"Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Raising the Ceiling, or Raising the Floor?"


April 28, 201604/28/2016 12:00pm 04/28/2016 12:00pm "Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Raising the Ceiling, or Raising the Floor?" 556 America/Los_Angeles public



Time Duration

12-1:00 pm


BH-212, Byers Hall at Mission Bay.


Matthew Scott Davenport, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Director of Body MRI
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI

Matthew S. Davenport, MD FSAR FSCBTMR is an assistant professor of Radiology and Urology at the University of Michigan Health System, where he serves as the Director of Body MRI and the chair of the Michigan Radiology Quality Collaborative. His primary research interests are contrast media, genitourinary imaging, image-guided procedures, and quality improvement. He is an internationally recognized expert on contrast media, serving as a consultant to the US Food and Drug Administration (MIDAC), Associate Editor on contrast media for Radiology, and member of the ACR Committee on Drugs and Contrast Media, where he has co-authored numerous chapters for the ACR Manual on Contrast Media. Dr. Davenport has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and one book, and is the recipient of over 30 awards for scientific and clinical excellence.