
Positron emission tomography imaging (PET) has become the standard for the staging, restaging and the monitoring of treatment response in a variety of tumors. Recent studies have suggested that this technique is of value for the assessment of recurrent disease after the resection of liver or pulmonary lesions by radio-frequency ablation (RFA).

The iOS platform, and specifically the iPad device with its large screen real-estate, has generated a substantial amount of enthusiasm from a variety of users within our Radiology Department. Undeniably the most common question has been, “How can I look at medical images on these devices?” And, to date, there has not been a clear answer.

An article in the February issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology provides further support for the benefits of screening mammography starting at age 40. The Women’s Imaging Section at UCSF continues to support the American Cancer Society guidelines of annual mammography screening starting at age 40.

According to an article on, a study has found that "the use of CT scanning to evaluate abdominal pain in emergency departments can help physicians arrive at a diagnosis quickly and decisively,” and that “information provided by CT scans changed treatment plans for almost half the patients studied and significantly reduced probable hospital admissions."

The following is a guest post from John MacKenzie, M.D., Chief of Pediatric Radiology, Assistant Professor in Residence.

This is the second installment of a two-part series on screening for lung cancer with CT.
