Exciting Changes in UCSF Neuroradiology!
As of June 1st, the UCSF Department of Radiology will undergo a major change to the department’s leadership structure. It is with great excitement that we celebrate and acknowledge two great careers – one leaving behind a tremendous legacy and the other bringing fresh perspective for the future.
After 22 years as the chief of arguably the top Neuroradiology section the world, Dr. William Dillon has decided to step down as section chief, effective June 1, 2015. The Department of Radiology is pleased to welcome Dr. Chris Hess to the role of new section chief for Neuroradiology!
In 1983, following his fellowship at UCSF, Dr. Dillon joined the faculty of Radiology and advanced through the ranks to Professor of Radiology, Neurology and Neurosurgery. He was appointed neuroradiology section chief in 1992 and in 1997 was named Vice Chair for Research. In 2004 he was honored with the Elizabeth A. Guillaumin Endowed Professorship of Radiology and three years later Dr. Dillon became the Executive Vice-Chair of the Department of Radiology at UCSF. During this reorganization, Dr. Dillon will remain in his critical role as Executive Vice Chair of the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.
Among his many amazing academic accomplishments, including authoring over 260 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, over 30 chapters to medical texts and reviews, and co-editing two Neuroradiology textbooks, perhaps the greatest legacy that Dr. Dillon will leave is recruiting and training over 170 accomplished fellows, residents and faculty members in neuroradiology.
For his work, Dr. Dillon has received the Gold Medal Award from the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (2007), the Francis A. Sooy, M.D. Award for Clinical Excellence from the Department of Otolaryngology (1992), the J. Elliott Royer Award for Academic Contributions to Neurology from the San Francisco Neurological Society (2011), the ASNR Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research (2013) and the Gold Medal Award from the American Society of Neuroradiology in 2015. He served as Senior Editor of the American Journal of Neuroradiology from 1998-2011, President of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology in 1993 and President of the ASNR in 2001. He continues to be active in the leadership of both societies, most recently chairing the 2013 strategic plan review for the ASNR.
Christopher P. Hess, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiology and Neurology, joined the faculty in 2008 after completing his residency and fellowship at UCSF, internship at California Pacific Medical Center, and medical and graduate school at the University of Illinois. He currently serves as Associate Chair for Quality & Safety and has previously held the positions of Neuroradiology Fellowship Director, T32 Program Associate Director, and Chief of Neuroradiology at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center. He is recognized internationally as an outstanding neuroradiologist and researcher, with expertise in computational neuroimaging, high field and diffusion MRI, and vascular disorders. He is on the editorial board of the American Journal of Neuroradiology and PLoS ONE, is the chair for the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group, and the RSNA Refresher Course Track Chair for neuroradiology.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Dillon for a fantastic 22 years in the role and Dr. Hess as we look to the future of the section!