ci2 Training Webinar - Introduction to Unix Command Line


May 5, 202005/05/2020 2:00pm 05/05/2020 2:00pm ci2 Training Webinar - Introduction to Unix Command Line

Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) - BCHSI and Gladstone Institutes Training Webinar

Introduction to Unix Command Line

Knowing how to use the command line of your computer can save you a lot of time. In this workshop, you will learn how to navigate the Unix terminal. The only thing you need is a Mac or Linux laptop (you can use Windows if you can’t access a Linux machine).


America/Los_Angeles public



Time Duration

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Virtual Meeting

Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) - BCHSI and Gladstone Institutes Training Webinar

Introduction to Unix Command Line

Knowing how to use the command line of your computer can save you a lot of time. In this workshop, you will learn how to navigate the Unix terminal. The only thing you need is a Mac or Linux laptop (you can use Windows if you can’t access a Linux machine).

