
“The San Francisco VA has taken care of me from head to toe. I owe them my life.” These were the words from James K. Theriault, who shared the story of his recent journey from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, where he underwent a crucial procedure to address his blocked carotid and vertebral arteries, performed by the world renowned Interventional Radiology department at the San Francisco VA Medical Center.

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) is a means of measuring bone density, but a recent article in the Wall Street Journal is highlighting another way in which the imaging exam can be used to benefit your health.

Are you interested in mastering biomedical imaging and research methods to enhance your research designs and broaden your investigative projects? Enrollment to UCSF’s Masters of Science in Biomedical Imaging (MSBI) program for Fall 2016 begins on November 16, 2015!

The radiology researchers at UCSF are unique, because we are a clinical department that provides a service: Interpreting radiologic images for patients in our clinics and hospitals. But there is also this significant amount of research by world-renown PhDs and MDs.

The American Cancer Society recently made a revision in their recommendations on when women should begin to receive screening mammograms for breast cancer. According to UCSF Chief of Breast Imaging, Dr. Bonnie Joe, choosing to screen later or less often will result in fewer false positives but at a cost of lives lost to breast cancer. Early detection is the key to saving lives. 

Hyperpolarized MRI allows us to pinpoint cancers that could not be detected very well anatomically, and monitor their rate of progression. We can also learn if therapies have hit their target and measure quantitatively whether they did what was intended.
