
Scientists from UCSF are changing the widespread doubt about sensory processing disorder, and proving that there may, in fact, be major biological differences in the brains of children with sensory processing problems compared to typically developing children.

The US Preventative Services Task Force has released new recommendations in favor of annual CT lung cancer screening for long-term smokers. The decision is yet another step forward for screening advocates and the change in policy has the potential to save 20,000 lives each year, experts say.

The central feature of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes referred to as "Obamacare", is set to be implemented beginning January 1, 2014. On that date millions of Americans will gain access to insurance coverage either through an expansion of the Medicaid program or by new opportunities to purchase private health insurance through a Marketplace Exchange. In California, the Medicaid program is called Medi-Cal and the new Marketplace Exchange is called Covered California.

Men with low-grade prostate cancer are increasingly opting for active surveillance to manage their disease and diagnostic imaging tests may play an important role in this setting.

It was a quiet morning on Saturday, July 6. Radiology resident Kim Kallianos, MD, was handling routine cases at San Francisco General Hospital & Trauma Center (SFGH) during her first day of call as a third-year resident. 

The Department of Radiology’s Benjamin Yeh, MD, and Yanjun Fu, PhD, have been named the top winners for the Spring 2013 Catalyst Awards, a major awards program at UC San Francisco.
