Ultra-short and Zero TE for Bone and Lung Imaging: Enlightening the Invisible

Invited Lecturer

Florian Wiesinger, PhD
Senior Scientist
GE Global Research

Florian Wiesinger, PhD, studied Technical Physics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.  His master thesis was on Coronary MRA at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston (Supervisor:  Matthias Stuber & Warren Manning).  This was followed by a PhD at ETH and University Zurich on parallel magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high fields (Supervisor:  Klaas Pruessmann & Kamil Ugurbil).  In 2004 he won the ISMRM Young Investigator Award and the ETH Intellectric competition.

After finishing his PhD in 2005 he joined GE Global Research in Munich.  Since then he was working on various topics including Parallel Transmit and B1 field mapping, Hyperpolarized 13C Molecular Imaging, Magnetic Field Monitoring, RF coil simulation, hybrid PET/MR and zero TE imaging.

America/Los_Angeles public



Time Duration

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Invited Lecturer

Florian Wiesinger, PhD
Senior Scientist
GE Global Research

Florian Wiesinger, PhD, studied Technical Physics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.  His master thesis was on Coronary MRA at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston (Supervisor:  Matthias Stuber & Warren Manning).  This was followed by a PhD at ETH and University Zurich on parallel magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high fields (Supervisor:  Klaas Pruessmann & Kamil Ugurbil).  In 2004 he won the ISMRM Young Investigator Award and the ETH Intellectric competition.

After finishing his PhD in 2005 he joined GE Global Research in Munich.  Since then he was working on various topics including Parallel Transmit and B1 field mapping, Hyperpolarized 13C Molecular Imaging, Magnetic Field Monitoring, RF coil simulation, hybrid PET/MR and zero TE imaging.
