Jusuk Lee, PhD

Associate Specialist
Associate Specialist


Ph.D., 01/2009 - Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
M.S., 01/2006 - Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
B.S., 05/2002 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley


Macaluso R, Giffhorn M, Prokup S, Cleland B, Lee J, Lim B, Lee M, Lee HJ, Madhavan S, Jayaraman A. Safety & efficacy of a robotic hip exoskeleton on outpatient stroke rehabilitation. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2024 Jul 30; 21(1):127.
Culvenor AG, West TJ, Bruder AM, Scholes MJ, Barton CJ, Roos EM, Oei EHG, McPhail SM, Souza RB, Lee J, Patterson BE, Girdwood MA, Couch JL, Crossley KM. Recruitment and baseline characteristics of young adults at risk of early-onset knee osteoarthritis after ACL reconstruction in the SUPER-Knee trial. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2024; 10(2):e001909.
Culvenor AG, West TJ, Bruder AM, Scholes MJ, Barton CJ, Roos EM, Oei E, McPhail SM, Souza RB, Lee J, Patterson BE, Girdwood MA, Couch JL, Crossley KM. SUpervised exercise-therapy and Patient Education Rehabilitation (SUPER) versus minimal intervention for young adults at risk of knee osteoarthritis after ACL reconstruction: SUPER-Knee randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open. 2023 01 18; 13(1):e068279.
Jayaraman C, Embry KR, Mummidisetty CK, Moon Y, Giffhorn M, Prokup S, Lim B, Lee J, Lee Y, Lee M, Jayaraman A. Modular hip exoskeleton improves walking function and reduces sedentary time in community-dwelling older adults. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2022 Dec 30; 19(1):144.
Lee M, Kim J, Hyung S, Lee J, Seo K, Park Y, Cho J, Choi B, Shim Y, and Choi H. A Compact Ankle Exoskeleton with a Multi-axis Parallel Linkage Mechanism. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2020; 26:191-202.
Lim B, Jang J, Lee J, Choi B, Lee Y, and Shim Y. Delayed Output Feedback Control for Gait Assistance and Resistance Using a Robotic Exoskeleton. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019; 4(4):3521-3528.
Seo K, Park YJ, Lee J, Hyung S, Lee M, Kim J, Choi H, Shim Y. RNN-Based On-Line Continuous Gait Phase Estimation from Shank-Mounted IMUs to Control Ankle Exoskeletons. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2019 Jun; 2019:809-815.
Lim B, Lee J, Jang J, Kim K, Park YJ, Seo K, and Shim Y. Delayed Output Feedback Control for Gait Assistance With a Robotic Hip Exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2019; 35(4):1055-1062.
Lim B, Hwang SH, Hyung S, Lee J, Shim Y, and Choi B. Ankle pathologic gait assistance of a hip exoskeleton: Simulation and experiment. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018; 3(3):2190-2197.
Lee SH, Lee HJ, Chang WH, Choi BO, Lee J, Kim J, Ryu GH, Kim YH. Gait performance and foot pressure distribution during wearable robot-assisted gait in elderly adults. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2017 Nov 28; 14(1):123.
Choi H, Park YJ, Seo K, Lee J, Lee S, and Shim Y. A Multifunctional Ankle Exoskeleton for Mobility Enhancement of Gait-Impaired Individuals and Seniors. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2017; 3(1):411-418.
Seo K, Lee J, Park YJ. Autonomous hip exoskeleton saves metabolic cost of walking uphill. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2017 Jul; 2017:246-251.
Lee J, Seo K, Lim B, Jang J, Kim K, Choi H. Effects of assistance timing on metabolic cost, assistance power, and gait parameters for a hip-type exoskeleton. IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot. 2017 Jul; 2017:498-504.
Mongeau JM, Demir A, Lee J, Cowan NJ, Full RJ. Locomotion- and mechanics-mediated tactile sensing: antenna reconfiguration simplifies control during high-speed navigation in cockroaches. J Exp Biol. 2013 Dec 15; 216(Pt 24):4530-41.