Ninth Annual Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research Symposium


October 30, 201210/30/2012 7:00am 10/30/2012 7:00am Ninth Annual Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research Symposium

The Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging’s Annual Research Symposium has grown in scope each year, serving as a touchstone for the array of reseaarch performed in the department. The Ninth Annual Imaging Research Symposium will “provide a snapshot of the diversity and depth of the excellence in research in our department" according to Sharmila Majumdar, PhD, Vice-Chair of Research. It brings the achievements of high school, college, medical and graduate students, post-docs, fellows, residents and faculty to the forefront at oral presentations and a large poster session.

Scheduled for October 30, 2012, the symposium is open to the UCSF and scientific communities. The Imaging Research Symposium will begin at 1:00 PM in Cole Hall at UCSF’s Parnasssus Campus and will feature brief oral presentations, which will cover a variety of topics and approaches to imaging research. At 4:30 PM, a poster session and presentation of the annual Bruce Hasegawa Award will be held in the City Lights and Golden Gate rooms at Millberry Union.

More information about the Research Symposium is available at

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Time Duration

1:00 PM - Cole Hall, Parnassus Campus (oral presentations)

The Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging’s Annual Research Symposium has grown in scope each year, serving as a touchstone for the array of reseaarch performed in the department. The Ninth Annual Imaging Research Symposium will “provide a snapshot of the diversity and depth of the excellence in research in our department" according to Sharmila Majumdar, PhD, Vice-Chair of Research. It brings the achievements of high school, college, medical and graduate students, post-docs, fellows, residents and faculty to the forefront at oral presentations and a large poster session.

Scheduled for October 30, 2012, the symposium is open to the UCSF and scientific communities. The Imaging Research Symposium will begin at 1:00 PM in Cole Hall at UCSF’s Parnasssus Campus and will feature brief oral presentations, which will cover a variety of topics and approaches to imaging research. At 4:30 PM, a poster session and presentation of the annual Bruce Hasegawa Award will be held in the City Lights and Golden Gate rooms at Millberry Union.

More information about the Research Symposium is available at
